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Draft:Robert B Begley

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Robert Begley was a distinguished figure in business and education. Begley's influence began with the expansion of his family's drugstore business, which evolved into a network of 22 retail outlets.Begley combined his business experience with his commitment to community service, to become a prominent figure in the central and eastern Kentucky region. Begley made a big impact in education by giving advice or sponsoring others, when he joined EKU’s Board of Regents in 1968.


Robert B. Begley, was born in London (Laurel County), Kentucky, July 23, 1912. He was the son of Judge W. E. Begley and Mrs. Telitha Begley .Robert Begley received his early education in the London City Schools at Sue Bennett Elementary School and London High School. He received his Degree of Ph & in Pharmacy at the Louisville College of Pharmacy extension of University of Kentucky, Louisville, Kentucky, in 1932.


Robert Begley graduated from both Kentucky and Louisville University with a degree. He began working at his family owned drug store, Begley Drugstore, when he was in high school and college. Byron B. Begley, his older brother, opened the first Begley Drug Store in London in 1921. Which was the forerunner of the Begley organization comprising 22 retail drug outlets in central and eastern Kentucky and a subsidiary company of 41 Big “B" One Hour Dry Cleaners operating in eight states. Upon completing Pharmacy college, Begley worked in the London store until he and his brother Byron formed a partnership to open the second store in Richmond in 1934. He and his brother operated this store and succeeding stores as partnerships until 1948.


Robert B. Begley was appointed to the board of regents in 1968. He was chosen because of his incredible resume and national affairs. Begley was a former regional vice president of the Kentucky Chamber of Commerce, served as vice president of the Blue Grass Council, Boy Scouts of America. He was a past president of Affiliated Drug Stores, New York, and served on the boards of the Kentucky Retail Federation, the Richmond Municipal Housing Commission and the National Citizens Committee on Civil Rights. When president Martin retired Begley had the power to find candidates and pick the new president. Through his leadership role as member and chairman of the Board of Regents that spanned a dozen years, he made many contributions to the University that cannot easily be measured. He was serving his 3rd and 4th term on the board of regents when he passed away.


President Martin admired Begley’s leadership and perseverance, so Martin built a building in his honor during his presidency. The Begley’s building is nine stories tall and can hold 20,000 football fans on one side of the field. However; there are more uses of this facility than just for football. This building was designed to serve nearly 2,000 students hourly in classes which includes three gymnasiums, 12 hand-ball courts, 36 classrooms, 60 offices and the dressing facilities for physical education. In 2024, some parts are under construction for the use of more football related activities. Other parts of the building are used for the schools’ marching band and opposing school locker room. “The football stadium is used only 5-6 times a year. The right approach is to make this an education facility”, Martin states to The Eastern Progress.

DEATH While on a business trip in 1979 Robert Begley died of a Heart attack. His son Robert J. Begley succeeded him and took his spot on the Board of Regents and as vice chairman of the Begley company.



Begley, Robert. “ Begley company” Robert J Begley, https://bobbegley.com/about-u April 15 2024 This is a written-out sheet of his business that he passed down to his son. It gives us information about Robert B Begley life and achievements.

Begley Building,” 1970, Begley, coll., Eastern Kentucky University Libraries, Special Collections & Archives Digital Collections https://digitalcollections.eku.edu/exhibits/show/discovereku/campusbeautiful/classroom/begley

This piece of artifact is a photograph of the begley building when it was first being built in 1970. It shows the stature of the width and how big it is Board of regents,meeting letter, Jan 10, 1972 Eastern Kentucky University Libraries, Special Collections & Archives. https://policies.eku.edu/sites/policies.eku.edu/files/4.6.2_adjunct_faculty_archived.pdf

This document is from the board of regents at EKU in 1972. This meeting is where they conducted the new guidelines for staff and students. Robert Begley was on this board and helped come up with the final decision as president Martins right hand man. Robert B Begley, interviewed by William E. Ellis, 1977, Robert R. Martin Oral History Project, William H. Berge Oral History Center, Eastern Kentucky University Libraries, Special Collections & Archives. https://omeka.eku.edu/ohms-viewer/render.php?cachefile=1977oh067-begley.xml#segment444

This interview of Robert Begley is just a breakdown of his life. It tells us where he is from. Mostly talk about the connection with President Martin and his plan to run the campus. This interview mostly talks about president Martin and their connection Taylor, Diana. “ Board empowers Begley to lead search committee” Eastern Progress April 22 1976. P.1 “Begley Building,” Digital Collections, accessed April 9, 2024, https://digitalcollections.eku.edu/items/show/45874. The Robert B Begley building, Eastern Progress, 1970, p.https://issuu.com/easternkentuckyu/docs/1970_homecoming_game Newspaper information about the begley building when it first opened. It gives descriptions of what is inside the building which in can .hold 20,000 football fans on one side of the field, however there are more uses of this facility than just for football. This building is designed to serve nearly 2,000 students hourly in classes which includes three gymnasiums, 12 hand-ball courts, 36 classrooms, 60 offices and the dressing facilities for physical education “ This is the genealogy of his life, he was born February 18, 1932 in Bledsoe, Kentucky. Robert was the son of the late Oscar and Mallie Huff Begley. Dating his children and what he did in life. https://encompass.eku.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1027&context=progress_1975- 76 This is when Robert R Martin Begley had the power to find candidates and pick the next eku president. He had this power after President Martin resigned.