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Draft:Sterling Sound

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Sterling Sound in Edgewater, NJ
Sterling Sound in Edgewater, NJ

Sterling Sound is an audio mastering studio based in Edgewater, NJ, and Nashville, TN.[1]

In 1968, Sterling Sound became the first studio in the US to cut stereo discs, which opened up a whole new creative world for transfer engineers, who could now affect stereo width, frequency balance, and dynamics. These engineers’ responsibilities included not only transferring audio recordings from one format to another but also improving fidelity in the process. As engineers made more and more creative decisions, the term “transfer engineer” eventually gave way to “mastering engineer.”[2]

In 1968, Lee Hulko established Sterling Sound in New York City.[3]

In its early years, Sterling Sound focused on mastering for vinyl records, which was the predominant format for music distribution at the time. The studio's engineers were known for their expertise in creating the best possible sound for the analog medium.

As technology evolved, so did Sterling Sound. The studio embraced new formats such as CDs and digital mastering techniques. Over the years, they upgraded their equipment and facilities to stay at the forefront of audio mastering technology.

Sterling Sound underwent changes in ownership over the years. In 1998, Ted Jensen, a highly respected mastering engineer, became a co-owner. Jensen's influence and expertise further solidified Sterling Sound's position as one of the leading mastering studios in the industry.

In 2001, Sterling Sound relocated to Chelsea Market, a historic building in Manhattan. The new facility was designed to accommodate the evolving needs of mastering in the digital age.

In 2018, Sterling left the Chelsea Market location and built out two studios - one in Edgewater, NJ and one in Nashville, TN.[4]

Sterling Sound in Edgewater, NJ
Chris Gehringer's room at Sterling Sound in Edgewater, NJ

  1. ^ https://sterling-sound.com/
  2. ^ "Mastering Music: A Century of History". 2 November 2022.
  3. ^ https://www.discogs.com/label/133430-Sterling-Sound-Inc
  4. ^ "2018 Expansion | NASHVILLE, TN | EDGEWATER, NJ".