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Syntropism is a transhumanist philosophical framework formulated by K. Hallouk in 2021. Built on the concept of syntropy, which signifies a tendency towards increasing order and organization as opposed to entropy, Syntropism extends transhumanism into a broader context. It advocates for the continuous pursuit of cognitive and physical enhancement through technoscientific means as the most significant endeavor for intelligent lifeforms. Unlike traditional transhumanism, which primarily focuses on overcoming human limitations, Syntropism views the pursuit of selfsophistication as an end in itself, transcending species-specific boundaries and focusing on the relentless enhancement of capabilities via technology.


The core principles of Syntropism include endless improvement, a generalist and holistic approach, and distinct symbolism. It emphasizes the continuous sophistication of biological systems through technology as the main engine of civilizational development. Syntropism operates through a reductionist and maximalist approach, prioritizing the abstraction of natural laws and their application to generate more diversity, knowledge, and complexity. The philosophy is symbolized by a hollow circle (〇) on an empty background, representing a system that expands to encompass and harness the entirety of 'potentially alterable reality', termed "Omniverse." This symbol reflects the process of selective diversification, integrating only the best elements into the system.


Syntropism has its origins on Reddit, were it was first introduced by Syntrop (K. Hallouk) in 2021.The philosophy was later clarified by him in the article "Defining Syntropism, Syntropes and related concepts" and reformulated into a manifesto in 2024 named "Syntropism, Original Manifesto and Definition." The framework was proposed to address the "meaning crisis" anticipated with rapid technological advancements, offering a more universal approach to transhumanism. Syntropism emphasizes active engagement with progress through science and selfimprovement, with cultural, philosophical, and artistic advancements seen as natural byproducts of this pursuit.

Misappropriation, Plagiarism & E/acc Movement

Since its inception in 2021, Syntropism has faced misappropriation and plagiarism. Some individuals have distorted its rationalist essence with pseudoscientific religious narratives. Additionally, The Effective Accelerationism (E/acc) movement which emerged in late 2022 has also been criticized for plagiarizing significant portions of Syntropism's principles and symbolism from Syntrop's original posts on the r/singularity subreddit. These misappropriations have led to significant confusion, prompting Syntrop to publish a document in 2024 addressing these issues and defending the original definition and discourse of Syntropism.

Influence of Extropianism

Syntropism, while drawing minor influence from Extropianism (a transhumanist philosophy developed by Max More in the 1990s) primarily stands on its own. Both philosophies reference the concept of negentropy (a tendency from disorder to order) in their names. However, Syntropism diverges by offering a more comprehensive and technologically focused framework, presenting a scientifically grounded approach to self-improvement and civilizational development.



[1] [2]

  1. ^ "Syntropism, a Case Against Plagiarism and Pseudoscientific Semantic Alterations of the Initial Definition and Discourse (E/Acc, and some Ideologists). Syntrop (K.Hallouk)".
  2. ^ "Syntropism, Original Manifesto and Definition. Syntrop (K.Hallouk)".