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Draft:The American Political Party

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The American Political Party is a Political Party Established on January 6, 2021 by its Founder & National Director Jonathan Thomas Bailey in Spokane Valley Washington with an Extensive History dating as far back as 1819 in connection with The Whig Party & The Know Nothing Political Party. The American Political Party has a long history of Resurgence by branching off of the Republican Party as an Intelligence Agency working for and on behalf of The United States and United States Interests and played a Major Role in Research & Intelligence Operations throughout The Cold War. Under the Direction of the parties director, The American Political Party's most recent Activity include Forward & Rearward Observations in the Capitol Hill Protests in Seattle & Washington DC on j6, The Response to Shut Down Anthony Fauci's Covid Lockdown's and Vaccine Mandates, The Response to the War in Ukraine beginning On 24 February 2022 with Director Jonathan Thomas Bailey, Elon Reeves Musk, Dakota Meyers, and Save our Allies. The American Political Party continues to be involved in Covert Research and Intelligence Operations including the Push for the Epstein Files and Shawn Puffy Combs Files to be Unsealed in an Effort to steal the 2024 presidential election by exposing corruption amongst the contending candidates including their history of Involvement in Human & Child Sex Trafficking.

Although little is actually known about The American Political Party and its Nominee has not received Funding or Media Coverage, The American Political Party has built Strong Ties over several decades with Intelligence and other agencies both in the United States and Abroad and has been regarded as a House Hold brand of Politics relating to it's response in Ukraine leading to the Victory of the Battle for Kyiv, and for its involvement in The Epstein & Diddy File Releases hosted by the parties national director leading to the Summary Arrest of Shawn Puffy Combs. According to the parties director, he was the leader of a Homeless Youth Group in Santa Monica California Called SPY-Safe Place for Youth that got into a Conflict with The Epstein Group in late 1997 that lasted for more than 2 Decades leading to the Arrest of Officer Eric Uller from the Santa Monica Police Department where over 200 kids were molested and groomed for the entertainment of Bill Gates and other high profile élites and actors. Notably, The American Political Parties Director & Nominee has expressed National Security concerns that members of The Epstein Group associated with Epstein & Combs infiltrated Political Positions including establishing a Monopoly on the White House and are actively engaged in a Conspiracy to enslave and destroy The United States in order to cover up their crimes.

The Founder

Safe Place for Youth (SPY) was founded in 2011 by Alison Hurst, however, the Homeless Youth Groups Leader; who later became the Founder of The American Political Party and is known as "The Spy of Venice' played a major role in the programs development due to his Conflict with The Epstein Group. Because of his role as the youth group leader as one of the youth Epstein, Uller, and Combs released Dozens upon Dozens of kids to the youth group including Johnny Gosch and Alison Carter. Estimates and Counts suggested that 349 Active Youth occupied 3rd st Promenade in Santa Monica California in Military Fashion, had more than 1,800 members, and were known to the City of Santa Monica California as "The Ambassadors". Originally, the Homeless Youth Group was consolidated into an HIV prevention program called "Common Ground" later branched off to become SPY where members of the youth group reported being subject to HIV and Epidemiology Experiments as far back as 1998 influenced by Dr. Anthony Fauci & The Haskins Fellows at Rand Corporation as well as reports of witnessing Eric Uller running with Jeffrey Epstein and believes that Anthony Fauci set up Covert HIV Testing & Prevention strategies for the EpsteinDiddy Sex Trafficking Operations to prevent the elite clientele from contracting the Virus. The Founder of The American Political Party claims to be in a Sustained 25+ year conflict with Fauci & Epstein that lead to the Repeal of 50 USC 1520- Gain of Function under the Obama Administration between 2011-14, and reports having known Hunter Biden in his youth.

Political Views

The American Political Party is Centrist and believes in a 1 Party System as described in the Pledge of Allegiance- “One Nation under God” and maintains that Democrats & Republicans have been Disqualified under Federal & Constitutional Law from Office since The Rebellion & Insurrection of 1855. (18 U.S. Code § 2383/Amdt14.S3.1) The American Political Party is a Strong proponent of The De-Nazification of U.S. Law Enforcement stemming from Operation Paperclip and the Founders Family History links to Bailey V. Clinton 1778- "The Battle of Monmouth" and Identifies as Absolutist in reference to The 2nd Amendment citing that "Guns should be like Lawyers- if you cannot afford one, one shall be provided for you.


The American Political Party is considered a Nationalist Party that accepts All Races including White Nationalists, Brown Nationalists, Black Nationalists, and Native Americans

