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Draft:Truus de Groot

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Truus de Groot is a Dutch singer, composer and experimental electronica pioneer. Born in Eindhoven, The Netherlands she debuted as a chanteuse just at the beginning of the Punk craze in 1976. Playing in a number of Dutch bands, starting with Foolsband Doe Maar, that became a mega Dutch Pop band, followed by Nasmak. Concurrently she launched the project Plus Instruments that as a is still active today.

Truus' musical career spans over the last 4 + decades. Born in Eindhoven, The Netherlands. She debuted as a chanteuse just at the beginning of the Punk craze in 1976. Playing in a number of Dutch bands, starting with Foolsband Doe Maar, that became a mega Dutch Pop band, followed by internationally acclaimed, Nasmak, that recently reformed with a brand new catalog. Concurrently she launched the project Plus Instruments that is still active today. In 1979, she teamed up Michel Waisvisz, the inventor of the Crackle Synthesizer. It was the start of a brand new direction for her and one she has remained faithful to, blending it often with traditional styles with unexpected results. In 1981 she moved to New York City to continue her musical adventure that lasted through today in various experimental electronic forms. Today she performs various solo shows with her self-designed synthesizers as well with Plus Instruments in a collaborative effort with invited guests. Forming in 2016, Blue Beast is a running project with Miguel Barella (Brazil) that has yielded a number of albums in highly versatile genres all their own. Collaborations with Intige Taluure and Cold Void (with Luuk Bouwman and Rafaël Rozendaal) both yielded albums. 2017 and 2018 saw the releases of two solo projects of polar opposites, “Lineality”, a full length album of experiment analog synthesizers on an improvisational plateau, and The Wave Widows, a dark slow Surf instrumental with a traditional, Guitars / drums line-up. Throughout the Pandemic Truus collaborated with Cosmo Vitelli, French producer / DJ extraordinaire, that yielded the acclaimed album “Medhead” in March of 2022. Today she continues to collaborate with a wide range of musicians around the world. She resides in Escondido, California.



[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] <ref>https://www.mixcloud.com/CharlieWirawiri/special-2-truus-de-groot-interview-august-5-2021</ref

  1. ^ "Dr. Klangendum".
  2. ^ "Plus Instruments - et all".
  3. ^ "Plus Instruments - et all".
  4. ^ "Plus Instruments Anthology 1978 - present".
  5. ^ "Café Sonore: Worm hoorspel - Truus makes waves". 23 September 2012.
  6. ^ "Music for Dive Bars".
  7. ^ "Jim Sclavunos (12/12/2023)". 12 December 2023.
  8. ^ "Mixcloud".