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Faith Yokas

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Template:Third watch character

Faith P Yokas (nee Mitchell) is a fictional character played by actress Molly Price on the NBC television drama Third Watch, which ran from 1999 to 2005. Her life revolved around her job and family drama.


Faith is a hypocritical character, favouring her own values above those integral to her job. She always gets emotionally involved when a case involves children, making her even more impartial as a police officer.

She has a good sense of humour. Politically, Faith supports Hillary Clinton and as such is a Democrat. With her family, she lived in an apartment at 12 Simpson Street.


Faith grew up with an alcoholic father and a doormat mother, and was determined not to turn out the same way. She did turn up home drunk as a teenager, which caused her mother to admit she'd failed as a mother. This made a lasting impression on the young Faith.

She met her husband Fred Yokas in college and they married in 1989. They had two children, Emily and Charlie. Faith unfortunately was not strong enough to Faith's father in that he too was a drunk. After going through several part time jobs, such as off-duty security at the pharmacy, and "the record store police" and the "hamburger place police", Faith decided to become a cop in 1995 in order to have an opportunity to leave her husband. She later decided to stay with him. Fred resented Faith's decision to become a cop, claiming she was not home long enough to spend any time with the kids. Faith does herself worry about this, especially when Emily became a teenager. Faith once - while still married to him - arrested Fred.

Faith was partnered with Maurice 'Bosco' Boscorelli, whom she met and tutored at the Academy, in the squad car 55 David. Faith would often treat Bosco as if he were one of her kids. Fred resented the relationship between his wife and Bosco and as such did not get on with Bosco.

Faith had an abortion during the show's second season, without telling anyone. She'd felt the time wasn't right to have a third child. She lied to that everyone she'd miscarried, but accidentally let slip to Bosco what really happened. When Fred found out, he was hurt by his wife's lies.

Faith thought she might have breast cancer and on September 11, 2001 she went to see the doctor with Fred. After finding out that the lump may be harmless, the terrorist attacks happened and Faith went to the scene to help, despite it being her day off. She later had surgery to remove the risk of the cancer developing, and was prepared to have a mastectomy if needed. Luckily this was unnecessary, and Faith went on to make a full recovery.

In 2002 Faith thought of applying for the sergeant's test. She was accepted, to the joy of both her and Fred who thought she might be able to work better hours for more money and spent more time with her family. However, Bosco had been suffering from panic attacks due to 9/11 (although he was unaware why at this time) and upon discovering that Bosco needed help, Faith failed the test so that she could help him. This angered Fred, who stormed out - but returned to find Bosco breaking down in front of Faith. Bosco later saved Faith and Emily after they were held hostage in a bank.

Faith and Bosco "split up" at the end of the fourth season after Faith discovered Bosco had been lying to her about his involvement with Sgt Maritza Cruz. She was partnered up with Sasha Monroe. Later, Faith reluctantly accepted a promotion to detective, knowing she'd lied about murdering a man, which had led to the promotion.

Faith and Fred divorced during the show's fifth season after Fred, tired of his wife's uncaring attitude to their marriage, met someone else. Fred left, taking the kids with him, and a custody battle arose between him and Faith. Despite Fred winning custody of the kids, Emily chose to live with her mother while Charlie went to live with Fred. Later on in the series finale, after the 55th precinct was shut down, it was revealed that Faith Yokas reported to Major Crimes and found out that her boss was Captain Miller. They are thinking about moving in together once Emily finishes college.


  • Fred Yokas (ex-husband)
  • Emily Yokas (daughter)
  • Charlie Yokas (son)
  • Jack Mitchell (father)
  • Mona Mitchell (mother)
  • Stanley Mitchell (brother)
  • Marianne Mitchell (sister-in-law)
  • Andrew Mitchell (nephew)
  • Mary (aunt)