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i think that all this shit about the first empire and what not is FUCKING GAY
{{Infobox Former Country
|native_name = ''L'Empire des Français''
|conventional_long_name = Empire of the French<ref name="SHA">William R Shepherd: Shepherd's Historical Atlas, Ninth Edition, 1964. Barnes and Noble, New York. ISBN 06-013846-7.</ref>
|common_name = France
|continent = Europe
|region =
|country = France
|era = Napoleonic era
|status = Empire
|empire =
|government_type = Constitutional Monarchy
|event_start = Napoleon as emperor
|year_start = 1804
|date_start = 18 May
|event_end = Napoleon's abdication
|year_end = 1814
|date_end = 6 April
|life_span = 1804 – 1814
|event1 =
|date_event1 =
|event2 =
|date_event2 =
|event3 =
|date_event3 =
|event_pre =
|date_pre =
|event_post = Hundred Days
|date_post = 13 March - 15 July 1815
|p1 = French First Republic
|flag_p1 = Flag of France 1790-1794.PNG
|p2 = Holy Roman Empire
|flag_p2 = Banner of the Holy Roman Emperor (after 1400).svg
|p3 = Kingdom of Holland
|flag_p3 = Flag of the Netherlands.svg
|p4 = Austrian Empire
|flag_p4 = Flag of the Habsburg Monarchy.svg
|s1 = Bourbon Restoration
|flag_s1 = Pavillon royal de France.svg
|s2 = United Kingdom of the Netherlands
|flag_s2 = Flag of the Netherlands.svg
|s3 = Neutral Moresnet
|flag_s3 = Flag of Moresnet.svg
|s4 = Kingdom of Sardinia
|flag_s4 = Savoie flag.svg
|s5 = Austrian Empire
|flag_s5 = Flag of the Habsburg Monarchy.svg
|flag =
|flag_type =
|image_flag = Flag of France.svg
|symbol = Coat of Arms of France
|symbol_type = Coat of Arms
|image_coat = FranceImp1.png
|image_map = Napoleoniceurope.png
|image_map_caption =Europe in 1789; before Napoleon and in 1814, before his defeat at Waterloo.
|capital = Paris
|national_motto =
|national_anthem = Veillons au Salut de l'Empire (unofficial)
|common_languages = French
|currency = [[French Franc]]
|leader1 = Napoleon I
|year_leader1 = 1804 - 1814/1815
|leader2 = Napoleon II
|year_leader2 = 1814/1815
|title_leader = [[Emperor of France|Emperor]]
|legislature = [[Parliament of France|Parliament]]
|house1 = [[Senate of France|Senate]]
|house2 = [[Corps législatif]]}}

The '''Empire of the French'''<ref name="SHA"/> (1804-1814), also known as the '''Greater French Empire''' or '''First French Empire''', but more commonly known as the '''Napoleonic Empire''', was the empire of [[Napoleon I of France|Napoleon I]] in France. It was the dominant power of much of continental Europe during the early 19th Century.

Napoleon became [[Emperor of France]] on 18 May 1804, ending the period of the [[French Consulate]], and won early military victories in the [[War of the Third Coalition]] against Austria, [[Prussia]], Russia, Portugal, and allied nations, notably at the [[Battle of Austerlitz]] (1805) and the [[Battle of Friedland]] (1807). The [[Treaty of Tilsit]] in July 1807 ended two years of bloodshed on the European continent.

Subsequent years of military victories known collectively as the [[Napoleonic Wars]] extended French influence over much of [[Western Europe]] and into Poland. At its height in 1812, the French Empire had 130 [[Départements of France|départements]], ruled over 44 million subjects, maintained extensive military presence in Germany, Italy, Spain, and the [[Duchy of Warsaw]], and could count Prussia and Austria as nominal allies.<ref>Martyn Lyons, ''Napoleon Bonaparte and the Legacy of the French Revolution.'' p. 232</ref> Early French victories exported many ideological features of the [[French Revolution]] throughout Europe. [[Manorialism|Seigneurial dues and seigneurial justice]] were abolished, aristocratic privileges were eliminated in all places except Poland, and the introduction of the [[Napoleonic Code]] throughout the continent increased legal equality, established jury systems, and legalized [[divorce]].<ref>Martyn Lyons p. 234-236</ref> Napoleon placed relatives on the thrones of several European countries and granted many noble titles, most of which were expired with the fall of the Empire.

However, French losses in the [[Peninsular War]] in [[Iberian Peninsula|Iberia]] severely weakened the Empire; after victory over the [[Austrian Empire]] in the [[War of the Fifth Coalition]] (1809) Napoleon deployed over 600,000 troops to attack Russia,<ref>Todd Fisher & Gregory Fremont-Barnes, ''The Napoleonic Wars: The Rise and Fall of an Empire.'' p. 146. Additionally, with 300,000 troops in Spain and 200,000 scattered throughout [[Central Europe]], the Empire had an army whose numbers exceeded a million.</ref> in a catastrophic [[French invasion of Russia (1812)|French invasion of that country]] in 1812. The [[War of the Sixth Coalition]] saw the expulsion of French forces from [[Germany#Holy_Roman_Empire_.28962.E2.80.931806.29|Germany]] in 1813.

Napoleon [[abdicate]]d in 1814. The Empire was briefly restored during the [[Hundred Days]] period in 1815 until Napoleon's defeat at the [[Battle of Waterloo]]. It was followed by the restored monarchy of the [[House of Bourbon]].

{{main|18 Brumaire|French Consulate}}
In 1799, Napoleon Bonaparte was approached by [[Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès]] — one of the five [[French Directory|Directors]] who constituted the executive branch of the French government — who sought his support for a ''[[coup d'état]]'' to overthrow the [[French Constitution of 1795]]. The plot included Bonaparte's brother [[Lucien Bonaparte|Lucien]], then serving as speaker of the [[Council of Five Hundred]], [[Roger Ducos]], another Director, and [[Charles Maurice de Talleyrand|Talleyrand]]. On 9 November 1799 ([[18 Brumaire]], An VIII under the [[French Republican Calendar]]), and the following day, troops led by Bonaparte seized control. They dispersed the legislative councils, leaving a rump legislature to name Bonaparte, Sieyès and Ducos as provisional Consuls to administer the government. Although Sieyès expected to dominate the new regime, the [[French Consulate|Consulate]], he was outmanoeuvred by Bonaparte, who drafted the [[Constitution of the Year VIII]] and secured his own election as First Consul. This made him the most powerful person in France, a power that was increased by the [[Constitution of the Year X]], which made him First Consul for life.

The [[Battle of Marengo]] (14 June 1800) inaugurated the political idea that was to continue its development until Napoleon's Moscow campaign. Napoleon planned only of keeping the [[Duchy of Milan]] for France, setting aside Austria, and was thought to prepare a new campaign in the East. The [[Peace of Amiens]], which cost him control of [[Egypt]] was a temporary truce. He was gradually extended his authority in Italy by annexing the [[Piedmont (Italy)|Piedmont]] and by acquiring [[Genoa]], [[Parma]], [[Tuscany]] and [[Naples]] and added this Italian territory his [[Cisalpine Gaul]]. Then, he laid siege to the Roman state and initiated the [[Concordat of 1801]] to control the material claims of the [[pope]]. When he recognised his error of raising the authority of the pope from that of a figure head, Napoleon produced the ''[[Organic Articles|Articles Organiques]]'' (1802) wanting, like [[Charlemagne]], to be the legal protector of the papacy. To conceal his plans before their actual execution, he aroused French colonial aspirations against Britain and the memory of the 1763 ([[Treaty of Paris (1763)|Treaty of Paris]]), exacerbating British jealousy of France, whose borders now extended to the [[Rhine]] and beyond, to [[Hanover]], [[Hamburg]] and [[Cuxhaven]].

On 12 May 1802, the French [[Tribunat]] voted unanimously, with exception of Carnot, in favour of the Life Consulship for the leader of France. This action was confirmed by the [[Corps Législatif]]. A general [[plebiscite]] followed thereafter resulting in 3,653,600 votes aye and 8,272 votes nay.<ref>Bulletin des Lois</ref> On 2 August 1802 (14 Thermidor, An X), Napoleon Bonaparte was proclaimed Consul for life.

An overwhelming tide of pro-revolutionary sentiment swept through Germany by the "Recess of 1803," which brought [[Bavaria]], [[Württemberg]] and [[Baden, Germany|Baden]] to France's side. [[William Pitt the Younger]], back in power in Britain, appealed once more for an Anglo-Austro-Russian [[coalition]] against Napoleon and his desires to revive the empire of Charlemagne.

[[Image:Grand-Coronation-Procession-of-Napoleone-Gillray.jpeg|thumb|300px|In ''The Grand Coronation Procession of Napoleone the 1st (1805), [[James Gillray]] caricatured the pageantry of Napoleon's coronation.]]
On 18 May 1804, Napoleon was given the title of emperor by the [[French Consulate#The New Government|Senate]]; finally, on 2 December 1804, he placed the imperial [[crown (headgear)|crown]] upon his own head, after receiving the [[Iron Crown of Lombardy|Iron Crown]] of the [[Kings of the Lombards|Lombard kings]], and was consecrated by [[Pope Pius VII]] in [[Notre-Dame de Paris]].<ref>Claims he seized the crown out of the hands of [[Pope Pius VII]] during the ceremony - to avoid subjecting himself to the authority of the pontiff - are [[apocryphal]]; the coronation procedure had been agreed in advance. See also: [[Napoleon Tiara]].</ref>

After this, in four campaigns, the Emperor transformed his "[[Charlemagne|Carolingian]]" [[feudal]] and [[Federation|federal]] empire into one modelled on the [[Roman Empire]]. The memories of imperial Rome were for a third time, after [[Julius Caesar]] and [[Charlemagne]], to modify the historical evolution of France. Though the vague plan for an invasion of Britain was never executed, the [[Battle of Ulm]] and the [[Battle of Austerlitz]] obliterated the defeat of [[Battle of Trafalgar|Trafalgar]], and the camp at [[Boulogne-sur-Mer|Boulogne]] put at Napoleon's disposal the best military resources he had commanded, in the form of ''[[La Grande Armée]]''.

== Early victories ==
[[Image:Early flight 02561u (6).jpg|thumb|right|160px|"Napoleon's coronation balloon". Collecting card with vignettes of Napoleon's military victories.]]
In the first of these campaigns, Bonaparte swept away the remnants of the old [[Holy Roman Empire]] and, out of its shattered fragments, created in southern Germany the vassal states of [[Bavaria]], [[Baden]], [[Württemberg]], [[Grand Duchy of Hesse|Hesse-Darmstadt]] and [[Saxony]], which he attached to France under the name of the [[Confederation of the Rhine]]. The [[Treaty of Pressburg]], however, signed on 26 December 1805, gave France nothing but the danger of a more centralised and less docile Germany. On the other hand, Napoleon's creation of the [[Kingdom of Italy (Napoleonic)|Kingdom of Italy]], his annexation of [[Venetia]] and her ancient [[Adriatic]] Empire — wiping out the humiliation of 1797 — and the occupation of [[Ancona]], marked a new stage in his progress towards his Roman Empire.

To create satellite states, Napoleon installed his close relatives as rulers of many European nations. The clan of the [[Bonaparte dynasty|Bonapartes]] began to mingle with European monarchies, wedding with princesses of blood-royal, and adding kingdom to kingdom. [[Joseph Bonaparte]] replaced the dispossessed [[House of Bourbon|Bourbons]] at Naples; [[Louis Bonaparte]] was installed on the throne of the [[kingdom of Holland]] formed from the [[Batavian Republic]]; [[Joachim Murat]] became grand-duke of [[Berg (earldom)|Berg]], [[Jerome Bonaparte]] son-in-law to the King of Württemberg, and Eugène de Beauharnais to the King of Bavaria while [[Stéphanie de Beauharnais]] married the son of the Grand Duke of Baden.

Meeting with more resistance, Napoleon went further and would tolerate no neutral power. On 6 August 1806 he forced the [[House of Habsburg|Habsburgs]], left with only the crown of Austria, to abdicate their title of [[Holy Roman Emperor]]. [[Prussia]] alone remained outside the Confederation of the Rhine, of which Napoleon was Protector, and to further her decision he offered her British [[Hanover]]. In a second campaign he destroyed at [[Battle of Jena|Jena]] both the army and the state of [[Frederick William III of Prussia]]. The butchery at [[Battle of Eylau|Eylau]] and the vengeance taken against the Russians at [[Battle of Friedland|Friedland]] (14 June 1807) finally ruined [[Frederick II of Prussia|Frederick the Great]]'s work, and obliged Russia, the ally of Britain and Prussia, to allow the latter to be despoiled, and to join Napoleon against the maritime supremacy of the former.

== At the crossroads ==
{{History of France}}
The July 1807 [[Treaties of Tilsit]] ended war between [[Imperial Russia]] and the French Empire and began an alliance between the two empires which held power of much of the rest of Europe. The two empires secretly agreed to aid each other in disputes — France pledged to aid Russia against [[Ottoman Empire|Ottoman]] [[Turkey]], while Russia agreed to join the [[Continental System]] against the [[British Empire]]. Napoleon also convinced Alexander to enter into the [[Anglo-Russian War]] and to instigate the [[Finnish War]] against Sweden in order to force Sweden to join the Continental System.

More specifically, the tsar agreed to evacuate [[Wallachia]] and [[Moldavia]], which had been occupied by Russian forces as part of the [[Russo-Turkish War, 1806-1812]]. The [[Ionian Islands]] and [[Cattaro]], which had been captured by Russian admirals [[Ushakov]] and [[Dmitry Senyavin|Senyavin]], were to be handed over to the French. In recompense, Napoleon guaranteed the sovereignty of the [[Duchy of Oldenburg]] and several other small states ruled by the tsar's German relatives.

The treaty with [[Prussia]] removed about half of its territory: [[Kottbus]] passed to [[Saxony]], the left bank of the [[Elbe]] was awarded to the newly-created [[Kingdom of Westphalia]], [[Belostok]] was given Russia, and the rest of Polish lands in the Prussian possession was set up as the quasi-independent [[Duchy of Warsaw]]. Prussia was to reduce the army to 40,000 and to pay the indemnity of 100,000,000 francs.

Observers in Prussia and Russia viewed the treaty as unequal and as a national humiliation. [[Talleyrand]] had advised Napoleon to pursue milder terms; the treaties marked an important stage in his estrangement from the emperor. After the Treaties of Tilsit, instead of trying to reconcile Europe to his grandeur as Talleyrand advised, Napoleon wanted to his success to destroy Britain and complete his Italian dominion. It was from Berlin, on 21 November 1806, that he had dated the first decree of a continental [[blockade]], a conception intended to paralyze his rival, but which contributed to his own fall by its immoderate extension of the Empire. To the coalition of the northern powers he added the league of the [[Baltic Sea|Baltic]] and [[Mediterranean]] ports, and to the bombardment of [[Copenhagen]] by a [[Royal Navy]] fleet he responded by a second decree of blockade, dated from Milan on 17 December 1807.

The application of the Concordat and the taking of Naples led to the first of those struggles with the pope in which were formulated two antagonistic doctrines: Napoleon declaring himself Roman Emperor, and [[Pius VII]] renewing the theocratic affirmations of [[Pope Gregory VII]]. The Emperor's Roman ambition was made more visible by the occupation of the Kingdom of Naples and of the [[Marches]], and by the entry of Miollis into Rome; while [[Jean-Andoche Junot|Junot]] invaded Portugal, Radet laid hands on the Pope himself, and [[Joachim Murat]] took possession of formerly Roman Spain, whither Joseph Bonaparte transferred afterwards. See main article on the [[Peninsular War]].

Napoleon thought he might succeed in the [[Iberian Peninsula]] as he had done in Italy, in Egypt and in Hesse. The Spanish began effective guerilla resistance, however; and the trap of [[Bayonne]], together with the enthroning of Joseph Bonaparte, made [[Ferdinand VII of Spain|Prince of Asturias]] the elect of popular sentiment, the representative of religion and country.

Napoleon thought he had Spain within his control, and now the Iberian Peninsula started slipping from him. The Peninsula became the grave of whole armies and saw a war against Spain, Britain, and Portugal. [[Pierre-Antoine, comte Dupont de l'Étang|Dupont]] capitulated at [[Battle of Bailen|Bailen]] into the hands of [[Francisco Javier Castaños, 1st Duke of Bailén|General Castaños]], and [[Andoche Junot, Duke of Abrantes|Junot]] at [[Convention of Sintra|Cintra]], Portugal to [[Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington|General Wellesley]]; while Europe noted at this first check to the hitherto successful imperial armies. To reduce Spanish resistance Napoleon had to come to terms with the [[Tsar]] [[Alexander I of Russia]] at [[Erfurt]]; so that, abandoning his designs in the East, he could make the [[Grand Army]] return in force to [[Madrid]].

Thus Spain used up the soldiers wanted for Napoleon's other fields of battle, and they had to be replaced by forced levies. Spanish resistance affected Austria, and indicated the potential of national resistance. The provocations of Talleyrand and Britain strengthened the idea that Austrians could emulate the Spaniards. The campaign of 1809, however, was weaker than the [[Dos de Mayo Uprising|Spanish insurrection]]. After a short and decisive action in Bavaria, Napoleon opened-up the road to [[Vienna]] for a second time; and after the [[Battle of Essling-Aspern]], the victory at [[Battle of Wagram|Wagram]], the failure of a patriotic insurrection in northern Germany and of the [[Walcheren Campaign|British expedition]] against [[Antwerp (city)|Antwerp]], the [[Treaty of Vienna]] (14 December 1809), with the annexation of the [[Illyrian provinces]], extended the Empire. Napoleon profited, in fact, by the campaign which had been planned for his overthrow.

The pope was deported to [[Savona]] and his domains were incorporated in the Empire; the senate's decision on 17 February 1810 created the title of king of Rome, and made Rome the capital of Italy. The pope banished, it was now desirable as far as Napoleon was concerned, to send away those to whom Italy had been more or less promised. Eugene de Beauharnais, Napoleon's stepson, was transferred to [[Frankfurt]], and Murat watched until the time should come to take him to Russia and install him as King of Poland. Between 1810 and 1812 Napoleon's divorce of [[Josephine de Beauharnais|Josephine]], and his marriage with [[Archduchess Marie Louise of Austria]], followed by the birth of the [[Napoleon II of France|king of Rome]], shed a light upon his future policy. He renounced a [[federation]] in which his brothers were not sufficiently docile; he gradually withdrew [[power (sociology)|power]] from them and concentrated his affection and ambition on the son who was the guarantee of the continuance of his [[dynasty]]. This was the [[wikt:apogee|apogee]] of the empire.

== Intrigues and unrest==
But undermining forces already impinged the faults inherent in his unwieldy achievement. Britain, protected by the English Channel and her navy, was persistently active; and rebellion both of the governing and of the governed broke out everywhere. Napoleon felt his failure in coping with the Spanish Uprising, which he underrated, while yet unable to suppress it altogether. Men like [[Heinrich Friedrich Karl, baron von und zum Stein|Stein]], [[Karl August von Hardenberg|Hardenberg]] and [[Gerhard Johann David von Scharnhorst|Scharnhorst]] had secretly started preparing Prussia's retaliation.

Napoleon's formidable material power could not stand against the moral force of the pope, now a prisoner at [[Fontainebleau]]; and this he did not realise. The alliance arranged at Tilsit was seriously shaken by the Austrian marriage, the threat of a Polish restoration, and the unfriendly policy of Napoleon at [[Ottoman Empire|Constantinople]]. The very persons whom he had placed in power were counteracting his plans: after four years' experience Napoleon found himself obliged to treat his Corsican dynasties like those of the ''ancien régime'', and all his relations were betraying him. [[Caroline Bonaparte]] conspired against her brother and against her husband Murat; the hypochondriac Louis, now [[Netherlands|Dutch]] in his sympathies, found the supervision of the blockade taken from him, and also the defence of the [[Scheldt]], which he had refused to ensure; [[Jerome Bonaparte]], idling in his [[wikt:harem|harem]], lost that of the [[North Sea]] shores; and Joseph, who was attempting the moral conquest of Spain, was continually insulted at Madrid. The very nature of things was against the new dynasties, as it had been against the old.

After national insurrections and family recriminations came treachery from Napoleon's ministers. Talleyrand betrayed his designs to [[Klemens Wenzel von Metternich|Metternich]] and suffered dismissal; [[Joseph Fouché]] corresponded with Austria in 1809 and 1810, entered into an understanding with Louis, and also with Britain; while [[Bourrienne]] was convicted of [[speculation]]. By a natural consequence of the spirit of conquest Napoleon had aroused, all these ''parvenus'', having tasted victory, dreamed of sovereign power: [[Charles XIV of Sweden|Bernadotte]], who had helped him to the [[French Consulate|Consulate]], played Napoleon false to win the crown of Sweden; [[Nicolas Jean de Dieu Soult|Soult]], like Murat, coveted the Spanish throne after that of Portugal, thus anticipating the treason of 1813 and the defection of 1814; many persons hoped for "an accident" which might resemble the tragic ends of [[Alexander the Great]] and of Julius Caesar.

The country itself, besides, though flattered by conquests, was tired of self-sacrifice. It had become satiated; "the cry of the mothers rose threateningly" against "the Ogre" and his intolerable imposition of wholesale [[conscription]]. The soldiers themselves, discontented after Austerlitz, cried out for peace after Eylau. Finally, amidst profound silence from the [[news|press]] and the Assemblies, a protest was raised against imperial despotism by the literary world, against the excommunicated sovereign by [[Catholicism]], and against the author of the continental blockade by the discontented [[bourgeoisie]], ruined by the crisis of 1811.

Even as he lost his military principles, he maintained his gift for brilliance. His [[Six Days Campaign|six days campaign]], which took place at the very end of the [[Sixth Coalition]], is regarded as his greatest display of leadership. But by then it was the end, and it was during the years before when, instead of the armies and governments of the old system, which had hitherto reigned supreme, the nations of Europe conspired against France. And while the Emperor and his holdings idled and worsened the rest of Europe agreed to avenge the events of 1792. The three campaigns of two years (1812–14) would bring total catastrophe.

== The Fall ==
[[Image:Dep-fr.svg|thumb|400px|[[Département in France#Former départements|Napoleonic ''départements'']]]]

{{main|Napoleon's Invasion of Russia|Sixth Coalition|Hundred Days}}

Napoleon had hardly succeeded in putting down the revolt in Germany when the Czar of Russia himself headed a European insurrection against Napoleon. To put a stop to this, to ensure his own access to the Mediterranean and exclude his chief rival, Napoleon made an effort in 1812 against Russia. Despite his victorious advance, the taking of [[Smolensk]], the victory on the [[Battle of Borodino|Moskva]], and the entry into Moscow, he was vanquished by Russian [[patriotism]] and religious fervour, by the country and the climate, and by Alexander's refusal to make terms. After this came the lamentable retreat, while all Europe was concentrating against him. Pushed back, as he had been in Spain, from bastion to bastion, after the action on the [[Berezina]], Napoleon had to fall back upon the frontiers of 1809, and then — having refused the peace offered him by Austria at the Congress of Prague, from a dread of losing Italy, where each of his victories had marked a stage in the accomplishment of his dream — on those of 1805, despite [[Battle of Lützen (1813)|Lützen]] and [[Battle of Bautzen|Bautzen]], and on those of 1802 after his defeat at [[Battle of Leipzig|Leipzig]], when [[Charles XIV John of Sweden|Bernadotte]] - now Crown Prince of Sweden - turned upon him, [[Jean Victor Moreau]] also joined the Allies, and the Saxons and Bavarians forsook him as well.

Following his retreat from Russia, Napoleon's continued to retreat, this time a retreat from Germany. After the loss of Spain, reconquered by Wellington, the rising in the Netherlands preliminary to the invasion and the manifesto of Frankfurt which proclaimed it, he had to fall back upon the frontiers of 1795; and then later was driven yet farther back upon those of 1792 — despite the campaign of 1814 against the invaders. Paris capitulated on 30 March 1814, and the [[List of Latin phrases (A–E)#C|''Delenda Carthago'']], pronounced against Britain, was spoken of Napoleon. The Empire fell with Napoleon's abdication at [[Fontainebleau]].

After a brief exile at [[Elba]], Napoleon recaptured the throne temporarily in 1815, reviving the Empire in what is known as the [[Hundred Days]]. However, he was quickly defeated by the Seventh Coalition at the [[Battle of Waterloo]]. He was captured by the British and exiled to [[Saint Helena]], a remote island in the South Atlantic, where he would remain until his death in [[1821]]. After the Hundred Days, the [[Bourbon Restoration|Bourbon monarchy was restored]] in France, with [[Louis XVIII of France|Louis XVIII]] taking the throne, while the rest of Napoleon's conquests were disposed of in the [[Congress of Vienna]].

==The nature of Bonaparte's rule==
Napoleon gained support by appealing to some common concerns of French people. These included dislike of the emigrant [[nobility]] who had escaped persecution, fear by some of a restoration of the ''[[ancien régime]]'', a dislike and suspicion of foreigners - other countries had tried to reverse the Revolution - and of Great Britain in particular, and a wish by Jacobins to extend France's ''revolutionary ideals''.

Bonaparte attracted [[power (sociology)|power]] and imperial status and gathered support for his changes of French institutions, such as the [[Concordat of 1801]] which confirmed the Catholic Church as the majority church of France and restored some of its civil status. He dampened opposition and [[Republicanism|Republican]] enthusiasm, using [[exile]], systematic bureaucratic oppression, and [[constitution]]al means.

Bonaparte was in a relatively dangerous position compared to other [[authoritarian]] European [[monarchs]] of the time. Aware that if the French people could overthrow one monarch they could overthrow another, Bonaparte used propaganda to align the opinions of the French people with his foreign policy. He did not claim to be an [[absolute monarch]]: theoretically, his regime was a [[constitutional monarchy]]. Though he was an [[autocrat]], he had less power than [[dictators]] such as [[Adolf Hitler]].{{Fact|date=July 2008}} He embraced certain aspects of both [[liberalism]] and [[conservatism]] — for example, [[public education]], a generally liberal restructuring of the French [[legal system]], and the emancipation of the [[Jew]]s — while rejecting [[electoral democracy]] and [[freedom of the press]].

The [[Empire silhouette]] style of dress evolved during this period

==Notes and References==

*Chandler, David G. ''The Campaigns of Napoleon.'' New York: Simon & Schuster, 1995. ISBN 0-02-523660-1
*Colton, Joel and [[Robert Roswell Palmer|Palmer, R.R.]] ''A History of the Modern World.'' New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1992. ISBN 0-07-040826-2
*Elting, John R. ''Swords Around a Throne: Napoleon's Grande Armée.'' New York: Da Capo Press Inc., 1988. ISBN 0-306-80757-2
*Fisher, Todd & Fremont-Barnes, Gregory. ''The Napoleonic Wars: The Rise and Fall of an Empire.'' Oxford: Osprey Publishing Ltd., 2004. ISBN 1-84176-831-6
*Lyons, Martyn. ''Napoleon Bonaparte and the Legacy of the French Revolution.'' New York: St. Martin's Press, Inc., 1994. ISBN 0-312-12123-7
*McLynn, Frank. ''Napoleon: A Biography.'' New York: Arcade Publishing Inc., 1997. ISBN 1-55970-631-7
*[[John Roberts (historian)|Roberts, J.M.]] ''History of the World.'' New York: Penguin Group, 1992. ISBN 0-19-521043-3
*Schom, Alan. ''Napoleon Bonaparte.'' New York: HarperCollins, 1997. ISBN 0-06-092958-8
*[[Leo Tolstoy|Tolstoy, Leo]]. ''War and Peace.'' London: Penguin Group, 1982. ISBN 0-14-044417-3
*Uffindell, Andrew. ''Great Generals of the Napoleonic Wars.'' Kent: Spellmount, 2003. ISBN 1-86227-177-1

==External links==
* [http://web2.airmail.net/napoleon/index.html Napoleon, His Armies and Battles]
* [http://www.firstempire.net/ First Empire Magazine Covering the History, Battles and Uniforms of Napoleonic era]

{{Client states of the Great French War}}
{{Annexed departments of the First French Empire}}

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[[ar:الإمبراطورية الفرنسية الأولى]]
[[br:Impalaeriezh c'hall kentañ]]
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[[ceb:Unang Imperyong Pranses]]
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[[eu:Frantziako Lehen Inperioa]]
[[fa:امپراتوری اول فرانسه]]
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[[ko:프랑스 제1제국]]
[[hr:Prvo Francusko Carstvo]]
[[id:Kekaisaran Perancis Pertama]]
[[os:Фыццаг импери]]
[[it:Primo Impero francese]]
[[he:הקיסרות הראשונה]]
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[[nl:Eerste Franse Keizerrijk]]
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[[pl:I Cesarstwo Francuskie]]
[[pt:Primeiro Império Francês]]
[[ro:Primul Imperiu Francez]]
[[ru:Первая французская империя]]
[[sl:Prvo Francosko cesarstvo]]
[[sr:Прво француско царство]]
[[sv:Första kejsardömet]]
[[th:จักรวรรดิฝรั่งเศสที่ 1]]
[[vi:Đệ nhất đế chế (Pháp)]]
[[tr:Birinci İmparatorluk Dönemi (Fransa)]]
[[vec:Primo Inpero fransexe]]

Revision as of 18:08, 6 January 2009

i think that all this shit about the first empire and what not is FUCKING GAY