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Foreign nobility in Norway

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Arms of the family de Créqui dit la Roche; they were noble in France and non-noble in Denmark and Norway. However, they had a prominent position in the country and its military.
Thor von Ditten.
Christopher Tostrup Paus, a Norwegian of the Eastern Norwegian patriciate, was ennobled in 1923 by the Pope and conferred a hereditary comital title, recognised by the Holy See and Italy. The family has previously claimed, but never received official recognition of, status as ancient nobility.

Foreign nobility in Norway refers to foreign persons and families of nobility who in past and present have lived in Norway as well as to non-noble Norwegians who have enjoyed foreign noble status. Although being noble in their native countries, their foreign noble status did not automatically lead to naturalisation when entering the Kingdom. While some immigrant families were naturalised and became a part of the Norwegian nobility and later the Dano-Norwegian nobility, like Wedel-Jarlsberg, others did not apply for or receive a particular recognition, like de Créqui dit la Roche.



According to genealogist and nobility expert Henrik Jørgen Huitfeldt-Kaas's list from 1886, Foreign Noble Families without Recognition as Dano-Norwegian Nobility, many of these foreign noble families had lived in Norway since the 16th and 17th century, and a few of their descendants still live in Norway today. Some of these families are also found in the surve Stifts-Relationer, made by Danish genealogist Terkel Klevenfeldt. The survey concerns Norwegian and Danish noble families, reported between 1747 and 1749, based on collected documents from the District Governors (Norwegian: stiftsamtmann) and bishops in various parts of Norway.

List of families claiming foreign nobility without naturalization

C.o.a. Name Classification Clame Origin of nobility clame Extinction Ref.
Barclay de Tolly Noble Came to Norway with major Stephan Barclay de Tolly (1677-1732). Livonia
de Besche Noble Came to Norway with senior lieutenant Hans Henrich Christopher von Brømbsen (1772-). Sweden [1]
Bratt af Höglunda Noble Sweden
von Brømbsen Noble Came to Norway with senior lieutenant Hans Henrich Christopher von Brømbsen (1772-). Livonia
Bärenfels von Warnau Noble Came to Norway in 1700s with lieutenant colonel Nicolai Christian Bärensfels de Warnau Mecklenburg
af Geijerstam Noble 1773 ennobled in Sweden. Came to Norway in 1905 with Gösta af Geijerstam (1888-1954). Sweden
von Ditten Noble Came to Norway in 1789 with lieutenant colonel Friederich Christopher von Ditten (1761–1832). Mecklenburg
von Haffner Noble Came to Norway in 1700s with Johan Frederich Wilhelm von Haffner to Dal. Alsace
von Heinen Noble Came to Norway in 1600s with majorgeneral Albrecht Christopher von Heinen. Livonia
von Huun Noble Came to Norway in 1732 with Mathias Christopherson von Hoyningen genannt Huene. Westphalia
von Ingenhaeff Noble Came to Norway in 1770 with lieutenant general Christopher Fredrik von Ingenhaeff Livonia
von Kaltenborn Noble Came to Norway in 1774 with majorgeneral Carl Friedrich von Kaltenborn. Rhineland
von Koss Noble Came to Norway in 1600s with captain Johan Christoph von Koss. Mecklenburg
von Koppelow Noble Came to Norway in 1662 with major Curt Christoph von Koppelow. Mecklenburg
von Krogh Noble Came to Norway in 1600s with major Bernhardus von Krogh. Bremen
von Kwetzinsky-Stetzenkow Noble Came to Norway with lieutenant-general Michael von Kwetzinsky. Russia
von Lüttichau Noble Came to Norway with major general Wulff Caspar von Lüttichau or Lyttchau (1788-1831). Saxony
von Meidell Noble Came to Norway with court junker Gert von Meidel (-1696). Estonia
Mountevans Baron Came to Norway with Admiral Edward Ratcliffe Garth Russell Evans, 1st Baron Mountevans, how married in 1916 Elsa Andvord. England
von Møsting Noble Known in Norway with major Nicolai Abraham von Møsting (1622-1683) to Høfdestad. Brandenburg 1720 by extinction with major general Christian Georg von Møsting.
Paus Count With Christopher de Paus. Holy See
von Printzen Noble Came to Norway with major Hjob Wilhelm von Printzen (-1740). Brandenburg
von Racknitz Baron Came to Oslo with friherre Otto von Racknitz (1829-1913) how married Caspara Møller. Steiermark
von Ramm Noble Came to Norway in 1670s with major Henrich Ramm (1654-1719). Courland
von Reuss Noble Came to Norway in 1700s with Heinrich von Reuss. Germany
Rokling (Roclenge) Noble Came to Norway around 1670 with senior lieutenant Johan Adam de Rochlenge. Line was not naturalist in Norway, another line was naturalist. Courland
de Seue Noble Came to Norway with colonel Nicolai de Seue (-1706). Family obtained Danish nobility letter in 1841. France
Scheel Noble Came to Norway major general Hans Jacob Scheel (1714-1774). Germany
Stibolt Noble Came to Norway with captain Andreas Henrik Stibolt (1686-1726). Only the line living in Denmark was naturalised in 1777 with commander Caspar Henrik Stibolt (1692-1779). Germany
de (von) Tabouillot Noble Noblesse de robe from France. Came to Norway in 1900s with dr.jur Wolfgang von Tabouillot gen. von Scheibler (1909–2002). France
Uggla Noble Came to Norway in 1902 with Carl August Uggla (1846-). Sweden
von Weltzin Noble Came to Norway with senior lieutenant Johan Ludvig von Weltzin (1709-1746). Mecklenburg




  1. ^ Besche, Arent (1938). De Besche, Arent: Slekten de Besche i Norge, 1938.