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Kujiki (旧事紀), or Sendai Kuji Hongi (先代旧事本紀), is a historical Japanese text. Its contents were generally believed to be true until the middle of the Edo period. However, scholars such as Imai Jikan (今井似閑), Tokugawa Mitsukuni pointed out problems and determined that the contents were not entirely reliable[1][2][3].

Ten volumes in length, it covers the history of ancient Japan through Empress Suiko, third daughter of Emperor Kimmei. The preface is supposedly written by Soga no Umako ( + 626). While it includes many quotes from Kojiki (712) and Nihon Shoki (720), volumes five and ten contain unique materials. The overall composition is considered as been compiled between 807 and 936.

However, there are theories that it is a copy of an earlier seventh century text mentioned in the Kojiki. Its authenticity is unresolved. There are 3 other variants of Kujiki, the 30 volumes Shirakawa edition, Shirakawahon Kujiki(白河本旧事紀) in the Shirakawa Hakuou family, the 72 volumes Enpō edition, Enpōhon Sendai Kuji Hongi Taiseikyou(延宝本先代旧事本紀大成経)) discovered in 1679 and the 31 volumes Sazaki succession edition, Sazaki Denhon Sendai Kuji Hongi Taiseikyou(鷦鷯伝本先代旧事本紀大成経).


  1. ^ Nihon Koten Bungaku Daijiten, 1087
  2. ^ Kubota, 208.
  3. ^ Critics by Japanese scholars

Further reading

  • John R. Bentley. The Authenticity of Sendai Kuji Hongi: A New Examination of Texts, With a Translation And Commentary. ISBN 90-04-15225-3
  • 三重貞亮.『舊事紀訓解』上・下. 明世堂 1944
  • 飯田季治.『標註 舊事紀校本』. 瑞穂出版 1947
  • 鎌田純一.『先代舊事本紀の研究』 <校本の部>・<研究の部>. 吉川弘文館 1960
  • 大野七三.『先代舊事本紀 訓註』. 意富之舎、新人物往来社. 1989. ISBN 4404016115
  • 大野七三.『先代旧事本紀 訓註』. 批評社. 2001. ISBN 4826503253
  • 三重貞亮.「旧事紀訓解」
  • 東宮孝行.『先代旧事紀大成経(一)鷦鷯本』. 新日本研究所. 昭和51年(1977)
  • 宮東斎臣.『鷦鷯伝先代旧事本紀大成経』、先代旧事本紀刊行会、昭和56年(1981))
  • 松下松平.「旧事紀白河家三十巻本・解題」
  • 望月古亶. 「異伝聖徳太子 -日本書紀の稿本か-」. 日本図書刊行会.
  • 望月古亶. 「記紀漏文I」. 近代文芸社.
  • 望月古亶. 「記紀漏文II」. 近代文芸社.
  • 須藤太幹. 『先代舊事本紀大成経』全9巻. 先代舊事本紀研究会. 平成13年(2001)


  • Kubota, Jun (2007). Iwanami Nihon Koten Bungaku Jiten (in Japanese). Iwanami Shoten. ISBN 978-4-00-080310-6. {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)
  • Nihon Koten Bungaku Daijiten Henshū Iinkai (1986). Nihon Koten Bungaku Daijiten (in Japanese). Iwanami Shoten. ISBN 4-00-080067-1. {{cite book}}: Cite has empty unknown parameter: |coauthors= (help)