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List of acts of the Parliament of Ireland, 1701–1750

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This is a list of acts of the Parliament of Ireland for the years from 1701 to 1750.

See also the list of acts of the Parliament of Ireland to 1700 and List of acts of the Parliament of Ireland, 1751–1800.

The number shown by each act's title is its chapter number. Acts are cited using this number, preceded by the years of the reign during which the relevant parliamentary session was held; thus the act concerning assay passed in 1783 is cited as "23 & 24 Geo. 3. c. 23", meaning the 23rd act passed during the session that started in the 23rd year of the reign of George III and which finished in the 24th year of that reign. Note that the modern convention is to use Arabic numerals in citations (thus "40 Geo. 3" rather than "40 Geo. III"). Acts of the reign of Elizabeth I are formally cited without a regnal numeral in the Republic of Ireland.

Acts passed by the Parliament of Ireland did not have a short title; however, some of these acts have subsequently been given a short title by acts of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, acts of the Parliament of Northern Ireland, or acts of the Oireachtas. This means that some acts have different short titles in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland respectively. Official short titles are indicated by the flags of the respective jurisdictions.

A number of the acts included in this list are still in force in Northern Ireland or the Republic of Ireland. Because these two jurisdictions are entirely separate, the version of an Act in force in one may differ from the version in force in the other; similarly, an Act may have been repealed in one but not in the other.

A number of acts passed by the Parliament of England or the Parliament of Great Britain also extended to Ireland during this period.



2 Anne (1703)


The 1st session of the 1st parliament of Anne, which met from 21 September 1703 until 4 March 1704.

Public acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
2 Anne c. 1 (I)
16 October 1703
An Act for an additional duty of excise upon beer, ale, and other liquors.
2 Anne c. 2 (I)
16 October 1703
An Act for encouraging the importation of iron and staves.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision (Ireland) Act 1879 (42 & 43 Vict. c. 24))
2 Anne c. 3 (I)
16 October 1703
An Act to prevent Popish Priests from coming into this Kingdom.
2 Anne c. 4 (I)
4 March 1704
An Act for continuing the additional duty of excise on beer, ale and other liquours.
2 Anne c. 5 (I)
4 March 1704
An Act to make it High Treason in this Kingdom to impeach the Succession of the Crown, as limited by several Acts of Parliament.
Popery Act 1703
or the Gavelkind Act
2 Anne c. 6 (I)
4 March 1704
An Act to prevent the further Growth of Popery.
2 Anne c. 7 (I)
4 March 1704
An Act for registering the Popish Clergy.
2 Anne c. 8 (I)
4 March 1704
An Act for quieting possessions, and disposing of the undisposed and plus acres.
2 Anne c. 9 (I)
4 March 1704
An Act for quieting ecclesiastical persons in their possessions.
2 Anne c. 10 (I)
4 March 1704
An Act for the exchange of glebes belonging to churches in this kingdom.
2 Anne c. 11 (I)
4 March 1704
An Act for building several parish churches in more convenient places.
2 Anne c. 12 (I)
4 March 1704
An Act for the reviving an act for taking away the benefit of clergy in some cases; and for transporting felons.
2 Anne c. 13 (I)
4 March 1704
An Act for continuing two acts against tories, robbers, and rapparees.
2 Anne c. 14 (I)
4 March 1704
An Act for naturalizing of all Protestant strangers in this kingdom.
2 Anne c. 15 (I)
4 March 1704
An Act to prohibit butchers from being graziers, and to redress several abuses in buying and selling of cattle; and in the slaughtering and packing of beef, tallow and hides.
2 Anne c. 16 (I)
4 March 1704
An Act for reducing of interest of money to eight per cent for the future.
2 Anne c. 17 (I)
4 March 1704
An Act to supply the defects of an act past in the seventh year of the late King William, intituled, "An act for the better regulating of measures in and throughout this kingdom."[a]
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision (Ireland) Act 1879 (42 & 43 Vict. c. 24))
2 Anne c. 18 (I)
4 March 1704
An Act for the recovery of small debts.
2 Anne c. 19 (I)
4 March 1704
An Act for erecting a Workhouse in the City of Dublin.
  1. ^ 7 Will. 3. c. 24 (I)

Private acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
2 Anne c. 1 (I)
4 March 1704
An Act to confirm the sales, fee farms and leases made by James, duke of Ormond, and Charles, earl of Arran, and to enlarge a period for making fee farms until Michaelmas 1705, and to enable the earl of Arran to sell lands to the value of £100 per annum if need be.
2 Anne c. 2 (I)
4 March 1704
An Act for the relief of Richard, Lord Viscount Ross, and Frances Parsons his sister.
2 Anne c. 3 (I)
4 March 1704
An Act for the sale of part of the estate of Sir Hans Hamilton, baronet, for payment of his grandfather’s debts and for other purposes.
2 Anne c. 4 (I)
4 March 1704
An Act for vesting certain lands and hereditaments of James Stopford, esquire, lying in the county of Meath in trustees to be sold for payment of debts and portions and for other purposes.
2 Anne c. 5 (I)
4 March 1704
An Act for the confirming an award made by the honourable the barons of her majesty's court of exchequer, between Mary Poor alias Penefather, Richard, William, and Thomas Poor, and Walter Stephens, esquire, and for securing and settling the several interests as are therein designed and appointed.
2 Anne c. 6 (I)
4 March 1704
An Act to prevent the disinheriting of Redmond Morres, esquire.
2 Anne c. 7 (I)
4 March 1704
An Act to prevent the disinheriting of Captain Garret Coghlan, a Protestant in her majesty’s service.
2 Anne c. 8 (I)
4 March 1704
An Act for cleansing the channel of the harbour of Cork.
2 Anne c. 9 (I)
4 March 1704
An Act to empower the church wardens of St Mary's parish, Dublin, to distrain for money already applotted or hereafter to be applotted for the finishing the parish church of St Mary's, and the same for finishing the parish church of St Paul's.


  • "Acts of Parliament by Session: 1703". Irish Legislation Database. Queen's University Belfast.

4 Anne (1705)


The 2nd session of the 1st parliament of Anne, which met from 10 February 1705 until 16 June 1705.

Public acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
4 Anne c. 1 (I)
16 June 1705
An act for granting to her Majesty an additional duty on beer, ale, strong waters, tobacco, callicoes, linnens, muslins, and other goods and merchanidzes.
4 Anne c. 2 (I)
16 June 1705
An Act to explain and amend an Act, intituled "An Act for registering the popish clergy."[a]
4 Anne c. 3 (I)
16 June 1705
An Act to repeal an act, intituled, "An Act for the advancement of the trade of linnen manufacture."[b]
4 Anne c. 4 (I)
16 June 1705
An Act for the improvement of the hempen and flaxen manufactures in this kingdom.
4 Anne c. 5 (I)
16 June 1705
An Act for relief of creditors against fraudulent devises.
4 Anne c. 6 (I)
16 June 1705
An Act to prevent the illegal raising of money by grant juries, and the misapplying of money legally raised; and for the better execution of an act[c] for the mending the high ways by six days labour; and for the appointing of overseers of the high ways by the justices at their sessions, in default of naming them by the respective parishes.
4 Anne c. 7 (I)
16 June 1705
An Act for lessening the duty of rape-seed to be exported.
4 Anne c. 8 (I)
16 June 1705
An Act to regulate the taking and exacting tolls throughout this kingdom; and to prevent ingrossing coals in the city of Dublin.
4 Anne c. 9 (I)
16 June 1705
An Act for explaining and putting in execution an act[d] for planting and preserving timber-trees and woods; and for explaining and putting in execution an act to avoid and prevent divers misdemeanors in idle and lewd persons in barking of trees.
4 Anne c. 10 (I)
16 June 1705
An Act to prevent fees being taken in certain cases.
4 Anne c. 11 (I)
16 June 1705
An Act against horse-stealing, and to prevent the buying and selling of stolen horses; and for punishing all accessaries to felons.
State Minerals Act 1705Republic of Ireland[3]
or the Royal Mines Act 1705
or the Royal Mines Act (Ireland) 1705United Kingdom[1]
4 Anne c. 12 (I)
16 June 1705
An Act to repeal the statute made in the fifth of Henry the fourth,[e] against multiplying gold and silver; and to prevent disputes and controversies concerning royal mines.
4 Anne c. 13 (I)
16 June 1705
An Act for the relief of poor prisoners for debt.
4 Anne c. 14 (I)
16 June 1705
An Act for regulating the weights used in this kingdom; and that salt and meal shall be sold by weight.
  1. ^ Registration Act 1703 (2 Anne c. 7 (I))
  2. ^ 17 & 18 Chas. 2. c. 9 (I)
  3. ^ ?
  4. ^ Timber Act 1698 (10 Will. 3. c. 12 (I))
  5. ^ Gold and Silver Act 1403 (5 Hen. 4. c. 4 (Eng))

Private acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
4 Anne c. 1 (I)
16 June 1705
An Act to confirm and make good a sale made by Henry, lord baron of Shelburne, of certain woods in the county of Kerry.
4 Anne c. 2 (I)
16 June 1705
An Act to enable certain persons to sell certain parts of the estate of Sir Justin Aylmer, baronet, for payment of debts and to empower a certain other person to make leases of other parts of the said estate.
4 Anne c. 3 (I)
16 June 1705
An Act for vesting the estate of Sir Thomas Hackett, knight, in trustees, and for empowering them to sell the same for payment of his debts, if the value thereof amount to so much.
4 Anne c. 4 (I)
16 June 1705
An Act for sale of part of the estate of John Magill of Gill Hall in the county of Down, esquire, and for settling an equivalent in other parts of his estate in lieu thereof.
4 Anne c. 5 (I)
16 June 1705
An Act for the relief of Captain James Coghlan and Felix Coghlan, the surviving Protestant sons of John Coghlan of Cloghan.
4 Anne c. 6 (I)
16 June 1705
An Act for the sale of Colonel John Browne's estate for payment of his Protestant creditors.
4 Anne c. 7 (I)
16 June 1705
An Act to enable Thomas Dawson of Castle Dawson in the county of Londonderry, esquire, to make sale of several lands for payment of debts, and for settling an equivalent or other lands for Olivia Dawson, his wife and Arabella Dawson, late wife of Thomas Dawson the younger, deceased, for their several jointures, and for provision for Joshua Dawson and Arabella Dawson, infants, children of Thomas Dawson, deceased.
4 Anne c. 8 (I)
16 June 1705
An Act to enable John Morres, esquire, an infant, son and heir of Redmond Morres, deceased, to make a jointure on any woman he shall marry, and for relief of the younger children of the said Redmond, and for amending and explaining some clauses in an act entitled an act to prevent the disinheriting of Redmond Morres.

6 Anne (1707)


The 3rd session of the 1st parliament of Anne, which met from 1 July 1707 until 30 October 1707.

Public acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
6 Anne c. 1 (I)
24 October 1707
An Act for granting to her Majesty an additional duty on beer, ale, strong waters, tobacco, callicoes, linens, muslins, and other goods and merchandizes.
6 Anne c. 2 (I)
24 October 1707
An Act for the publick registring of all deeds, conveyances and wills that shall be made of any honors, manors, lands, tenements, or hereditaments.
6 Anne c. 3 (I)
24 October 1707
An Act for continuing an act made in the ninth year of the reign of the late King William, intituled, "An Act for the more easie obtaining partitions of lands in coparcenary, joint-tenancy, and tenancy in common, and bounding and mearing of lands."[a]
6 Anne c. 4 (I)
24 October 1707
Act to prevent the destroying and murthering of Bastard Children.
6 Anne c. 5 (I)
24 October 1707
An Act for the amending and continuing an act made in the second year of the reign of her most excellent Majesty, intituled, "An Act for the recovery of small debts in a summary way before the judges of assize."[b]
6 Anne c. 6 (I)
24 October 1707
An Act to explain and amend an Act, intituled, "An Act to prevent Papists being Solicitors."[c]
6 Anne c. 7 (I)
24 October 1707
An Act for lessening sheriffs fees on execution.
6 Anne c. 8 (I)
24 October 1707
An Act for explaining and limiting the Privileges of Parliament.
6 Anne c. 9 (I)
30 October 1707
An Act for the encouragement and improvement of the hempen and flaxen manufacture.
6 Anne c. 10 (I)
30 October 1707
An Act for the amendment of the law, and the better advancement of justice.
6 Anne c. 11 (I)
30 October 1707
An Act for explaining and amending two several acts against tories, robbers, and rapparees.
6 Anne c. 12 (I)
30 October 1707
An Act for the continuing and perpetuating of divers laws and statutes heretofore temporary, and for amending of the law in relation to butter casks.
6 Anne c. 13 (I)
30 October 1707
An Act to impower justices of the peace to determine disputes about servants wages; and to oblige masters to pay the same; and to punish idle and disorderly servants.
6 Anne c. 14 (I)
30 October 1707
An Act to prevent the Disorders that may happen by the marching of Soldiers, and for providing Carriages for the Baggage of Soldiers in their march.
6 Anne c. 15 (I)
30 October 1707
An Act to supply the defects, and for the better execution of an act, entituled, "An Act for the avoiding of privy and secret outlawries of his Majesty's subjects in personal actions."[d]
6 Anne c. 16 (I)
30 October 1707
An Act for the more effectual preventing the taking away and marrying children against the wills of their parents or guardians.
6 Anne c. 17 (I)
30 October 1707
An Act for supressing lotteries and gaming-tables.
6 Anne c. 18 (I)
30 October 1707
An Act for encouraging the exportation of corn.
6 Anne c. 19 (I)
30 October 1707
An Act for settling and preserving a public library forever in the house for that purpose built by His Grace Narcissus, now lord archbishop of Armagh, on part of the ground belonging to the archbishop of Dublin's palace near to the city of Dublin.
6 Anne c. 20 (I)
24 October 1707
An Act for cleansing the port, harbour, and river of Dublin, and for erecting a ballast-office in the said city.
6 Anne c. 21 (I)
30 October 1707
An Act for dividing the several Parishes of Saint Andrew’s, Saint Nicholas without the Walls, and the united Parishes of Saint. Katherine’s, Saint James, and Saint John’s of Kilmainham, and for making or erecting a new Parish, by the Name of the Parish of Saint Anne, on the Ground lying between Grafton-street and Merrion-street, all situate, lying, and being in or neere the Suburbs, of the City of Dublin.
  1. ^ 9 Will. 3. c. 12 (I)
  2. ^ 2 Anne c. 18 (I)
  3. ^ 10 Will. 3. c. 13 (I)
  4. ^ 11, 12 & 13 Jas. 1. c. 8 (I)

Private acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
6 Anne c. 1 (I)
24 October 1707
An Act for settling the estate of Anne, Lady Viscountess Dowager of Clanmalier, on Richard, Lord Bellew, baron of Duleek, and for raising £3,000 thereout, for the portion of Mary Nugent, niece of the said Lady Clanmalier, and wife of Francis Bermingham, eldest son of Edward, lord baron of Athenree.
6 Anne c. 2 (I)
30 October 1707
An Act to enlarge the time for executing several powers and authorities given to James, duke of Ormond, and Charles Weston, earl of Arran, by several former acts of parliament, and for making effectual and confirming the bargains, sales, fee-farms and leases made by the said duke and earl.
6 Anne c. 3 (I)
30 October 1707
An Act to enable the Right Honourable Arthur, Lord Viscount Doneraile, to make leases of his estate, and to sell part thereof, and with the money arising thereby to purchase other lands to the same uses.
6 Anne c. 4 (I)
6 Anne c. 5 (I)
30 October 1707
An Act for the raising money for the finishing the parish church of St Mary, and also for rebuilding and finishing the parish church of St Nicholas within the walls, both in the city of Dublin.
6 Anne c. 6 (I)
30 October 1707
An Act for vesting a certain part of the estate of Sir John Dillon, in trustees, to be sold for payment of his debts, and limiting other lands in lieu thereof to the same uses.
6 Anne c. 7 (I)
30 October 1707
An Act for explaining and amending an act, intituled "An Act for vesting the estate of Sir Thomas Hackett, knight, in trustees, and for empowering them to sell the same for payment of his debts, if the value thereof amount to so much."[a]
6 Anne c. 8 (I)
30 October 1707
An Act for the relief of Patrick Cusack and Augustin Nugent, gentlemen.
  1. ^ 4 Anne c. 3 (I)

8 Anne (1709)


The 4th session of the 1st parliament of Anne, which met from 5 May 1709 until 30 August 1709.

Public acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
8 Anne c. 1 (I)
23 June 1709
An Act for the better securing to her Majesty of the payment of such duties as shall be granted to her Majesty this session of Parliament.
8 Anne c. 2 (I)
30 August 1709
An Act for granting to her Majesty an additional duty on beer, ale, strong-waters, tobacco, callicoes, linnens, and other goods and merchandizes; and also a duty on rock-salt.
8 Anne c. 3 (I)
30 August 1709
An Act for explaining and amending an Act intituled, "An Act to prevent the further Growth of Popery."[a]
8 Anne c. 4 (I)
30 August 1709
An Act to enable posthumous children to take estates, as if born in their father's life-time.
8 Anne c. 5 (I)
30 August 1709
An Act to prevent Delays of Proceedings at the Assizes and Sessions.
8 Anne c. 6 (I)
30 August 1709
An Act for the better preventing the counterfeiting the current coin of this kingdom.
8 Anne c. 7 (I)
30 August 1709
An Act for the better preventing escapes out of the prison of the Marshalsea of the Four courts.
8 Anne c. 8 (I)
30 August 1709
An Act for encouraging the discovery and apprehending of house-breakers.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision (Ireland) Act 1879 (42 & 43 Vict. c. 24))
8 Anne c. 9 (I)
30 August 1709
An Act for delivering declarations to prisoners.
8 Anne c. 10 (I)
30 August 1709
An Act for amending an act, intituled, "An Act for the publick registring of all deeds, conveyances, and wills, that shall be made of any honors, manors, lands, tenements, or hereditaments."[b]
8 Anne c. 11 (I)
30 August 1709
An Act for the better payment of inland bills of exchange, and for making promissary notes more obligatory.
8 Anne c. 12 (I)
30 August 1709
An Act to amend the defects of such acts as have been made relating to the hempen and flaxen manufactures, and to encourage the further improvement thereof.
8 Anne c. 13 (I)
30 August 1709
An Act for dissolving the union of the parishes of Tynan and Derrynoose, and for building several parish-churches in more convenient places in the diocese of Armagh.
  1. ^ Popery Act 1703 (2 Anne. c. 6 (I))
  2. ^ Registration of Deeds Act 1707 (6 Anne. c. 2 (I))

Private acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
8 Anne c. 1 (I)
30 August 1709
An Act to vest part of the estate of Richard, earl of Ranelagh, in William Westgarth, esquire, to be sold for payment of the debts of the said earl.
8 Anne c. 2 (I)
30 August 1709
An Act for enabling Richard, Lord Bellew, baron of Duleek, to sell part of his estate for discharge of debts and encumbrances affecting the same, and for settling the residue thereof on himself for life, with remainder to his Protestant issue, subject to an enlargement of the jointure already settled on the right honourable the countess of Newburgh his wife.
8 Anne c. 3 (I)
30 August 1709
An Act to enable Sir Montague Blundell, baronet, a minor, to make a settlement of his estate on his marriage, notwithstanding his infancy.
8 Anne c. 4 (I)
30 August 1709
An Act for enabling Agmondisham Vesey, esquire, to charge his estate for payment of debts.
8 Anne c. 5 (I)
30 August 1709
An Act for the relief of Charles Plunkett, esquire.
8 Anne c. 6 (I)
30 August 1709
An Act for the relief of Dorothy Rawdon, spinster.

9 Anne (1710)


The 5th session of the 1st parliament of Anne, which met from 19 May 1710 until 28 August 1710.

Public acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
9 Anne c. 1 (I)
20 June 1710
An Act for better securing to her Majesty the payment of such duties as shall be granted to her Majesty in this session of Parliament.
9 Anne c. 2 (I)
28 August 1710
An Act for granting to her Majesty an additional duty on beer, ale, strong-waters, tobacco, and other goods and merchandizes.
9 Anne c. 3 (I)
28 August 1710
An Act to enforce such acts as have been made for the improvement of the linnen-manufacture, and for a further regulation of the same.
9 Anne c. 4 (I)
28 August 1710
An Act for bringing an appeal in case of murder, notwithstanding the statute of the tenth of King Henry the seventh,[a] whereby murder is made high treason.
9 Anne c. 5 (I)
28 August 1710
An Act for the further explaining and putting in execution "An Act for planting and preserving timber trees and woods."[b]
9 Anne c. 6 (I)
28 August 1710
An Act for taking away the benefit of clergy in certain cases; and for taking away the book in all cases; and for repealing part of the statute for transporting felons.
9 Anne c. 7 (I)
28 August 1710
An Act for amending and making perpetual an act, intituled, "An Act to prohibit butchers from being graziers, and to redress several abuses in buying and selling of cattle, and in the slaughtering and packing of beef, tallow, and hides."[c]
9 Anne c. 8 (I)
28 August 1710
An Act for the better securing of rents and to prevent frauds committed by tenants.
9 Anne c. 9 (I)
28 August 1710
An Act for the amending of the high ways and roads in this kingdom, and for the application of the six days labour.
9 Anne c. 10 (I)
28 August 1710
An Act for the relief of insolvent debtors not in confinement.
9 Anne c. 11 (I)
28 August 1710
An Act to prevent the maiming of cattle.
9 Anne c. 12 (I)
28 August 1710
An Act for uniting several parishes, and building several parish-churches in more convenient places.
  1. ^ 10 Hen. 7. c. 21 (I)
  2. ^ Timber Act 1698 (10 Will. 3. c. 12 (I))
  3. ^ Sale of Livestock Act 1703 (2 Anne c. 15 (I))

Private acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
9 Anne c. 1 (I)
28 August 1710
An Act for the rendering more effectual the several provisions made by the former acts for payment of the debts of James, late duke of Ormond, and of the present duke of Ormond, and for other purposes therein expressed.
9 Anne c. 2 (I)
28 August 1710
An Act for vesting part of the estate of the Lord Viscount Grandison in the kingdom of Ireland in trustees, to be sold for payment of a debt charged thereon.
9 Anne c. 3 (I)
28 August 1710
An Act for confirming to the Right Honourable Frances, countess of Newburgh, wife of Richard Lord Bellew, the provisions formerly made for the jointure of the said countess, and confirming certain estates and uses limited by a certain indenture herein mentioned, and for providing portions for the younger daughters of the said Richard Lord Bellew and the countess of Newburgh.
9 Anne c. 4 (I)
28 August 1710
An Act for the relief of Susanna Catharina Nugent.
9 Anne c. 5 (I)
28 August 1710
An Act for the enabling Samuel Raymond of Ballyloughrane in the county of Kerry, esquire, to mortgage or sell certain lands in the said county of Kerry and County Cork, for the payment of his debts.
9 Anne c. 6 (I)
28 August 1710
An Act for the enabling Henry Stoughton of Rattow in the county of Kerry, esquire, and Sarah, his wife, in behalf of themselves and Anthony Stoughton, son and heir of the said Henry, an infant, to mortgage certain lands and tenements in the county of Kerry for the payment of debts.



11 Anne (1712)


The 6th session of the 1st parliament of Anne, which met from 9 July 1711 until 9 November 1711.

Public acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
11 Anne c. 1 (I)
9 November 1711
An Act for granting to her Majesty an additional duty on beer, ale, strong waters, tobacco, and other goods and merchandizes.
11 Anne c. 2 (I)
9 November 1711
An Act for the more effectual preventing of frauds committed by tenants.
11 Anne c. 3 (I)
9 November 1711
An Act to enable guardians and others to renew leases for lives.
11 Anne c. 4 (I)
9 November 1711
An Act for the more effectual preventing the ingrossing, forestalling, and regrating of coals, imported into this kingdom.
11 Anne c. 5 (I)
9 November 1711
An Act for the better preventing of excessive and deceitful gaming.
11 Anne c. 6 (I)
9 November 1711
An Act for supressing lotteries.
11 Anne c. 7 (I)
9 November 1711
An Act for the better preservation of the game.
11 Anne c. 8 (I)
9 November 1711
An Act for explaining and amending several statutes, for prohibiting under-sheriffs and sheriffs-clerks from officiating as sub-sheriffs or sheriffs-clerks more than one year.

Private acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
11 Anne c. 1 (I)
9 November 1711
An Act to enable the Right Honourable Anne, countess of Tyrone, during her life, or such person or persons as after her decease shall be guardian or guardians to the Lady Catherine Power, daughter of James, late earl of Tyrone, to set leases of the estate of said earl for a term not exceeding 31 years, at a full and improved rent without fine.
11 Anne c. 2 (I)
9 November 1711
An Act to vest the inheritance of certain lands in the barony of Ibaune and Barryroe in the county of Cork in Francis Bernard, esquire, and his heirs, and to vest certain terms for years in the said lands in Stephen and Peter Ludlow, esquires, respectively, in trust for the said Francis Bernard, pursuant to an agreement made between the said Francis Bernard and William Pen, senior, and William Pen, junior, esquires, for the purchase of the said lands.
11 Anne c. 3 (I)
9 November 1711
An Act for explaining an act passed in a former session of this present parliament entitled "An Act for the relief of Dorothy Rawdon, spinster."[a]
11 Anne c. 4 (I)
9 November 1711
An Act for the sale of the town and lands of Cork, alias Corkagh, situate in the county of Dublin, part of the estate of John Walsh, esquire, for the payment of debts contracted by Edward Walsh, esquire, his deceased brother, now affecting said lands and other lands, the estate of said John.
11 Anne c. 5 (I)
9 November 1711
An Act for enabling James Donelan of Cloghan in County Roscommon, esquire, to sell or mortgage certain lands or tenements for payment of his debts, and for securing a jointure to his wife.
  1. ^ 8 Anne c. 6 (I)

12 Anne (1713)


The 2nd parliament of Anne, which met from 25 November 1713 until 24 December 1714.

No private acts were passed in this parliament.

Public acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
12 Anne c. 1 (I)
22 December 1713
An Act for granting to her majesty an additional duty on beer, ale, strong waters, tobacco, and all other goods and merchandises.

2 Geo. 1 (1715)


The 1st session of the parliament of George I, which met from 12 November 1715 until 20 June 1716.

Public acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
2 Geo. 1. c. 1 (I)
21 November 1715
An Act for granting to his Majesty an additional duty on beer, ale, strong waters, tobacco, and other goods and merchandizes.
2 Geo. 1. c. 2 (I)
21 November 1715
An Act for recognizing his Majesty's title to the throne of Great-Britain, France, and Ireland.
2 Geo. 1. c. 3 (I)
28 January 1716
An Act for granting to his Majesty an additional duty on all wines and strong waters, and spirits perfectly made, and upon all spirits made and distilled of wine; and also a tax on sallaries, profits of imployments, fees, and pensions therein mentioned.
2 Geo. 1. c. 4 (I)
28 January 1716
An Act to attaint the person who, during the life of the late King James, took upon him the stile and title of prince of Wales, and since the decease of the said late King James hath assumed the name and title of James the third, King of England and Ireland, and James the eighth King of Scotland, commonly called, the Chevalier de St. George, or the pretender, and all his adherents, and to give a reward of fifty thousand pounds sterl. to any person, who shall seize and secure the said pretender, if he lands, or attempts to land, in this kingdom.
2 Geo. 1. c. 5 (I)
28 January 1716
An Act for preventing mischiefs that may happen by fire.
2 Geo. 1. c. 6 (I)
28 January 1716
An Act to enable infants, who are seized or possessed of estates in fee, in trust, or by way of mortgage, to make conveyances of such estates.
2 Geo. 1. c. 7 (I)
19 May 1716
An Act for continuing to his Majesty the additional duty on beer, ale, strong waters, tobacco, and other goods and merchandizes.
2 Geo. 1. c. 8 (I)
20 June 1716
An Act for extinguishing the regalities and liberties of the county of Tipperary, and Cross-Tipperary, commonly called the County Palatine of Tipperary; and for vesting in his Majesty the estate of James Butler, commonly called James duke of Ormond; and for giving a reward of ten thousand pounds to any person, who shall seize of secure him, in case he shall attempt to land in this kingdom.
2 Geo. 1. c. 9 (I)
20 June 1716
An Act to make the Militia of this Kingdom more useful.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision (Ireland) Act 1879 (42 & 43 Vict. c. 24))
2 Geo. 1. c. 10 (I)
20 June 1716
An Act to restrain Papists from being High or Petty Constables, and for the better Regulating the Parish Watches.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision (Ireland) Act 1879 (42 & 43 Vict. c. 24))
2 Geo. 1. c. 11 (I)
20 June 1716
An Act for reviving and amending an act, intituled, "An Act for recovery of small debts in a summary way, before the judges of assize."[a]
2 Geo. 1. c. 12 (I)
20 June 1716
An Act to encourage the draining and improving of the bogs, and unprofitable low grounds; and for easing and dispatching the inland carriage, and conveyance of goods, from one part to another within this kingdom.
2 Geo. 1. c. 13 (I)
20 June 1716
An Act for continuing the encouragement given by former acts of Parliament to the flaxen and hempen manufactures, and for the further improvement and regulation of the same.
2 Geo. 1. c. 14 (I)
20 June 1716
An Act for Real Union and Division of Parishes.
2 Geo. 1. c. 15 (I)
20 June 1716
An Act for confirming the several grants made by her late Majesty of the first fruits and twentieth parts, payable out of the ecclesiastical benefices in this kingdom; and also for giving the archbishops, bishops, and other ecclesiastical persons, for years time for the payment of first fruits.
2 Geo. 1. c. 16 (I)
20 June 1716
An Act for the more effectual amendment of the law in relation to butter and tallow casks, and of an act[b] for planting and preserving timber-trees and woods; and of another act[c] for prohibiting butchers from being graziers, and to redress several abuses in buying and selling of cattle, and in the slaughtering and packing of beef, tallow, and hides.
2 Geo. 1. c. 17 (I)
20 June 1716
An Act to impower justices of the peace to determine disputes about servants, artificers, day-labourers, wages, and other small demands, and to oblige masters to pay the same, and to punish idle and disorderly servants.
2 Geo. 1. c. 18 (I)
20 June 1716
An Act for preventing abuses and deceits in His Majesty's Revenue, by the importing of Brandy in small quantities.
2 Geo. 1. c. 19 (I)
20 June 1716
An Act for the more effectual preventing fraudulent Conveyances, in order to multiply Votes for electing Members to serve in Parliament; and for preventing the irregular Proceedings of Sheriffs, and other officers in electing and returning such Members.
2 Geo. 1. c. 20 (I)
20 June 1716
An Act to limit the time for criminal prosecution for words spoken.
2 Geo. 1. c. 21 (I)
20 June 1716
An Act to prevent the destruction of salmon fry, and better preserving the salmon fishing in this kingdom.
2 Geo. 1. c. 22 (I)
20 June 1716
An Act to make more effectual, "An Act to prevent the maiming of cattle."[d]
2 Geo. 1. c. 23 (I)
20 June 1716
An Act for the relief of insolvent debtors.
2 Geo. 1. c. 24 (I)
20 June 1716
An Act for changing the scite and new building of the parish-church of St. Werburg's in the city of Dublin.
  1. ^ 2 Anne c. 18 (I)
  2. ^ Timber Act 1710 (9 Anne c. 5 (I))
  3. ^ Sale of Livestock Act 1703 (2 Anne c. 15 (I))
  4. ^ 9 Anne c. 11 (I)

Private acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
2 Geo. 1. c. 1 (I)
19 May 1716
An Act for vesting part of the estate of the Right Honourable Arthur, Lord Viscount Loftus of Ely, Letitia, Lady Viscountess, his now wife, and Mary, countess of Drogheda, in trustees, for payment of debts and other uses.
2 Geo. 1. c. 2 (I)
20 June 1716
An Act for better enabling William Wall of Coolnemuckey in County Waterford, esquire, to sell certain woods.
2 Geo. 1. c. 3 (I)
20 June 1716
An Act to enable William Ford of the city of Limerick, esquire, to settle a jointure, or make some other provision for his present wife, in case she happens to survive him.
2 Geo. 1. c. 4 (I)
20 June 1716
An Act for sale of part of the estate of James Hamilton, late of Bangor in the county of Down, esquire, deceased, for raising his daughters portions.
2 Geo. 1. c. 5 (I)
20 June 1716
An Act for vesting certain lands and tenements belonging to Robert Hamerton, esquire, in trustees, to be sold for raising money to discharge the debts and encumbrances of his father, Richard Hamerton.
2 Geo. 1. c. 6 (I)
20 June 1716
An Act for vesting certain lands and tenements in the county of Limerick belonging to Samuel Frend, esquire, in trustees, to be sold for raising money to discharge the debts and encumbrances of the said Samuel Frend, esquire, and for other uses and purposes therein mentioned.
2 Geo. 1. c. 7 (I)
20 June 1716
An Act to enable Walter Harris, esquire, eldest son and heir of Walter Harris the elder, late of the city of Dublin, merchant, deceased, to raise the sum of £1,200 by mortgage of part of his estate for payment of the debts, portions and other encumbrances charged thereon by his father the said Walter Harris, the elder, and to make leases for lives renewable of part thereof, not diminishing the present yearly value, and to charge the same with reasonable portions for his own younger children.

4 Geo. 1 (1717)


The 2nd session of the parliament of George I, which met from 27 August 1717 until 23 December 1717.

Public acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
4 Geo. 1. c. 1 (I)
20 November 1717
An Act for continuing to her Majesty the additional duties on beer, ale, strong waters, tobacco, and other goods and merchandizes.
4 Geo. 1. c. 2 (I)
20 November 1717
An Act for continuing to his Majesty an additional duty on all wines and strong waters, and spirits perfectly made, and upon all spirits made and distilled of wine; and also a tax on all salaries, profits of imployments, fees, and pensions therein mentioned; and for granting a further additional duty on ale, beer, and strong waters, and spirits perfectly made, and upon all spirits made and distilled of wine; and for securing the re-payment of fifty thousand pounds sterl. formerly advanced unto his Majesty for the use of the publick, together with the interest thereof.
4 Geo. 1. c. 3 (I)
20 November 1717
An Act for taking away the oath, commonly called the little oath, on members of corporations by the new rules.
4 Geo. 1. c. 4 (I)
20 November 1717
An Act for the preserving of all such ships and goods thereof, which shall happen to be forced on shore, or stranded upon the coasts of this kingdom.
4 Geo. 1. c. 5 (I)
20 November 1717
An Act to explain and amend an act, intituled, "An Act for the more effectual preventing of frauds committed by tenants."[a]
4 Geo. 1. c. 6 (I)
19 December 1717
An act for exempting British linen imported from all duties; and granting to his Majesty an additional duty on cordage, and for the more effectual preventing frauds and abuses in the hempen and flaxen manufactures of this kingdom, and for the further incouragement thereof.
4 Geo. 1. c. 7 (I)
19 December 1717
An Act for vesting in his Majesty, his heirs and successors, the several lands, tenements, and hereditaments, whereon the barracks in this kingdom are built, or building or contracted for, and whereon light-houses are or shall be built; and for making reasonable satisfaction to the several owners and proprietors for the same; and likewise for amending an act made in the sixth year of her late Majesty's reign, intituled, "An Act to prevent the disorders that may happen by the marching of soldiers, and for providing carriages for the baggage of soldiers in their march."[b]
4 Geo. 1. c. 8 (I)
19 December 1717
An Act to oblige all Officers to return a List of their Fees by a Day certain.
4 Geo. 1. c. 9 (I)
19 December 1717
An Act for reviving, continuing, and amending several statutes made in this Kingdom heretofore temporary.
4 Geo. 1. c. 10 (I)
19 December 1717
An Act for limiting certain times within which writs of error shall be brought for the reversing fines and common recoveries.
4 Geo. 1. c. 11 (I)
16 December 1717
An Act for the better amendment of the pavements, and more effectual cleansing the streets of the city of Dublin, and for removing encroachments and nuisances, that are or shall be erected therein; and preventing mischiefs occasions by drivers of carts, drays, or cars riding thereon, and for regulating the selling of hay in the city of Dublin and liberties thereunto adjoining.
4 Geo. 1. c. 12 (I)
19 December 1717
An Act for repealing part of a clause in an act made in the second year of his Majesty's reign, by which the dimensions of butter casks are ascertained, and for explaining and further amending the law in relation to butter casks.
4 Geo. 1. c. 13 (I)
19 December 1717
An Act for explaining and amending an act of Parliament made in the ninth year of his late Majesty King William, intitled, "An Act for the preventing frivolous and vexatious law suits; and giving remedy to the parties grieved to recover their costs at law in certain cases, where heretofore no costs were given."[c]
4 Geo. 1. c. 14 (I)
19 December 1717
An Act for settling the quarter parts upon the parochial clergy of the diocese of Tuam; and for empowering the lord archbishop of Tuam to set leases of part of his demense lands; as also for confirming a charitable foundation in the city of Cork.
4 Geo. 1. c. 15 (I)
19 December 1717
An Act for the better regulating the Town of Galway, and for the strengthening the Protestant Interest therein.
4 Geo. 1. c. 16 (I)
An Act for the better regulating the Corporation of the City of Kilkenny, and strengthening the Protestant Interest therein, and punishing Aldermen Robert Connell, for withdrawing himself with the Books and Papers belonging to the said Corporation.
  1. ^ Distress for Rent Act 1712 (11 Anne c. 2 (I))
  2. ^ 6 Anne c. 14 (I)
  3. ^ 9 Will. 3. c. 10 (I)

Private acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
4 Geo. 1. c. 1 (I)
19 December 1717
An Act for sale of a moiety of the lands of Duray, and of the other lands in the half barony of Ross, and county of Galway, part of the estate of William Smith, esquire, for the payment of £800 chargeable thereon, and for purchasing other lands to be settled to the same uses.
4 Geo. 1. c. 2 (I)
19 December 1717
An Act to enable Richard Edwards and John Edwards, esquires, to charge the sum of £1,500 on part of the estate of the said Richard Edwards, and for raising portions for the younger children of the said John Edwards and for other uses mentioned in the said act, and for settling a jointure on Jane, the wife of the said John Edwards.

6 Geo. 1 (1719)


The 3rd session of the parliament of George I, which met from 26 June 1719 until 2 November 1719.

Public acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
6 Geo. 1. c. 1 (I)
12 October 1719
An Act for abbreviating Michaelmas-term, and settling the commencement thereof.
6 Geo. 1. c. 2 (I)
12 October 1719
An Act for the more effectual preventing the ingrossing and regrating of coals in this kingdom.
6 Geo. 1. c. 3 (I)
12 October 1719
An Act for continuing and amending an Act, intituled, "An Act to make the Militia of this Kingdom more useful."[a]
6 Geo. 1. c. 4 (I)
2 November 1719
An Act for continuing to his Majesty an additional duties on beer, ale, strong waters, tobacco, and other goods and merchandizes; and also on all sorts of wine, strong waters, and spirits perfectly made, and upon all spirits made and distilled of wine; and also a tax on all salaries, profits of imployments, fees, and pensions therein mentioned; and for continuing the further additional duty on ale, beer, and strong waters, and spirits perfectly made, and upon all spirits made and distilled of wine; and for granting an additional duty on molasses, treacle, tea, coffee, chocolate, and cocoa-nuts; and for securing the re-payment of fifty thousand pounds sterling, formerly advanced unto his Majesty for the use of the publick, together with the interest thereof.
Toleration Act 1719
or the Prohibition of Disturbance of Worship Act 1719[2]
6 Geo. 1. c. 5 (I)
2 November 1719
An Act for exempting the protestant dissenters of this kingdom from certain penalties, to which they are now subject.
6 Geo. 1. c. 6 (I)
2 November 1719
An Act to prevent Delays in Writs of Error, and for the further Amendments of the Law.
6 Geo. 1. c. 7 (I)
2 November 1719
An Act for the better regulating the buying and selling of yarn and cloth, and further improving the hempen and flaxen manufacturers of this kingdom.
6 Geo. 1. c. 8 (I)
2 November 1719
An Act for the more effectual preventing the running of goods, and for the further preventing frauds committed in his Majesty's customs.
6 Geo. 1. c. 9 (I)
2 November 1719
An Act for quieting and discharging all persons in officers or employments from the penalties they may have incurred, by not qualifying themselves pursuant to the act[b] to prevent the further growth of popery; and for limitting the time for prosecutions on the said act.
6 Geo. 1. c. 10 (I)
2 November 1719
An Act for the better regulating the Parish Watches, and amending the High Ways in this Kingdom, and for the preventing the Misapplication of Publick Money.
6 Geo. 1. c. 11 (I)
2 November 1719
An Act for better securing the rights of advowson and presentation to ecclesiastical benefices.
6 Geo. 1. c. 12 (I)
2 November 1719
An Act for the better and more effectual apprehending and transporting felons and others, and for continuing and amending several laws made in this kingdom for suppressing tories, robbers, and rapparees.
6 Geo. 1. c. 13 (I)
2 November 1719
An Act for the better maintenance of curates within the church of Ireland.
6 Geo. 1. c. 14 (I)
2 November 1719
An Act for amending and enforcing a clause contained in an act to enable restitution of impropriations and tithes, and other rights ecclesiastical, to the clergy, with a restraint of aliening the same, and direction for presentation to the churches.
6 Geo. 1. c. 15 (I)
2 November 1719
An Act for the more effectual amendment of the pavements of the several counties of cities and counties of towns in this kingdom; and for preventing mischiefs that may happen by fire in the city of Dublin; and for augmenting the number of hackney-coaches and chairs in the said city.
6 Geo. 1. c. 16 (I)
2 November 1719
An Act for cleansing and repairing the water-course leading from the river Dodeer to the city of Dublin, and to prevent the diverting and corrupting the waters therein.
6 Geo. 1. c. 17 (I)
2 November 1719
An Act for the relief of insolvent debtors.
6 Geo. 1. c. 18 (I)
2 November 1719
An Act for erecting and continuing lights in the city of Dublin, and the several liberties adjoining, and also in the cities of Cork and Limerick, and liberties thereof.
  1. ^ 2 Geo. 1. c. 9 (I)
  2. ^ Popery Act 1703 (2 Anne c. 6 (I))

Private acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
6 Geo. 1. c. 1 (I)
2 November 1719
An Act for sale of the estate of Sir Maurice Eustace, knight, deceased, for the payment of his debts.
6 Geo. 1. c. 2 (I)
2 November 1719
An Act for the more speedy paying the creditors of Richard, earl of Ross.
6 Geo. 1. c. 3 (I)
2 November 1719
An Act to enable John Bingham, esquire, to settle a competent jointure on such wife as he shall marry, and to charge his estate with portions for his younger children.
6 Geo. 1. c. 4 (I)
2 November 1719
An Act for confirming an agreement made between Nicholas Plunkett and Henry Plunkett, his brother, and exchanging their estates, and for securing to several Protestant legatees the legacies to them bequeathed by the last will of Nicholas Plunkett, esquire, deceased.
6 Geo. 1. c. 5 (I)
2 November 1719
An Act for sale of part of the estate of Robert Miller of Millford in County Mayo, esquire, for payment of his debts.
6 Geo. 1. c. 6 (I)
2 November 1719
An Act for vesting certain lands in the county of Donegal, part of the estate of the Honourable Kilner Brasier, esquire, in certain trustees for payment of his debts, and for settling other lands in the county of the city of Limerick, of a greater value, to the same uses.
6 Geo. 1. c. 7 (I)
2 November 1719
An Act for vesting the lands of Coolbanagher alias Coolbanacree alias Colebanagher, Kilgenny, Ballyraghan, Ballynabegg, Glanballyfin and Shanebegg, and the woods thereon, lying and being in the Queen's County in Sir John Byrne, baronet, a minor, and his heirs, subject to the sum of £2,500 to be raised by mortgage of the lands, or a competent part thereof, or by the sale of the said woods, to be paid to the heirs, executors, administrators or representatives of Charles Wilcocks, Joshua Wilcocks and Thomas Wilcocks, deceased, respectively.
6 Geo. 1. c. 8 (I)
2 November 1719
An Act to enable Charles Morgan, junior, of Kilcolgan in the county of Galway, esquire, to sell or mortgage part of his estate for the payment of his debts.
6 Geo. 1. c. 9 (I)
2 November 1719
An Act for rebuilding the parish church of Christ Church in the city of Cork.



8 Geo. 1 (1721)


The 4th session of the parliament of George I, which met from 12 September 1721 until 18 January 1722.

There were no private acts passed in this session.

Public acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
8 Geo. 1. c. 1 (I)
21 December 1721
An Act for granting and continuing to his Majesty the additional duties on beer, ale, strong waters, tobacco, and other goods and merchandizes; and also upon all sorts of wine, strong waters, and spirits perfectly made, and up on all spirits made and distilled of wine; and also for granting and continuing the further additional duties on beer, ale, aqua vitæ, and strong waters, brewed and made in this kingdom; and upon brandy or spirits above proof; and on tea, coffee, chocolate, and cocoa-nuts; and also a tax on all sallaries, profits of employments, fees and pensions therein mentioned; and for securing the repayment of fifty thousand pounds sterling, formerly advanced to his Majesty for the use of the publick, together with the interest thereof.
8 Geo. 1. c. 2 (I)
21 December 1721
An Act for amending an act,[a] intituled, "An act to explain and amend an Act,[b] intituled, 'An act for the more effectual preventing frauds committed by tenants.'"
8 Geo. 1. c. 3 (I)
18 January 1722
An Act to oblige ships coming from infected places more effectually to perform their quarantine; and for the better preventing the plague being brought from foreign parts into this kingdom.
8 Geo. 1. c. 4 (I)
18 January 1722
An Act for the more effectual quieting and securing Possessions, and preventing vexatious Suits at Law.
8 Geo. 1. c. 5 (I)
18 January 1722
An Act to oblige proprietors and tenants of neighbouring lands to make fences between their several lands and holdings.
8 Geo. 1. c. 6 (I)
18 January 1722
An Act for the further amendment of the law, and for continuing and amending several acts near expiring.
8 Geo. 1. c. 7 (I)
18 January 1722
An Act for the further Amendment of the Laws in Relation to Butter and Tallow Casks, Hides, and other Commodities of this Kingdom, and for preventing the Destruction of Salmon.
8 Geo. 1. c. 8 (I)
18 January 1722
An Act for repealing part of an act passed in the tenth year of King William the third, intituled, "An Act for planting and preserving timber-trees and woods;"[c] and also for giving further encouragement to plant and preserve timber trees and woods.
8 Geo. 1. c. 9 (I)
18 January 1722
An Act for amending an Act, intituled, "An Act for the better and more effectual apprehending and transporting Felons and others; and for continuing and amending several Laws made in this Kingdom for suppressing Tories, Robbers, and Rapperies;"[d] and also to prevent the lifting of His Majesty's Subjects to serve as Soldiers in foreign Service without his Majesty's Licence.
8 Geo. 1. c. 10 (I)
18 January 1722
An Act for continuing and amending an act, intituled, "An Act for the better regulating the parish-watches, and amending the high ways in this kingdom; and for preventing the misapplication of publick money."[e]
8 Geo. 1. c. 11 (I)
18 January 1722
An Act for the supplying a Defect in an Act passed in the Second Year of the Reign of Her late Majesty Queen Anne, intituled, "An Act for the Exchange of Glebes belonging to Churches in this Kingdom."[f]
8 Geo. 1. c. 12 (I)
18 January 1722
An Act for the better enabling of the Clergy having Cure of Souls to reside upon their respective Benefices; and for the Encouragement of Protestant Schools within this kingdom of Ireland.
8 Geo. 1. c. 13 (I)
18 January 1722
An Act for reducing the interest of money to seven per cent.
8 Geo. 1. c. 14 (I)
18 January 1722
An Act for the better securing the payment of bankers notes.
8 Geo. 1. c. 15 (I)
18 January 1722
An Act for explaining and amending two several Acts[g][h] in Relation to the Publick Registering of all Deeds Conveyances, and Wills.
8 Geo. 1. c. 16 (I)
18 January 1722
An Act for amending an act, intituled, "An Act for erecting and continuing lights in the city of Dublin, and the several liberties adjoining; and also in the cities of Cork and Limerick, and liberties thereof."[i]
  1. ^ Distress for Rent Act 1717 (4 Geo. 1. c. 5 (I))
  2. ^ Distress for Rent Act 1712 (11 Anne c. 2 (I))
  3. ^ Timber Act 1698 (10 Will. 3. c. 12 (I))
  4. ^ 6 Geo. 1. c. 12 (I)
  5. ^ 6 Geo. 1. c. 10 (I)
  6. ^ 2 Anne c. 10 (I)
  7. ^ Registration of Deeds Act 1707 (6 Anne. c. 2 (I))
  8. ^ Registration of Deeds Act 1709 (8 Anne c. 10 (I))
  9. ^ 6 Geo. 1. c. 18 (I)

10 Geo. 1 (1723)


The 5th session of the parliament of George I, which met from 29 August 1723 until 10 February 1724.

Public acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
10 Geo. 1. c. 1 (I)
24 December 1723
An Act for granting and continuing to his Majesty the additional duties on beer, ale, strong waters, tobacco, and other goods and merchandizes; and also upon all sorts of wines, strong waters, and spirits perfectly made, and upon all spirits made and distilled of wine; and also for granting and continuing the further additional duties on beer, ale, aqua vitæ, and strong waters, brewed, and made in this kingdom; and upon brandy or spirits above proof; and on tea, coffee, chocolate, and cocoa-nuts; and also a tax on all salaries, profits of employments, fees, and pensions therein mentioned; and for securing the repayment of fifty thousand pounds sterling formerly advanced to his Majesty for the use of the publick, together with the interest thereof.
10 Geo. 1. c. 2 (I)
10 February 1724
An Act for amending the several laws now in force for encouraging the hempen and flaxen manufactures in this kingdom, and for the further improvement thereof.
10 Geo. 1. c. 3 (I)
10 February 1724
An Act for continuing and amending an Act, intituled, "An Act for the better regulating the Parish Watches, and amending the High Ways in this Kingdom; and for the preventing the Misapplication of Publick Money;"[a] and also for establishing a regular Watch in the City of Dublin; and to prevent Mischiefs which may happen by Graving Ships in the River Lissey.
10 Geo. 1. c. 4 (I)
10 February 1724
An Act for continuing several temporary statutes made in this kingdom, and now near expiring.
10 Geo. 1. c. 5 (I)
10 February 1724
An Act for the further Encouragement of finding and working Mines and Minerals within this Kingdom.
10 Geo. 1. c. 6 (I)
10 February 1724
An Act for explaining and amending an Act, intituled, "An Act for real Union and Division of Parishes;"[b] and for confirming an Exchange made of a Piece of Ground, whereon the Parish-church and Vicarage-house of the Parish of Saint Anne in the Suburbs of the City of Dublin was by a former Act of Parliament directed to be built, for another Piece of Ground; and for appropriating such other Piece of Ground to the same Uses.
10 Geo. 1. c. 7 (I)
10 February 1724
An Act for amending an Act, intituled, "An Act for confirming the several Grants made by her late Majesty of the first Fruits and twentieth Parts; and also for giving the Archbishops and other Ecclesiastical Persons four Years Time for the Payment of First Fruits; and for incorporating the Trustees and Commissioners of the said First Fruits."[c]
10 Geo. 1. c. 8 (I)
10 February 1724
An Act for accepting the solemn affirmation or declaration of the people called Quakers, in certain cases, instead of an oath in the usual form.
10 Geo. 1. c. 9 (I)
10 February 1724
An Act for continuing and amending the Laws in Relation to Butter and Tallow, and the Casks in which such Goods are to be made up, and in Relation to the curing of Hides, and making up of Beef and Pork for Exportation; and for preventing the Destruction of Salmon.
10 Geo. 1. c. 10 (I)
10 February 1724
An Act for regulating abuses committed in buying and selling of cattle and sheep in the several markets in this kingdom.
10 Geo. 1. c. 11 (I)
10 February 1724
An Act for the relief of insolvent debtors.
  1. ^ 6 Geo. 1. c. 10 (I)
  2. ^ 2 Geo. 1. c. 14 (I)
  3. ^ 2 Geo. 1. c. 15 (I)

Private acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
10 Geo. 1. c. 1 (I)
10 February 1724
An Act for further application of the rents and profits of lands and tenements, formerly given by Erasmus Smith, esquire, deceased, to charitable uses.
10 Geo. 1. c. 2 (I)
10 February 1724
An Act for enabling George Mathew, junior, son and heir apparent of George Mathew, of Thomastown, in the county of Tipperary, esquire, to settle a jointure, and make provision for younger children, and other purposes.
10 Geo. 1. c. 3 (I)
10 February 1724
An Act to enable Henry Percy, esquire, and Emerson Percy, his son and heir apparent, to make a settlement on any wife said Emerson may marry, and to make provision for younger children.
10 Geo. 1. c. 4 (I)
10 February 1724
An Act to enable William Longfield, of Kilbride, in the county of Meath, esquire and Robert Longfield, of Castlemary, in the county of Cork, esquire to make fee farms, or leases for lives renewable for ever, of the lands and tenements herein after mentioned, by and with consent of Edward Eustace, of Castlemore, in the county of Carlow, esquire.
10 Geo. 1. c. 5 (I)
10 February 1724
An Act to enable the Right Honourable Cadwallader, Lord Baron Blaney, of Monaghan, to sell part of his estate for payment of debts.
10 Geo. 1. c. 6 (I)
10 February 1724
An Act for the better settling of the manor of Dunbrody, in the county of Wexford, on the honourable John Chichester, esquire, for life, with power to settle a jointure on any wife he shall marry, and for raising portions for younger children.
10 Geo. 1. c. 7 (I)
10 February 1724
An Act for sale of part of the estate of Henry O'Hara of Crebilly, in Co. Antrim, esquire, for payment of debts and legacies.
10 Geo. 1. c. 8 (I)
10 February 1724
An Act for vesting part of the estate of Robert Bell, of Parane in the County of Mayo, esquire in trustees, to be sold for payment of debts affecting the same.
10 Geo. 1. c. 9 (I)
10 February 1724
An Act for the sale of part of the estate of John Cooke, late of Kiltinane, in the county of Tipperary, esquire, deceased, for payment of debts, legacies, and portions.
10 Geo. 1. c. 10 (I)
10 February 1724
An Act for the better sale of part of the estate of James Stevenson, esquire, for payment of debts.
10 Geo. 1. c. 11 (I)
10 February 1724
An Act for making a provision, by way of jointure, for the Right Honourable Martha, Lady Viscountess Blessinton, in case she shall survive her husband Charles, Lord Viscount Blessinton.

12 Geo. 1 (1725)


The 6th session of the parliament of George I, which met from 7 September 1725 until 8 March 1726.

Public acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
12 Geo. 1. c. 1 (I)
18 December 1725
An Act for granting and continuing to his Majesty the additional duties on beer, ale, strong waters, tobacco, and other goods and merchandizes; and also upon all sorts of wine, strong waters, and spirits perfectly made, and upon all spirits made and distilled of wine; and also for granting and continuing the further additional duties on beer, ale, aqua vitæ, and strong waters, brewed and made in this kingdom; and upon brandy or spirits above proof; and on tea, coffee, chocolate, and cocoa-nuts; and also for granting a further additional duty upon brandy or spirits above proof; and also a tax on all salaries, profits of employments, fees, and pensions therein mentioned; and for securing the repayment of fifty thousand pounds sterl. formerly advanced to his Majesty for the use of the publick, together with the interest there of.
12 Geo. 1. c. 2 (I)
8 March 1726
An Act to prevent the fraudulent and clandestine importing of goods.
12 Geo. 1. c. 3 (I)
8 March 1726
An Act to prevent marriages by degraded clergymen and popish priests, and for preventing marriages consummated from being avoided by precontracts, and for the more effectual punishing of bigamy.
12 Geo. 1. c. 4 (I)
8 March 1726
An Act for the better regulating the office of sheriffs, and for the ascertaining their fees, and the fees for suing out their patents, and passing their accounts.
12 Geo. 1. c. 5 (I)
8 March 1726
An Act for explaining and amending an Act, intituled, "An Act for continuing and amending of the Laws in Relation to Butter and Tallow, and the Casks in which such Goods are to be made up, and in relation to the curing of Hides, and in making up of Beef and Pork for Exportation, and for preventing the Destruction of Salmon."[a]
12 Geo. 1. c. 6 (I)
8 March 1726
An Act for continuing several temporary statutes made in this kingdom now near expiring; and for allowing further time to persons in offices to qualify themselves pursuant to an act, intituled, "An Act to prevent the further growth of popery."[b]
12 Geo. 1. c. 7 (I)
8 March 1726
An Act for the better preserving the Salmon Fishery of this Kingdom.
12 Geo. 1. c. 8 (I)
8 March 1726
An Act for the more effectual transporting Felons and Vagabonds.
12 Geo. 1. c. 9 (I)
8 March 1726
An Act for the more effectual and better regulating of Free-Schools, and for rebuilding and repairing of Churches.
12 Geo. 1. c. 10 (I)
8 March 1726
An Act to amend and explain an Act, intituled, "An Act to encourage building of Houses, and making other Improvements of Church Lands, and to prevent Dilapidations."[c]
  1. ^ 10 Geo. 1. c. 9 (I)
  2. ^ Popery Act 1703 (2 Anne. c. 6 (I))
  3. ^ Glebe Act 1698 (10 Will. 3. c. 6 (I))

Private acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
12 Geo. 1. c. 1 (I)
8 March 1726
An Act for enabling the Right Honourable John, Lord Molesworth, and Richard Molesworth, and the several other persons in remainder for life, when in possession of certain lands near St Stephen's Green and Dawson Street, in the county and city of Dublin, to make leases thereof.
12 Geo. 1. c. 2 (I)
8 March 1726
An Act for finishing the church of Christ Church, in the city of Cork.
12 Geo. 1. c. 3 (I)
8 March 1726
An Act for enabling Price Hartstonge, of Bruffe, in the county of Limerick, esquire, to raise the some of £2000 by mortgage of all or any part of the lands of Court and Colum, in the said county, for the purposes therein mentioned.
12 Geo. 1. c. 4 (I)
8 March 1726
An Act to enable Robert Hickman, esquire, to charge his estate for payment of his father's debts and legacies, and to make leases.
12 Geo. 1. c. 5 (I)
8 March 1726
An Act to enable Sir Pierce Butler, baronet, and Richard Butler, esquire, son and heir of James Butler, esquire, deceased, only brother of the said Pierce Butler, to make a further settlement of the estate lately belonging to Sir Thomas Butler, deceased, for the benefit of themselves and their family, without prejudice to the jointure of Dame Anne Butler, wife of the said Sir Pierce, or to the provisions made for their issue by the settlement made on their marriage by the said Sir Thomas Butler.
12 Geo. 1. c. 6 (I)
8 March 1726
An Act for the relief of Edmond, Catherine, Mary Margaret, and Elizabeth Morres, minors, being the younger children of Sir John Morres, junior, deceased.
12 Geo. 1. c. 7 (I)
8 March 1726
An Act for vesting part of the estate of John Pyke, late of Woodenstown, in the county of Tipperary, esquire, deceased, in certain trustees for sale thereof, in order to pay and discharge his debts and legacies.

1 Geo. 2 (1727)


The 1st session of the parliament of George II, which met from 28 November 1727 until 6 May 1728.

Public acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
1 Geo. 2. c. 1 (I)
12 December 1727
An Act for granting and continuing to his Majesty the additional duties on beer, ale, strong waters, tobacco, and other goods and merchandizes; and also upon all sorts of wine, strong waters, and spirits perfectly made, and upon all spirits made and distilled of wine; and also for granting and continuing the several further additional duties on beer, ale, aqua vitæ, and strong waters, brewed and made in this kingdom; and upon brandy or spirits above proof; and on tea, coffee, chocolate, and cocoa-nuts.
1 Geo. 2. c. 2 (I)
12 December 1727
An Act for allowing further Time to Persons in Offices to qualify themselves pursuant to an Act, intituled, "An Act to prevent the further Growth of Popery."[a]
1 Geo. 2. c. 3 (I)
12 December 1727
An Act for the more speedy and effectual repair of bridges in the several counties of this kingdom.
1 Geo. 2. c. 4 (I)
19 March 1728
An Act for granting to his Majesty an additional duty on beer, ale, strong waters, wine, tobacco, and other goods and merchandizes therein mentioned; and also a tax on salaries, profits of employments, fees, and pensions; and for securing the repayment of fifty thousand pounds sterling, formerly advanced to his late Majesty for the use of the publick, together with the interest thereof.
1 Geo. 2. c. 5 (I)
19 March 1728
An Act for accepting the solemn affirmation or declaration of the people called Quakers, instead of an oath in the usual form.
1 Geo. 2. c. 6 (I)
6 May 1728
An Act for the more effectual preventing several frauds and abuses committed in his Majesty's customs and excise, and for settling the rates of certain goods and merchandizes not particularly valued in the book of rates.
1 Geo. 2. c. 7 (I)
6 May 1728
An Act to continue the Parliament for the Time being on the Demise of his present most gracious Majesty, or any of His Heirs or Successors, for the Term of six Months from the Day of the said Demise; and likewise to prevent the Publick Funds from expiring during the said Term.
1 Geo. 2. c. 8 (I)
6 May 1728
An Act for preventing inconveniencies that may happen by privilege of Parliament.
1 Geo. 2. c. 9 (I)
6 May 1728
An Act for the further regulating the Election of Members of Parliament, and preventing the irregular Proceedings of Sheriffs and other Officers in electing and returning such Members.
1 Geo. 2. c. 10 (I)
6 May 1728
An Act for regulating the measures made use of in buying and selling of corn, and for promoting husbandry in this kingdom.
1 Geo. 2. c. 11 (I)
6 May 1728
An Act for the further improvement of the hempen and flaxen manufactures of this kingdom.
1 Geo. 2. c. 12 (I)
6 May 1728
An Act for the more easy Recovery of Tythes and other Ecclesiastical Dues of small Value.
1 Geo. 2. c. 13 (I)
6 May 1728
An Act for explaining and amending several laws made for amending the highways and roads in this kingdom; and for the application of the six days labour.
1 Geo. 2. c. 14 (I)
6 May 1728
An Act for explaining and amending an Act,[b] intituled, "An Act for reviving and amending an Act,[c] intituled, 'An Act for Recovery of Small Debts in a summary Way before the Judges of Assize.'"
1 Geo. 2. c. 15 (I)
6 May 1728
An Act for rendering more effectual an Act, intituled, "An Act for the better enabling of the Clergy having cure of Souls to reside upon their respective Benefices; and for the Encouragement of Protestant Schools within this Kingdom of Ireland."[d]
1 Geo. 2. c. 16 (I)
6 May 1728
An Act for regulating the Price and Assize of Bread, and the Markets.
1 Geo. 2. c. 17 (I)
6 May 1728
An Act for continuing several temporary Statutes made in this Kingdom, now near expiring.
1 Geo. 2. c. 18 (I)
6 May 1728
An Act to enable Archbishops, Bishops, and other ecclesiastical Persons and Corporations, to grant their patronage, or Right of Presentation, or Nomination to small Livings, to such Persons as shall augment the same; and also to enable Archbishops and Bishops, and other ecclesiastical Persons therein mentioned, to make Agreements with their Tenants for the inclosing and improving their Woods.
1 Geo. 2. c. 19 (I)
6 May 1728
An Act for repealing a Clause in an Act, intituled, "An Act for real Union and Division of Parishes;"[e] and for settling the Method of obtaining the King's Majesty's Consent for removing the Situation of Churches, the Patronage whereof is in the Crown.
1 Geo. 2. c. 20 (I)
6 May 1728
An Act for regulating the Admissions of Barristers at Law, six Clerks, and Attorneys, and of other Persons, into Offices and Employments; and for preventing Papists practicing as Solicitors: and for further strengthening the Protestant Interest in this Kingdom.
1 Geo. 2. c. 21 (I)
6 May 1728
An Act for preventing Combinations to enhance the Prices, and for avoiding Exactions and Abuses formerly practised in the Sale and Measure of Coals.
1 Geo. 2. c. 22 (I)
6 May 1728
An Act for explaining and amending an Act, intituled, "An Act for the better Maintenance of Curates within the Church of Ireland."[f]
1 Geo. 2. c. 23 (I)
6 May 1728
An Act for the better securing the Rights of Advowson and Presentation to Ecclesiastical Benefices.
1 Geo. 2. c. 24 (I)
6 May 1728
An Act for preventing the embezzling of Goods under the Value of forty Shillings by Servants; and the malicious Destruction of Engines and other Things belonging to mines.
1 Geo. 2. c. 25 (I)
6 May 1728
An Act for the relief of insolvent debtors.
1 Geo. 2. c. 26 (I)
6 May 1728
An Act for the more speedy and effectual inclosing the Strand on the North Side of the River Anna-Liffey near the City of Dublin.
1 Geo. 2. c. 27 (I)
6 May 1728
An Act for the better regulating the Work-House of the City of Dublin, and to regulate and provide for the Poor thereof; and to prevent Mischiefs, which may happen by keeping Gun Powder within the said City.
  1. ^ Popery Act 1703 (2 Anne. c. 6 (I))
  2. ^ 2 Geo. 1. c. 11 (I)
  3. ^ 2 Anne c. 18 (I)
  4. ^ 8 Geo. 1. c. 12 (I)
  5. ^ 2 Geo. 1. c. 14 (I)
  6. ^ 6 Geo. 1. c. 13 (I)

Private acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
1 Geo. 2. c. 1 (I)
6 May 1728
An Act for perpetuating and regulating the charitable foundation of Doctor Nathaniel Foy, late bishop of Waterford and Lismore, in the city of Waterford.
1 Geo. 2. c. 2 (I)
6 May 1728
An Act to enable John Bingham, esquire, to pay debts, and secure portions on his real estate for his younger children, as also for his younger brother George Bingham, a minor.
1 Geo. 2. c. 3 (I)
6 May 1728
An Act for the relief of the younger children of William Parsons, esquire, deceased.

3 Geo. 2 (1729)


The 2nd session of the parliament of George II, which met from 23 September 1729 until 15 April 1730.

Public acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
3 Geo. 2. c. 1 (I)
22 December 1729
An Act for granting to his majesty a further additional duty on beer, ale, strong waters, wine, tobacco, and other goods and merchandizes therein mentioned.
3 Geo. 2. c. 2 (I)
22 December 1729
An Act for granting to his Majesty a further additional duty on wine, strong waters, brandy, and spirits; and also a tax of four shillings in the pound on all salaries, profits of employments, fees, and pensions to be applied to pay an interest at the rate of fix pounds per cent. per annum, for the sum of two hundred thousand pounds, and towards the discharge of the said principal sum.
3 Geo. 2. c. 3 (I)
15 April 1730
An Act for the Encouragement of Tillage; and better Employment of the Poor; and also for the more effectual putting in Execution an Act, intituled, "An Act to encourage the draining and improving of Bogs, and unprofitable low Grounds, and for easing and dispatching the Inland Carriage and Conveyance of Goods from one Part to another within this Kingdom;"[a] and also for laying several Duties upon Coaches, Berlins, Chariots, Calashes, Chaises, and Chairs, and upon Cards and Dice, and upon wrought and manufactured Gold and Silver Plate imported into or made in Ireland for the Purposes therein mentioned; and also for repealing the Duties payable upon the Exportation of Wooll, Bay-yarn, and Woollen-yarn, out of this Kingdom for England.
3 Geo. 2. c. 4 (I)
15 April 1730
An Act for the more effectual preventing and further punishment of forgery, perjury, and subornation of perjury, and to make it felony to steal bonds, notes, or other securities for payment of money, and for the more effectual transporting felons, vagabonds, and others.
3 Geo. 2. c. 5 (I)
15 April 1730
An Act for continuing several Temporary Statutes made in this Kingdom, and now near expiring, and for the Amendment of other Statutes therein mentioned.
3 Geo. 2. c. 6 (I)
15 April 1730
An Act for allowing further time to persons in offices to qualify themselves, pursuant to an act, entitled, "An Act to prevent the further growth of Popery."[b]
3 Geo. 2. c. 7 (I)
15 April 1730
An Act for the better Discovery of Judgments in the Courts of King's Bench, Common Pleas, and Exchequer, at Dublin; and for the greater Security of Purchasers.
3 Geo. 2. c. 8 (I)
15 April 1730
An Act to enable his Majesty to purchase in the respective interests of the several persons intitled to the houses and grounds adjoyning to the new Parliament-house.
3 Geo. 2. c. 9 (I)
15 April 1730
An Act for the further explaining and amending several statutes for prohibiting under sheriffs and sheriffs clerks from officiating as sub-sheriffs or sheriffs clerks more than one year; and to render more effectual an act to prevent fees being taken in certain cases; and to take away the pretended office of barony-clerk, and to oblige sheriffs to appoint deputies for granting replevins; and also for discharging of prisoners unable to pay their fees.
3 Geo. 2. c. 10 (I)
15 April 1730
An Act for explaining and amending an act, intituled, "An act to prevent the disorders that may happen by the marching of soldiers, and for providing carriages for the baggage of soldiers in their march."[c]
3 Geo. 2. c. 11 (I)
15 April 1730
An Act for the better keeping Churches in Repair.
3 Geo. 2. c. 12 (I)
15 April 1730
An Act for supplying a Defect in an Act for rendering more effectual an Act for the better enabling the Clergy having Cure of Soules to reside upon their respective Benefices; and for the Encouragement of Protestant Schools within this Kingdom of Ireland.
3 Geo. 2. c. 13 (I)
15 April 1730
An Act for explaining and amending the several laws now in force for the paving and cleansing the streets of the city of Dublin, and the liberties of Saint Sepulchre's, Thomas-court, and Donore, and for other purposes therein mentioned.
3 Geo. 2. c. 14 (I)
15 April 1730
An Act to prevent unlawful combinations of Workmen, Artificers, and Labourers employed in the several Trades and Manufactures of this Kingdom, and for the better Payment of their Wages; as also to prevent Abuses in making of Bricks, and to ascertain their Dimensions.
3 Geo. 2. c. 15 (I)
15 April 1730
An Act for the more speedy tryal of criminals in the county of the city of Dublin, and county of Dublin.
3 Geo. 2. c. 16 (I)
15 April 1730
An Act for the better regulating Fees of Justice of the Peace, and for disabling Alderman Thomas Wilkinson, and Alderman Thomas Bolton from acting as Justices of the Peace within this Kingdom.
3 Geo. 2. c. 17 (I)
15 April 1730
An act for the better enabling the governors of the work-house of the city of Dublin to provide for and employ the poor therein, and for the more effectual punishment of vagabonds; and also for the better securing of and providing for lunaticks and foundling children.
3 Geo. 2. c. 18 (I)
15 April 1730
An act for repairing the road leading from the city of Dublin to Kilcullen-bridge, in the county of Kildare.
3 Geo. 2. c. 19 (I)
15 April 1730
An Act for repairing the road leading from the City of Dublin, to the Town of Navan, in the County of Meath.
3 Geo. 2. c. 20 (I)
15 April 1730
An act for the relief of insolvent debtors.
3 Geo. 2. c. 21 (I)
15 April 1730
An Act for cleansing the ports, harbours, and rivers of the city of Cork, and of the towns of Gallway, Sligoe, Drogheda, and Belfast; and for erecting a ballast-office in the said city, and each of the said towns.
3 Geo. 2. c. 22 (I)
15 April 1730
An Act for explaining and amending an act made in the sixth year of his late majesty King George I, entitled "An Act for erecting and continuing lights in the city of Dublin and the several liberties adjoining, and also in the cities of Cork and Limerick and liberties thereof."[d]
3 Geo. 2. c. 23 (I)
15 April 1730
An Act for finishing and regulating the hospital founded by Richard Stephens esquire, doctor of Physick.
  1. ^ 2 Geo. 1. c. 12 (I)
  2. ^ Popery Act 1703 (2 Anne. c. 6 (I))
  3. ^ 6 Anne c. 14 (I)
  4. ^ 6 Geo. 1. c. 18 (I)

Private acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
3 Geo. 2. c. 1 (I)
15 April 1730
An Act to dissolve the marriage of Joseph Austin, of the city of Cork, merchant, with Mary Mitchell, and to enable him to marry again.
3 Geo. 2. c. 2 (I)
15 April 1730
An Act for vesting part of the estate of Nicholas Ambrose French, of the city of London, gentleman, in trustees, to be sold for payment of debts and encumbrances affecting his estate, and for confirming and establishing unto John Digby esquire, and his heirs, and unto the assigns of the right Reverend Simon Digby, late Bishop of Elphin, the lands purchased by him from Nicholas French, of Corgery, in County Galway, esquire, father of the said Nicholas Ambrose French.
3 Geo. 2. c. 3 (I)
15 April 1730
An Act for the relief of the younger children of John Odell, esquire, deceased.
3 Geo. 2. c. 4 (I)
15 April 1730
An Act to enable Richard Wolseley, esquire, and other persons interested in common with him in the manor and lands of Moynart, and other lands in county Wexford, and the woods thereon, to come to a partition and division thereof.
3 Geo. 2. c. 5 (I)
15 April 1730
An Act to enable Henry Kenney, esquire, and Elizabeth Kenney, alias Dodwell, his wife, to sell the said Elizabeth's estate, lying and dispersed in the counties of Roscommon, Westmeath, town of Athlone, and city of Dublin, far distant from the said Henry's mansion house and estate in county Wexford, and with the money arising by such sale to purchase other lands more contiguous, to be settled to the same uses mentioned in their marriage articles.



5 Geo. 2 (1731)


The 3rd session of the parliament of George II, which met from 5 October 1731 until 10 March 1732.

Public acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
5 Geo. 2. c. 1 (I)
18 December 1731
An Act for granting and continuing to his Majesty an additional duty on beer, ale, strong waters, wine, tobacco, and other goods and merchandizes therein mentioned.
5 Geo. 2. c. 2 (I)
18 December 1731
An Act for granting to his Majesty a further additional duty on wine, silk, hops, china, earthen, japaned, or lacquered ware, and vinegar; and also a tax of four shillings in the pound on all salaries, profits of employments, fee,s and pensions, to be applied to pay an interest of five pounds per cent. per annum for the sum of three hundred thousand pounds, and towards the discharge of the said principal sum.
5 Geo. 2. c. 3 (I)
10 March 1732
An Act for the better securing and collecting his Majesty's revenue.
5 Geo. 2. c. 4 (I)
10 March 1732
An Act for the further explaining and amending the several Laws for preventing Frauds committed by Tenants; and for the more easy Renewal of Leases; and for the further Amendment of the Law in certain Cases therein mentioned.
5 Geo. 2. c. 5 (I)
10 March 1732
An Act for allowing further time to persons in offices to qualify themselves pursuant to an act, intituled, "An Act to prevent the further growth of popery."[a]
5 Geo. 2. c. 6 (I)
10 March 1732
An Act for continuing several temporary Statutes made in this Kingdom, and now near expiring, and for further Amendment of the Statutes therein mentioned.
5 Geo. 2. c. 7 (I)
10 March 1732
An Act for reducing the Interest of Money to Six per Cent.
5 Geo. 2. c. 8 (I)
10 March 1732
An Act to enable Ideots and Lunaticks, who are seized or possessed of Estates in Fee, or for Lives, or Terms of Years, in Trust or by way of Mortgage, to make Conveyances, Surrenders, or Assignments of Estates; and to prevent Delay in Suits in Equity where Trustees cannot be found.
5 Geo. 2. c. 9 (I)
10 March 1732
An Act to encourage the Improvement of barren and waste Land and Boggs, and planting of Timber Trees and Orchards.
5 Geo. 2. c. 10 (I)
10 March 1732
An Act for the more effectual punishing Stealers of Lead or Iron Bars fixed to Houses, or any Fences belonging thereunto.
5 Geo. 2. c. 11 (I)
10 March 1732
An Act for explaining and amending an Act made in the Twenty eighth Year of the Reign of King Henry the Eighth, intituled, "An act for the Wears upon the Barrow, and other Waters in the County of Kilkenny."[b]
5 Geo. 2. c. 12 (I)
10 March 1732
An Act to prevent the throwing or firing of Squibs, Serpents, and other Fire-works.
5 Geo. 2. c. 13 (I)
10 March 1732
An Act for the better Regulation and Government of Seamen in the Merchants Service.
5 Geo. 2. c. 14 (I)
10 March 1732
An Act to explain and amend an act, intituled, "An Act for the better regulating the work-house of the city of Dublin, and to regulate and provide for the poor thereof, and to prevent mischiefs which may happen by keeping gun-powder within the said city;"[c] and also for explaining and amending one other act, intituled, "An Act for the better enabling the governors of the work-house of the city of Dublin to provide for and employ the poor therein, and for the more effectual punishment of vagabonds; and also for the better securing of and providing for lunaticks and foundling children."[d]
5 Geo. 2. c. 15 (I)
10 March 1732
An act for repairing the road leading from the city of Dublin to the town of Dunleer in the county of Lowth.
5 Geo. 2. c. 16 (I)
10 March 1732
An Act for repairing the Road leading from the City of Dublin, to the Town of Kinnegad in the County of West-Meath.
5 Geo. 2. c. 17 (I)
10 March 1732
An act for repairing the road leading from the Black-Bull in the county of Meath, to the town of Athboy in the said county.
5 Geo. 2. c. 18 (I)
10 March 1732
An Act for repairing the Road leading from the town of Kilcullen in the County of Kildare to the County of Kilkenny.
5 Geo. 2. c. 19 (I)
10 March 1732
An Act for repairing the road leading from the city of Kilkenny to the town of Clonmell in the county of Tipperary.
5 Geo. 2. c. 20 (I)
10 March 1732
An Act for repairing the Road leading from the city of Cork to the Brook which bounds the Counties of Cork and Tipperary near the Foot of Kilworth Mountain.
5 Geo. 2. c. 21 (I)
10 March 1732
An Act for repairing the road leading from the town of Naas in the county of Kildare to the town of Maryborough in the Queen's county.
5 Geo. 2. c. 22 (I)
10 March 1732
An Act for repairing the Road leading from the town of New-Castle in the County of Limerick to the City of Limerick, and from thence to the City of Cork.
  1. ^ Popery Act 1703 (2 Anne. c. 6 (I))
  2. ^ Inland Navigation Act 1537 (28 Hen. 8. c. 22 (I))
  3. ^ 1 Geo. 2. c. 27 (I)
  4. ^ 3 Geo. 2. c. 17 (I)

Private acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
5 Geo. 2. c. 1 (I)
10 March 1732
An Act to enable Bellingham Boyle, esquire, to make leases, and settle a jointure upon any woman he shall marry, out of the towns, lands, tenements, and hereditaments comprised in his grandfather's settlement.
5 Geo. 2. c. 2 (I)
10 March 1732
An Act to enable Hayes St Leger, esquire, and Elizabeth St Leger, alias Deane, his wife, to sell the estate of said Elizabeth, lying dispersed in the counties of Dublin, Meath, Kilkenny, and Wexford, far distant from the said Hayes St Ledger's estate and place of residence in the county of Cork, and with the money arising by such sale to purchase other lands more contiguous, to be settled to same uses, to which the said lands so to be sold are limited.

7 Geo. 2 (1733)


The 4th session of the parliament of George II, which met from 4 October 1733 until 29 April 1734.

Public acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
7 Geo. 2. c. 1 (I)
17 December 1733
An Act for granting and continuing to his Majesty an additional duty on beer, ale, strong waters, wine, tobacco, and other goods and merchandizes therein mentioned.
7 Geo. 2. c. 2 (I)
17 December 1733
An Act for granting to his Majesty a further additional duty on wine, silk, hops, china, earthen, japaned, or lacquered ware, and vinegar; and also a tax of four shillings in the pound on all salaries, profits of employments, fees, and pensions to be applied to pay an interest of five pounds per cent. per annum for the sum of three hundred thousand pounds, or such part thereof as shall remain unpaid on the twenty fifth day of December one thousand seven hundred and thirty three, and towards the discharge of the said principal sum.
7 Geo. 2. c. 3 (I)
29 April 1734
An Act for continuing and amending an act, intituled, "An Act for the more effectual preventing several frauds and abuses committed in his Majesty's customs and excise; and for settling the rates of certain goods and merchandizes not particularly valued in the book of rates;"[a] and for continuing and amending an act, intituled, "An Act for the better securing and collecting his Majesty's revenue;"[b] and also for preventing frauds in the collection thereof.
7 Geo. 2. c. 4 (I)
29 April 1734
An Act for allowing further time to persons in offices or employments to qualify themselves pursuant to an act, intituled, "An Act to prevent the further growth of popery."[c]
7 Geo. 2. c. 5 (I)
29 April 1734
An Act for the Amendment of the Law in relation to Popish Solicitors; and for remedying other Mischiefs in relation to the Practitioners in several Courts of Law and Equity.
7 Geo. 2. c. 6 (I)
29 April 1734
An Act to prevent Persons converted from the Popish to the Protestant Religion, and married to Popish Wives, or educating their Children in the Popish Religion, from acting as Justices of the Peace.
7 Geo. 2. c. 7 (I)
29 April 1734
An Act for continuing several temporary Statutes, and for other Purposes therein mentioned.
7 Geo. 2. c. 8 (I)
29 April 1734
An Act for the more effectual Discovery and Punishment of Deer Stealers.
7 Geo. 2. c. 9 (I)
29 April 1734
An Act to prevent Frauds and Abuses in Bay-yarn exported to Great Britain.
7 Geo. 2. c. 10 (I)
29 April 1734
An Act for the further regulation and improvement of the flaxen and hempen manufactures.
7 Geo. 2. c. 11 (I)
29 April 1734
An Act for the further encouragement of the fishery of this kingdom.
7 Geo. 2. c. 12 (I)
29 April 1734
An Act to enable the Commissioners appointed to put in Execution, An Act for the Encouragement of Tillage, and better Employment of the Poor, &c.[d] made in the Second Year of the Reign of his present Majesty; to encrease the Salary of the Stamp-Master in the said Act mentioned; and for encreasing the Salary of the Treasurer of the County of Cork; and also for the better regulating of High Constables, and for the more easy Recovery of Publick Money in the Hands of the Executors and Administrators.
7 Geo. 2. c. 13 (I)
29 April 1734
An Act to encourage the home Consumption of Wool, by burying in Woolen only.
7 Geo. 2. c. 14 (I)
29 April 1734
An Act for the Relief of Mortgagees; and for making the Process in Courts of Equity more effectual against Mortgagors, who abscond and cannot be served therewith, and against Persons, who being served refuse to appear; and also for better regulating the Payment of the Fees of Attornies and Solicitors.
7 Geo. 2. c. 15 (I)
29 April 1734
An Act for the buying and selling of all forts of corn and meal and other things in the said act mentioned by weight; and for the more effectual preventing the frauds committed in the buying and selling thereof; and for regulating the price and assize of bread; and for better regulating the markets.
7 Geo. 2. c. 16 (I)
29 April 1734
An Act for making more effectual an act passed in the third year of the reign of his present Majesty King George the second, intituled, "An Act for repairing the road leading from the city of Dublin to Killcullen-bridge in the county of Kildare;"[e] and for repairing the road leading from Killcullen-bridge to the town of Killcullen in the said county.
7 Geo. 2. c. 17 (I)
29 April 1734
An act for making more effectual an act passed in the fifth year of the reign of his present Majesty King George the second, intituled, "An Act for repairing the road leading from the town of Naas in the county of Kildare to the town of Maryborough in the Queen's county."[f]
7 Geo. 2. c. 18 (I)
29 April 1734
An Act for making more effectual an act passed in the fifth year of the reign of his present Majesty King George the second, intituled, "An Act for repairing the road leading from the city of Dublin to the town of Dunleer in the county of Lowth."[g]
7 Geo. 2. c. 19 (I)
29 April 1734
An Act for repairing the road leading from the town of Kinnegad in the county of Westmeath to the town of Athlone in the said county.
7 Geo. 2. c. 20 (I)
29 April 1734
An Act for making more effectual an Act passed in the fifth Year of the Reign of his present Majesty King George the Second, intituled, "An Act for repairing the Road leading from the City of Cork to the Brook which bounds the Counties of Cork and Tipperary, near the Foot of Kilworth Mountain, and for other Purposes herein mentioned."[h]
7 Geo. 2. c. 21 (I)
29 April 1734
An Act for making more effectual an Act passed in the fifth Year of the Reign of his present Majesty King George the Second, intituled, "An Act for repairing the Road leading from the City of Dublin to the Town of Kennegad in the County of Westmeath; and for the other purposes therein mentioned."[i]
7 Geo. 2. c. 22 (I)
29 April 1734
An Act for making more effectual an Act passed in the third Year of the Reign of his present Majesty King George the Second, intituled, "An Act for repairing the Road leading from the City of Dublin to the Town of Navan in the County of Meath;"[j] and for repairing the Roads leading from the said town of Navan to the town of Nobber in the said County; as also for repairing the Road leading from the said town of Navan to the Town of Kells in the said County.
7 Geo. 2. c. 23 (I)
29 April 1734
An Act for repairing the Road leading from the Bridge over the Bann-Water, commonly called the Bann-Bridge in the County of Down to the Town of Belfast in the County of Antrim.
7 Geo. 2. c. 24 (I)
29 April 1734
An Act for repairing the road leading from the town of Dundalk in the county of Lowth to a bridge over the river Bann, commonly called Bann-Bridge in the county of Down.
7 Geo. 2. c. 25 (I)
29 April 1734
An Act for repairing the Road leading from Tubber, near the Bounds of the Counties of Clare and Galway to the town of Ennis in the said County of Clare, and from thence to the North Liberties of the City of Limerick.
7 Geo. 2. c. 26 (I)
29 April 1734
An Act for the relief of the creditors of the bank lately kept by Samuel Burton and Daniel Falkiner; and of the creditors of the bank lately kept by Benjamin Burton, Samuel Burton, and Daniel Falkiner; and of the creditors of the bank lately kept by Benjamin Burton and Samuel Burton; and of the creditors of the bank lately kept by Benjamin Burton and Francis Harrison.
  1. ^ 1 Geo. 2. c. 6 (I)
  2. ^ Revenue Act 1731 (5 Geo. 2. c. 3 (I))
  3. ^ Popery Act 1703 (2 Anne. c. 6 (I))
  4. ^ 3 Geo. 2. c. 3 (I)
  5. ^ 3 Geo. 2. c. 18 (I)
  6. ^ 5 Geo. 2. c. 21 (I)
  7. ^ 5 Geo. 2. c. 15 (I)
  8. ^ 5 Geo. 2. c. 20 (I)
  9. ^ 5 Geo. 2. c. 16 (I)
  10. ^ 3 Geo. 2. c. 19 (I)

Private acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
7 Geo. 2. c. 1 (I)
29 April 1734
An Act for the relief of the creditors of Samuel Morris, esquire, deceased, and of Samuel Morris, esquire, his son and heir, by sale of part of the estate of the said Samuel Morris, the son, for payment of debts and legacies, and for other purposes therein mentioned.
7 Geo. 2. c. 2 (I)
29 April 1734
An Act for the sale of part of the settled estate of William Graham, of Drogheda, esquire, and for settling other lands in lieu thereof, and for other purposes therein mentioned.

9 Geo. 2 (1735)


The 5th session of the parliament of George II, which met from 7 October 1735 until 30 March 1736.

Public acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
9 Geo. 2. c. 1 (I)
12 December 1735
An Act for granting and continuing to his Majesty an additional duty on beer, ale, strong waters, wine, tobacco, and other goods and merchandizes therein mentioned.
9 Geo. 2. c. 2 (I)
12 December 1735
An Act for granting to his Majesty a further additional duty on wine, silk, hops, china, earthen, japanned, or lacquered ware, and vinegar; and also a tax of four shillings in the pound on all salaries, profits of employments, fees, and pensions, to be applied to pay an interest of five pounds per cent. per annum for the sum of three hundred thousand pounds, or such part thereof as shall remain unpaid on the twenty fifth day of December one thousand seven hundred and thirty five, and towards the discharge of the said principal sum.
9 Geo. 2. c. 3 (I)
17 March 1736
An Act for the better regulating of Juries.
9 Geo. 2. c. 4 (I)
17 March 1736
An Act for the further encouragement and improvement of the flaxen and hempen manufactures.
9 Geo. 2. c. 5 (I)
17 March 1736
An Act for the more effectual assigning of judgments, and for the more speedy recovery of rents by distress.
9 Geo. 2. c. 6 (I)
17 March 1736
An Act for continuing and amending several Statutes now near expiring.
9 Geo. 2. c. 7 (I)
17 March 1736
An Act for encouraging the planting of timber trees.
9 Geo. 2. c. 8 (I)
17 March 1736
An Act to prevent the Evil arising by the Retailers of Beer, Ale, Brandy, Rum, Geneva, Aquavitæ, and other Spirituous Liquors, giving Credit to Servants, Day-Labourers, and other Persons, who usually work or ply for Hire or Wages.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision (Ireland) Act 1879 (42 & 43 Vict. c. 24))
9 Geo. 2. c. 9 (I)
17 March 1736
An Act for better ascertaining the Gauge and Measure of Barrels and Half-barrels, used by Brewers in selling Beer, Ale, and Small Beer.
9 Geo. 2. c. 10 (I)
17 March 1736
An Act for preventing frauds and abuses committed in the making and vending unfound, adulterated, and bad drugs and medicines.
9 Geo. 2. c. 11 (I)
30 March 1736
An Act for the more effectual preventing clandestine Marriages.
9 Geo. 2. c. 12 (I)
30 March 1736
An Act for explaining an act for real union and division of parishes.
9 Geo. 2. c. 13 (I)
30 March 1736
An Act for making more effectual an act to amend and explain an act intituled, "An act to encourage building of houses and making other improvements on church lands, and to prevent dilapidations."[a]
9 Geo. 2. c. 14 (I)
17 March 1736
An Act for repairing the road leading from the town of Mullingar in the county of Westmeath through the towns of Rathcondra and Mevore in the said county, and through the town of Ballymahon in the county of Longford to Lanesborough in the said county.
9 Geo. 2. c. 15 (I)
17 March 1736
An Act for repairing the road leading from the town of Antrim in the county of Antrim through the towns of Ballymenagh and Ballymoney in the said county, and to the town of Coleraine in the county of Londonderry.
9 Geo. 2. c. 16 (I)
30 March 1736
An act for accepting the solemn affirmation or declaration of the people called Quakers, instead of an oath in the usual form.
9 Geo. 2. c. 17 (I)
17 March 1736
An act for repairing the road leading from the bridge commonly called Ban-bridge, over the Ban-water, in the county of Down to Randalstown in the county of Antrim.
9 Geo. 2. c. 18 (I)
17 March 1736
An act for repairing the road leading from the town of Armagh in the county of Armagh to the town of Lisburn in the county of Antrim.
9 Geo. 2. c. 19 (I)
17 March 1736
An act for repairing the road leading from the town of Armagh in the county of Armagh to the town of Newry in the county of Down.
9 Geo. 2. c. 20 (I)
30 March 1736
An Act for the relief of insolvent debtors.
9 Geo. 2. c. 21 (I)
17 March 1736
An Act for repairing the road leading from the town of Mullingar in the county of Westmeath over Ballynelack-bridge in the said county, and through Edgeworthstown in the county of Longford, to the town of Longford in the said county of Longford; and for the other purposes therein mentioned.
9 Geo. 2. c. 22 (I)
30 March 1736
An Act for repairing the road leading from the town of Maryborough in the Queen's county through the towns of Mountrath, Castletown, and Borris in Offory, in the same county; and from thence through the town of Roscrea to the town of Tomivarah in the county of Tipperary.
9 Geo. 2. c. 23 (I)
30 March 1736
An Act for repairing the road leading from the Green of Kilcullen in the county of Kildare to the town of Athy in the same county, and from thence through the town of Stradbally to the town of Timoho in the Queen's county.
9 Geo. 2. c. 24 (I)
17 March 1736
An Act to explain, amend, and make more effectual an act, intituled, "An act for repairing the road leading from the town of Kilcullen in the county of Kildare to the city of Kilkenny."[b]
9 Geo. 2. c. 25 (I)
17 March 1736
An Act for rebuilding the cathedral church of St. Finbarry in the city of Cork, and for erecting a work-house in the city of Cork for employing and maintaining the poor, punishing of vagabonds, and providing for and educating foundling children.
9 Geo. 2. c. 26 (I)
30 March 1736
An Act for explaining, amending, and making more effectual an act, intituled, "An act for repairing the road leading from the city of Kilkenny to the town of Clonmell in the county of Tipperary."[c]
9 Geo. 2. c. 27 (I)
30 March 1736
An Act for continuing and amending an act[d] for the relief of the creditors of the bank lately kept by Samuel Burton and Daniel Falkiner; and of the creditors of the bank lately kept by Benjamin Burton, Samuel Burton, Daniel Falkiner; and of the creditors of the bank lately kept by Benjamin Burton and Samuel Burton; and of the creditors of the bank lately kept by Benjamin Burton and Francis Harrison.
  1. ^ Glebe Act 1698 (10 Will. 3. c. 6 (I))
  2. ^ 5 Geo. 2. c. 18 (I)
  3. ^ 5 Geo. 2. c. 19 (I)
  4. ^ 7 Geo. 2. c. 26 (I)

Private acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
9 Geo. 2. 1 (I)
17 March 1736
An Act for vesting part of the estate of Henry Ivers, esquire, in trustees, for raising money to discharge the debts and encumbrances affecting the whole, and for enabling the said Henry Ivers, and those in remainder by his father's settlement when in possession to make leases for lives renewable for ever of the town of Mount Ivers, and of the lands about it, at an improved rent.
9 Geo. 2. 2 (I)
30 March 1736
An Act for the speedy and more effectual getting in of the effects of Joseph Nuttall and William Maguire, and the distributing of the same among their creditors.
9 Geo. 2. 3 (I)
30 March 1736
An Act for the relief of the Protestant creditors and lessees of Sir John Fleming, knight, deceased, and of Michael Fleming, esquire, only son of the said Sir John Fleming, and for effectually executing certain articles of agreement entered into between the said Michael Fleming and Mary O'Gara, widow.
9 Geo. 2. 4 (I)
30 March 1736
An Act for sale of part of the lands of Emy and Glasslough, the estate of Robert Leslie, esquire, lying in the county of Monaghan, and for applying the money arising thereby, as also the sum of £3000 part of the portion of Frances Leslie, alias Ludlow, wife of the said Robert Leslie, to the payment of debts and encumbrances affecting the said lands, and other the debts of the said Robert Leslie, and for settling the residue and remainder of the said lands of Glasslough and Emy to the several uses herein mentioned.

11 Geo. 2 (1737)


The 6th session of the parliament of George II, which met from 4 October 1737 until 23 March 1738.

Public acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
11 Geo. 2. c. 1 (I)
19 December 1737
An Act for granting and continuing to his Majesty an additional duty on beer, ale, strong waters, wine, tobacco, and other goods and merchandizes therein mentioned.
11 Geo. 2. c. 2 (I)
19 December 1737
An Act for granting to his Majesty a further additional duty on wine, silk, hops, china, earthen, japanned, or lacquered ware, and vinegar; and also a tax of four shillings in the pound on all salaries, profits of employments, fees, and pensions, to be applied to pay an interest of five pounds per cent. per annum for the sum of three hundred thousand pounds, or such part thereof as shall remain unpaid on the twenty fifth day of December one thousand seven hundred and thirty seven, and towards the discharge of the said principal sum.
11 Geo. 2. c. 3 (I)
23 March 1738
An Act for continuing and amending several laws heretofore made relating to his Majesty's revenue, and the more effectual preventing the running of goods.
11 Geo. 2. c. 4 (I)
23 March 1738
An Act for the further encouragement of the hempen and flaxen manufactures.
11 Geo. 2. c. 5 (I)
23 March 1738
An Act to explain and amend an Act, intituled, "An Act for preventing Inconveniencies that may happen by Privilege of Parliament."[a]
11 Geo. 2. c. 6 (I)
23 March 1738
An Act that all Proceedings in Courts of justice within this Kingdom shall be in the English language.
11 Geo. 2. c. 7 (I)
23 March 1738
An Act for the more effectual preventing the Enlisting of His Majesty's Subjects to serve as Soldiers in foreign Service without His Majesty's License.
11 Geo. 2. c. 8 (I)
23 March 1738
An Act to prevent malicious maiming and wounding, and to prevent carrying secret arms.
11 Geo. 2. c. 9 (I)
23 March 1738
An Act for enforcing and making perpetual an act, intituled, "An Act for the preserving all such ships, and goods thereof, which shall happen to be forced on shore, or stranded upon the coasts of this kingdom;"[b] and also for inflicting the punishment of death on such as shall wilfully burn, sink, or destroy ships.
11 Geo. 2. c. 10 (I)
23 March 1738
An Act for allowing further time to persons in offices to qualify themselves pursuant to an act, intituled, "An act to prevent the further growth of popery;"[c] and for giving further ease to protestant dissenters with respect to matrimonial contracts.
11 Geo. 2. c. 11 (I)
23 March 1738
An Act for buying and selling of all sorts of corn and meal, and other things therein mentioned, by weight; and for the more effectual preventing the frauds committed in the buying and selling thereof; and for regulating the price and assize of bread; and for better regulating the markets.
11 Geo. 2. c. 12 (I)
23 March 1738
An Act for the better preservation of the game.
11 Geo. 2. c. 13 (I)
23 March 1738
An Act for reviving, continuing, and explaining, and amending several temporary statutes, and for other purposes therein mentioned.
11 Geo. 2. c. 14 (I)
23 March 1738
An Act for the further improvement and encouragement of the fishery of this kingdom.
11 Geo. 2. c. 15 (I)
23 March 1738
An Act to repeal Part of an Act passed in the Tenth and Eleventh Years of King Charles the First, intituled, "An Act for the Preservation of the Inheritance, Rights, and Profits of Lands belonging to the Church and Persons Ecclesiastical,"[d] and also for the more easy Recovery of the Arrears of Rent due to Archbishops and Bishops upon their Translation.
11 Geo. 2. c. 16 (I)
23 March 1738
An Act for the relief of insolvent debtors.
11 Geo. 2. c. 17 (I)
23 March 1738
An Act to explain and amend an act, intituled, "An act for repairing the road leading from the town of Mullingar in the county of Westmeath through the towns of Rathcondra and Mevore in the said county, and through the town of Ballymahon in the county of Longford to Lanesborough in the said county;[e] and for the repairing the road from the said town of Lanesborough to the town of Roscommon in the county of Roscommon;" and also for amending one other act of the seventh year of his present Majesty, intituled, "An act for the repairing the road leading from the town of Kinnegad in the county of Westmeath to the town of Athlone in the said county."[f]
11 Geo. 2. c. 18 (I)
23 March 1738
An Act for repairing the high road from the town of Tomivarah in the county of Tipperary to the town of Silver-mines, as also to the town of Nenagh, and from the said towns of Nenagh and Silver-mines by Shally-orchard through the town of Tullo in the said county to the city of Limerick.
11 Geo. 2. c. 19 (I)
23 March 1738
An Act for the further explaining and amending the several acts of Parliament now in force for erecting lamps in the city of Dublin and liberties thereof.
  1. ^ Privilege of Parliament Act 1727 (1 Geo. 2. c. 8 (I))
  2. ^ 4 Geo. 1. c. 4 (I)
  3. ^ Popery Act 1703 (2 Anne. c. 6 (I))
  4. ^ Ecclesiastical Lands Act 1634 (10 & 11 Chas. 1. c. 3 (I))
  5. ^ 9 Geo. 2. c. 14 (I)
  6. ^ 7 Geo. 2. c. 19 (I)

Private acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
11 Geo. 2. c. 1 (I)
23 March 1738
An Act to enable Charles Coote, of Cootehill, in the county of Cavan, esquire, to charge his estate settled on his intermarriage, with a further sum of £8000 for the portions and provisions of three or more younger children, whether sons or daughters, or both, so as the same, with the sum of £4000 charged thereon by the said settlement, do not amount to more than £2000 apiece for such younger children, if equally divided, upon the consideration therein mentioned.
11 Geo. 2. c. 2 (I)
23 March 1738
An Act for rendering the charity devised by the will of Hugh Rainey, late of Magherafelt, in the county of Londonderry, gentleman, more effectual, and to enable the devisees under the said will to make fee-farm leases and leases for lives renewable forever.
11 Geo. 2. c. 3 (I)
23 March 1738
An Act for the relief of the creditors of Daniel Reddy, esquire, and of Dudley Reddy, his brother, deceased, by the sale of their real and personal estates, for payment of their debts.

13 Geo. 2 (1739)


The 7th session of the parliament of George II, which met from 29 October 1739 until 31 March 1740.

Public acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
13 Geo. 2. c. 1 (I)
19 December 1739
An Act for granting and continuing to his Majesty an additional duty on beer, ale, strong waters, wine, tobacco, and other goods and merchandizes therein mentioned.
13 Geo. 2. c. 2 (I)
19 December 1739
An Act for granting to his Majesty a further additional duty on wine, silk, hops, china, earthen, japanned, or lacquered ware, and vinegar; and also a tax of four shillings in the pound on all salaries, profits of employments, fees, and pensions; to be applied to pay an interest of five pounds per cent. per annum for the sum of three hundred thousand pounds, or such part thereof as shall remain unpaid on the twenty fifth day of December one thousand seven hundred and thirty nine, and towards the discharge of the said principal sum.
13 Geo. 2. c. 3 (I)
31 March 1740
An Act for continuing and amending several laws heretofore made relating to his Majesty's revenue, and the more effectual preventing frauds in his Majesty's customs and excise.
13 Geo. 2. c. 4 (I)
31 March 1740
An Act for continuing several temporary statutes.
13 Geo. 2. c. 5 (I)
31 March 1740
An Act to continue and amend an Act, made in the ninth year of the reign of His Present Majesty, intituled, "An Act for the better regulating of juries."[a]
13 Geo. 2. c. 6 (I)
31 March 1740
An act to explain, amend, and make more effectual an Act, passed in the seventh Year of the Reign of his late Majesty King William the Third of glorious Memory, intituled, "An Act for the better securing the Government by disarming Papists."[b]
13 Geo. 2. c. 7 (I)
31 March 1740
An Act for allowing further time to persons in offices or employments to qualify themselves, pursuant to an Act, intituled, "An Act to prevent the further growth of Popery."[c]
13 Geo. 2. c. 8 (I)
31 March 1740
An Act for the more effectual preventing of excessive and deceitful gaming.
13 Geo. 2. c. 9 (I)
31 March 1740
An Act for explaining and amending, An Act[d] for the relief of mortgagees, and for the perpetuating the testimony of witnesses in suits in equity; and for impowering the Dean and Chapter of the Holy-Trinity or Christ-Church Cublin, to grant to His Majesty for any term of years, the rooms over the room commonly called the Exchequer-Chamber, and other rooms therein mentioned; and for amending a misnomer in An Act[e] to enable Charles Coote, Esq; to raise portions for younger children.
13 Geo. 2. c. 10 (I)
31 March 1740
An Act to explain and amend an Act, passed in the sixth year of the reign of His late Majesty, King George the First, intituled, "An Act for the better regulating the Parish-Watches, and amending the high-ways in this Kingdom, and for preventing the misapplication of public money."[f]
13 Geo. 2. c. 11 (I)
31 March 1740
An Act for the further improvement of the hempen and flaxen manufactures of this Kingdom.
13 Geo. 2. c. 12 (I)
31 March 1740
An Act for continuing and amending the laws now in force, in relation to butter and tallow, and the casks in which such goods are to be made up, and for the curing of hides, and making up beef and pork for exportation; and for preventing the destruction of salmon.
13 Geo. 2. c. 13 (I)
31 March 1740
An Act for amending and repairing the highway or road leading from the town of Belfast in the county of Antrim through the parish of Carmony to the town of Antrim, and from the town of Randalstown to the ferry of Toom in the said county.
13 Geo. 2. c. 14 (I)
31 March 1740
An Act for repairing the road leading from Timohoe in the Queen's county through Ballynekill, Durrow, Beggars-Inn, and from thence through the city of Cashell to the town of Tipperary in the county of Tipperary.
13 Geo. 2. c. 15 (I)
31 March 1740
An Act for amending and repairing the road leading from the town of Clonmell in the county of Tipperary through the towns of Clogheen, Mitchelstown, and to Doneraile in the county of Cork.
13 Geo. 2. c. 16 (I)
31 March 1740
An Act for repairing the road leading from the town of Nenagh in the county of Tipperary through the towns of Bir and Ferbane in the King's county to Curranaboy-Bridge on the turnpike road leading to Athlone in the county of Westmeath.
  1. ^ 9 Geo. 2. c. 3 (I)
  2. ^ 7 Will. 3. c. 5 (I)
  3. ^ Popery Act 1703 (2 Anne. c. 6 (I))
  4. ^ Relief of Mortgages Act 1733 (7 Geo. 2. c. 14 (I))
  5. ^ 11 Geo. 2. c. 1 (I)
  6. ^ 6 Geo. 1. c. 10 (I)

Private acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
13 Geo. 2. c. 1 (I)
31 March 1740
An Act for vesting part of the estate of the Right Honourable Nicholas, Lord Viscount Netterville in trustees, to be sold for payment of debts, and for settling other lands in lieu thereof.
13 Geo. 2. c. 2 (I)
31 March 1740
An Act for settling the several manors, lands, tenements and hereditaments in the counties of Kildare, Tipperary and Kerry, late the estate of Sir Stephen Rice, late of Mountrice, in the county of Kildare, knight, deceased, and of Edward Rice, esquire, deceased, eldest son and heir of the said Sir Stephen Rice, according to the last will and testament of the said Edward Rice, and to the marriage settlement of James Rice, esquire, deceased, second son of the said Sir Stephen Rice, and also for securing unto Mary Rice, spinster, daughter and heir of the said Edward Rice, a portion of £7000 out of the said estate, and for other purposes therein mentioned.
13 Geo. 2. c. 3 (I)
31 March 1740
An Act for establishing and confirming a partition of certain lands, late the estate of Francis Heaton of Ballyskenagh, alias Mount-Heaton, in the King's county, esquire, deceased, and to subject the said partition to an equal proportion of the encumbrances affecting the said lands.
13 Geo. 2. c. 4 (I)
31 March 1740
An Act to enable Bellingham Boyle, esquire, to raise the sum of £3,500 by way of mortgage upon the lands comprised in his grandfather's settlement.



15 Geo. 2 (1741)


The 8th session of the parliament of George II, which met from 6 October 1741 until 15 February 1742.

Public acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
15 Geo. 2. c. 1 (I)
23 December 1741
An Act for granting and continuing to his Majesty an additional duty on beer, ale, strong waters, wine, tobacco, and other goods and merchandizes herein mentioned.
15 Geo. 2. c. 2 (I)
23 December 1741
An act for granting to his Majesty a further additional duty on wine, silk, hops, china, earthen, japanned, or lacquered ware, and vinegar; and also a tax of four shillings in the pound on all salaries, profits of employments, fees, and pensions, to be applied to pay an interest of four pounds per cent. per annum upon the sum of one hundred and twenty five thousand pounds, part of the sum of three hundred thousand pounds, and an interest of five pounds per cent. per annum upon such part of the residue thereof as shall remain unpaid on the twenty fifth day of December one thousand seven hundred and forty one; and also to pay an interest of four pounds per cent. per annum upon a further sum not exceeding the sum of one hundred and twenty five thousand pounds, to be borrowed for the purposes herein mentioned, and towards the discharge of the said principal sums.
15 Geo. 2. c. 3 (I)
15 February 1742
An Act for continuing and amending several laws heretofore made relating to his Majesty's revenue, and the more effectual preventing frauds in his Majesty's customs and excise.
15 Geo. 2. c. 4 (I)
15 February 1742
An Act for allowing further time to persons in offices or employments to qualify themselves pursuant to an act, intituled, "An Act to prevent the further growth of popery."[a]
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision (Ireland) Act 1879 (42 & 43 Vict. c. 24))
15 Geo. 2. c. 5 (I)
15 February 1742
An Act to enable archbishops and bishops to demise part of their demesne lands, and to change the scite of their mansion houses.
15 Geo. 2. c. 6 (I)
15 February 1742
An Act for continuing and amending several statutes now near expiring, and for other purposes therein mentioned.
15 Geo. 2. c. 7 (I)
15 February 1742
An Act for the better Regulation of Partnerships to encourage the Trade and Manufactures of this Kingdom.
15 Geo. 2. c. 8 (I)
15 February 1742
An Act for the more effectual securing the Payment of Rents, and preventing Frauds by Tenants.
15 Geo. 2. c. 9 (I)
15 February 1742
An Act to explain and amend a clause in an act passed in this kingdom in the second year of the reign of her late Majesty Queen Anne, intituled, "An act to prohibit butchers from being graziers, and to redress several abuses in buying and selling of cattle, and in slaughtering and packing of beef, tallow, and hides."[b]
15 Geo. 2. c. 10 (I)
15 February 1742
An Act for explaining and amending an act, intituled, "An act for the further encouragement of finding and working mines and minerals in this kingdom."[c]
15 Geo. 2. c. 11 (I)
15 February 1742
An Act to revive and amend an act made in the sixth year of his late Majesty King George the first, intituled, "An act for erecting and continuing lights in the city of Dublin, and the several liberties adjoining, and also in the cities of Cork and Limerick, and liberties thereof,"[d] as far as the same relates to the liberties adjoining to the city of Dublin and to the cities of Cork and Limerick, and the liberties thereof.
  1. ^ Popery Act 1703 (2 Anne. c. 6 (I))
  2. ^ Sale of Livestock Act 1703 (2 Anne c. 15 (I))
  3. ^ Mining Leases Act 1723 (10 Geo. 1. c. 5 (I))
  4. ^ 6 Geo. 1. c. 18 (I)

Private acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
15 Geo. 2. c. 1 (I)
15 February 1742
An Act for vesting the estate of Henry Barry, late Lord Barry, of Santry, in trustees, to be sold for payment of his debts, and for other purposes therein mentioned.
15 Geo. 2. c. 2 (I)
15 February 1742
An Act for vesting part of the estate of John Jacob, late of Coolemore, in the county of Tipperary, esquire, deceased, in certain trustees, for sale thereof, in order to pay and discharge his debts and legacies.
15 Geo. 2. c. 3 (I)
15 February 1742
An Act for vacating the office of the king's professor of physic in Dublin upon the death or surrender of the present king's professor, and for erecting three professorships of physic in the said city instead thereof.

17 Geo. 2 (1743)


The 9th session of the parliament of George II, which met from 4 October 1743 until 9 February 1744.

Public acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
17 Geo. 2. c. 1 (I)
17 December 1742
An Act for granting and continuing to his Majesty an additional duty on beer, ale, strong waters, wine, tobacco, hides, and other goods and merchandizes herein mentioned.
17 Geo. 2. c. 2 (I)
17 December 1742
An Act for granting to his Majesty a further additional duty on wine, silk, hops, china, earthen, japanned, or lacquered ware, and vinegar; and also a tax of four shillings in the pound on all salaries, profits of employments, fees, and pensions, to be applied to pay an interest of five pounds per cent. per annum upon such part of the sum of one hundred thousand pounds, part of the sum of three hundred thousand pounds formerly raised, which shall remain unpaid on the twenty fifth day of December one thousand seven hundred and forty three; and also to pay an interest of four pounds per cent per annum upon such part of the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand pounds also formerly raised, as shall remain unpaid on the said twenty fifth day of December one thousand seven hundred and forty three, and towards the discharge of the said principal sums.
17 Geo. 2. c. 3 (I)
17 December 1742
An Act for the further improvement of the hempen and flaxen manufactures, and to encourage the raising of flax-seed in this kingdom.
17 Geo. 2. c. 4 (I)
9 February 1744
An Act for the more effectual transportation of felons and vagabonds.
17 Geo. 2. c. 5 (I)
9 February 1744
An Act to amend and make more effectual the laws to prevent the maiming, killing, and destroying of cattle, and to prevent frauds committed by butchers dressing meat for sale.
17 Geo. 2. c. 6 (I)
9 February 1744
An Act to take away the benefit of clergy from any person that shall by night or by day-time feloniously and privately steal any goods out of any shop, ware-house, tan-yard, drying-house, cellar, or out-house, though not adjoining to any dwelling-house, or off of quays; and to encourage persons to apprehend such felons and other robbers.
17 Geo. 2. c. 7 (I)
9 February 1744
An Act for continuing and amending several laws heretofore made relating to his Majesty's revenue, and for more effectual preventing frauds in his Majesty's customs and excise.
17 Geo. 2. c. 8 (I)
9 February 1744
An Act for continuing several statutes now near expiring, and for amending other statutes, and for other purposes therein mentioned.
17 Geo. 2. c. 9 (I)
9 February 1744
An Act for allowing further time to persons in offices or employments to qualify themselves pursuant to an act, intituled, "An Act to prevent the further growth of popery."[a]
17 Geo. 2. c. 10 (I)
9 February 1744
An Act to prevent the pernicious Practice of burning Land, and for the more effectual destroying of Vermin.
17 Geo. 2. c. 11 (I)
9 February 1744
An Act for the amendment of the law in relation to forgery, and the salvage of ships and goods stranded.
17 Geo. 2. c. 12 (I)
9 February 1744
An Act to oblige ships coming from places infected more effectually to perform their quarantine, and for the better preventing the plague being brought from foreign parts into Ireland, and to hinder the spreading of infection.
17 Geo. 2. c. 13 (I)
9 February 1744
An Act to explain, continue, amend, and make more effectual an act, intituled, "An Act for repairing the high road leading from the town of Tomivarah in the county of Tipperary to the town of Silver-mines, as also to the town of Nenagh, and from the said towns of Nenagh and Silver-mines by Shally-Orchard through the town of Tullo in the said county to the city of Limerick."[b]
  1. ^ Popery Act 1703 (2 Anne. c. 6 (I))
  2. ^ 11 Geo. 2. c. 18 (I)

Private acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
17 Geo. 2. c. 1 (I)
9 February 1744
An Act for enabling the Right Honourable William, earl of Kerry, to make a good jointure of £600 a year, agreed by him to be settled on Gertrude, countess of Kerry, before his intermarriage with her.
17 Geo. 2. c. 2 (I)
9 February 1744
An Act for regulating and rendering more effectual the charitable donations of Edward Nicholson, clerk, deceased.

19 Geo. 2 (1745)


The 10th session of the parliament of George II, which met from 8 October 1745 until 11 April 1746.

Public acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
19 Geo. 2. c. 1 (I)
2 December 1745
An Act to make it high treason to hold correspondence with the sons of the Pretender to his Majesty's crown; and for attainting them of high treason in case they shall land, or attempt to land, in this kingdom, and to give a reward of fifty thousand pounds for every of them to any person or persons who shall seize and secure them, or any of them, if they or any of them shall land, or attempt to land, in this kingdom.
19 Geo. 2. c. 2 (I)
13 December 1745
An Act for granting and continuing to his Majesty an additional duty on beer, ale, strong waters, wine, tobacco, hides, and other goods and merchandizes herein mentioned; and for prohibiting the importation of all gold and silver lace, except of the manufacture of Great Britain.
19 Geo. 2. c. 3 (I)
13 December 1745
An Act for granting to his Majesty an additional duty on wine, silk, hops, china, earthen, japanned, or lacquered ware, and vinegar; and also a tax of four shillings in the pound on all salaries, profits of employments, fees and pensions, to be applied to pay an interest of five pounds per cent. per annum upon such part of the sum of one hundred thousand pounds, part of the sum of three hundred thousand pounds formerly raised, and to pay an interest of four pounds per cent. per annum upon such part of the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand pounds also formerly raised, as shall remain unpaid on the twenty fifth day of December one thousand seven hundred and forty five; as also to pay an interest of four pounds per cent. per annum upon a further sum not exceeding the sum of seventy thousand pounds to be borrowed for the purposes herein mentioned, and towards the discharge of the said principal sums.
19 Geo. 2. c. 4 (I)
11 April 1746
An Act for continuing and amending several laws heretofore made relating to his Majesty's revenue, and for the more effectual preventing of frauds in his Majesty's customs and excise.
19 Geo. 2. c. 5 (I)
11 April 1746
An Act for licensing hawkers and pedlars; and for the encouragement of English protestant schools.
19 Geo. 2. c. 6 (I)
11 April 1746
An Act for repealing the several acts of Parliament made in this kingdom for the encouragement and improvement of the hempen and flaxen manufactures; and for the better regulating improving and encouraging the said manufactures.
19 Geo. 2. c. 7 (I)
11 April 1746
An Act for the more effectual preventing his Majesty's Subjects from entering into foreign Service; and for publishing an Act of the seventh Year of King William the Third, intituled, "An Act to prevent foreign Education."[a]
19 Geo. 2. c. 8 (I)
11 April 1746
An Act for allowing further time to persons in offices or employments to qualify themselves pursuant to an act, intituled, "An Act to prevent the further growth of popery."[b]
19 Geo. 2. c. 9 (I)
11 April 1746
An Act to continue and amend an act passed in the second year of the reign of his late Majesty King George the first, intituled, "An Act to make the militia of this kingdom more useful."[c]
19 Geo. 2. c. 10 (I)
11 April 1746
An Act for continuing and amending the several acts for the better regulating of juries.
19 Geo. 2. c. 11 (I)
11 April 1746
An Act for the better regulating Elections of Members of Parliament.
19 Geo. 2. c. 12 (I)
11 April 1746
An Act for the better regulating of corporations.
19 Geo. 2. c. 13 (I)
11 April 1746
An Act for annulling all Marriages to be celebrate by any Popish Priest between Protestant and Protestant, or between Protestant and Papist; and to amend and make more effectual an Act passed in this Kingdom in the sixth Year of the Reign of her late Majesty Queen Anne, intituled, "An Act for the more effectual preventing the taking away and marrying Children against the Wills of their Parents or Guardians."[d]
19 Geo. 2. c. 14 (I)
11 April 1746
An Act for explaining an act passed in the tenth year of his late Majesty King William the third, intituled, "An act for the preservation of the game and the more easy conviction of such as shall destroy the same."[e]
19 Geo. 2. c. 15 (I)
11 April 1746
An Act for reviving and continuing several temporary statutes.
19 Geo. 2. c. 16 (I)
11 April 1746
An Act for amending the laws in relation to demesne lands be longing to archbishops, and in relation to the building of new parish-churches.
19 Geo. 2. c. 17 (I)
11 April 1746
An Act for continuing and amending an act, intituled, "An Act for the buying and selling of all sorts of corn and meal, and other things therein mentioned, by weight; and for the more effectual preventing the frauds committed in the buying and selling thereof; and for regulating the price and assize of bread; and for better regulating the markets."[f]
19 Geo. 2. c. 18 (I)
11 April 1746
An Act for accepting the solemn affirmation or declaration of the people called Quakers instead of an oath in the usual form.
19 Geo. 2. c. 19 (I)
11 April 1746
An Act to continue and amend an act, intituled, "An Act for repairing the road leading from the town of New-castle in the county of Limerick to the city of Limerick, and from thence to the city of Cork."[g]
19 Geo. 2. c. 20 (I)
11 April 1746
An Act to explain, amend, and make more effectual an act made in the seventh year of his present Majesty,[h] intituled, "An Act for making more effectual an act passed in the fifth year of the reign of his present Majesty King George the second,[i] intituled, 'An Act for repairing the road leading from the town of Naas in the county of Kildare to the town of Maryborough in the Queen's-county.'"
19 Geo. 2. c. 21 (I)
11 April 1746
An Act for continuing and amending the several laws relating to the work-house of the city of Dublin.
  1. ^ Education Act 1695 (7 Will. 3. c. 4 (I))
  2. ^ Popery Act 1703 (2 Anne. c. 6 (I))
  3. ^ 2 Geo. 1. c. 9 (I)
  4. ^ Abductions Act 1707 (6 Anne. c. 16 (I))
  5. ^ Deer Protection Act 1698 (10 Will. 3. c. 8 (I))
  6. ^ 11 Geo. 2. c. 11 (I)
  7. ^ 5 Geo. 2. c. 22 (I)
  8. ^ 7 Geo. 2. c. 17 (I)
  9. ^ 5 Geo. 2. c. 21 (I)

Private acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
19 Geo. 2. c. 1 (I)
11 April 1746
An Act for establishing and confirming a partition of certain lands lying in the King's county, counties of Kildare and Westmeath, late the estate of William Sprigge of Clonivoe in the King's county, esquire, deceased, agreed to be made between Sir Lawrence Parsons of Parsonstown in the King's county, baronet, and Thomas Burgh of Oldtown in the county of Kildare, esquire, and for enabling the said Sir Laurence Parsons to make one or more lease or leases for 31 years or three lives of his part of the said lands, and for other purposes therein mentioned.
19 Geo. 2. c. 2 (I)
11 April 1746
An Act for sale of part of the estate of William Paul Warren, esquire, to discharge his debts and encumbrances, and for settling the rest of his estate, and for other purposes therein mentioned.
19 Geo. 2. c. 3 (I)
11 April 1746
An Act for more the speedy and effectual enclosing and preserving the strand on the north side of the river Anna Liffey, near the city of Dublin.
19 Geo. 2. c. 4 (I)
11 April 1746
An Act for the relief of the creditors and the younger children of Caesar Colclough of Mocorry in the Co. Wexford, esquire, and for settling a maintenance on Vesey Colclough, grandson of the said Caesar, and for other purposes.

21 Geo. 2 (1747)


The 11th session of the parliament of George II, which met from 6 October 1747 until 9 April 1748.

Public acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
21 Geo. 2. c. 1 (I)
21 December 1747
An Act for granting and continuing to his Majesty an additional duty on beer, ale, strong waters, wine, tobacco, hides, and other goods and merchandizes therein mentioned; and for prohibiting the importation of all gold and silver lace, except of the manufacture of Great Britain.
21 Geo. 2. c. 2 (I)
21 December 1747
An Act for granting to his Majesty an additional duty on wine, silk, hops, china, earthen, japanned, or lacquered ware, and vinegar; and also a tax of four shillings in the pound on all salaries, profits of employments, fees, and pensions, to be applied to pay an interest of five pounds per cent. per annum upon such part of the fum of one hundred thousand pounds, part of the sum of three hundred thousand pounds formerly raised, and to pay an interest of four pounds per cent. per annum upon such part of the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand pounds also formerly raised, as shall remain unpaid on the twenty fifth day of December one thousand seven hundred and forty seven; as also to pay an interest of four pounds per cent. per annum for such part of the sum of seventy thousand pounds as hath been or shall be borrowed pursuant to an act passed the last session of Parliament, and towards the discharge of the said principal sums.
21 Geo. 2. c. 3 (I)
21 December 1747
An Act for licensing hawkers and pedlars; and for the encouragement of English protestant schools.
21 Geo. 2. c. 4 (I)
9 April 1748
An Act for continuing and amending several laws heretofore made relating to his Majesty's revenue, and for the more effectual preventing of frauds in his Majesty's customs and excise.
21 Geo. 2. c. 5 (I)
9 April 1748
An Act for allowing further time to persons in offices or employments to qualify themselves pursuant to an act, intituled, "An Act to prevent the further growth of popery."[a]
21 Geo. 2. c. 6 (I)
9 April 1748
An Act for amending the several acts for the better regulating of juries.
21 Geo. 2. c. 7 (I)
9 April 1748
An Act for reviving, continuing and amending several temporary statutes.
21 Geo. 2. c. 8 (I)
9 April 1748
An Act for disappropriating benefices belonging to deans, archdeacons, dignitaries, and other members of cathedral churches, and for appropriating others in their stead; and also for the removal of the scites of ruined cathedral churches.
21 Geo. 2. c. 9 (I)
9 April 1748
An Act to amend and make more effectual an act passed in the fourth year of the reign of his late Majesty King George the first,[b] intituled, "An Act for vesting in his Majesty, his heirs and successors, the several lands, tenements, and hereditaments, whereon the barracks in this kingdom are built, or building, or contracted for; and whereon light-houses are or shall be built, and for making reasonable satisfaction to the several owners and proprietors for the same; and likewise for amending an act made in the sixth year of her late Majesty's reign,[c] intituled, 'An Act to prevent the disorders that may happen by the marching of soldiers, and for providing carriages for the baggage of soldiers in their march.'"
21 Geo. 2. c. 10 (I)
9 April 1748
An Act to amend and make more effectual an Act, intituled, "An Act for better regulating Elections of Members to serve in Parliament,"[d] and for the more effectual quieting of Corporations, and securing the Rights of Persons, who have been or shall be elected into the Offices of Alderman and Burgesses within any Corporation of this Kingdom.
21 Geo. 2. c. 11 (I)
9 April 1748
An Act for amending the laws in relation to fines and common recoveries; and for better securing the rights of purchasers under sales made in pursuance of decrees in the several courts of equity in this kingdom.
21 Geo. 2. c. 12 (I)
9 April 1748
An Act for the more effectual punishment of assaults, with intent to commit robbery.
21 Geo. 2. c. 13 (I)
9 April 1748
An Act for repairing the roads leading from the city of Corke through Mill-street to Shannah-Mill in the county of Kerry, and from Shannah-Mill to Killarny; as also from Shannah-Mill through Castle-Island to Listowell in the said county; and for laying an additional toll at all turnpikes in this kingdom on all carrs and carriages, making use of any part of saplin or trees as, or for a bow or backband, or making use of any saplins twisted into gads for backbands, halters, traces to draw by, or gads commonly called long gads.
  1. ^ Popery Act 1703 (2 Anne. c. 6 (I))
  2. ^ 4 Geo. 1. c. 7 (I)
  3. ^ 6 Anne c. 14 (I)
  4. ^ 19 Geo. 2. c. 11 (I)

Private acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
21 Geo. 2. c. 1 (I)
9 April 1747
An Act for enabling the governors and guardians of the hospital founded by Dr Richard Steevens, to grant a piece of ground in fee-farm to the governors of St. Patrick's Hospital, Dublin, for the site of that hospital.
21 Geo. 2. c. 2 (I)
9 April 1747
An Act to dissolve the marriage of Gorges Lowther of Killrew in the Co. of Meath, esquire, with Judith Usher, and to enable him to marry again, and for other purposes therein mentioned.
21 Geo. 2. c. 3 (I)
9 April 1747
An Act to enable the Right Honourable Mary, Viscountess Dowager Molesworth, to make a lease or leases of certain messuages, curtillages and gardens in the lord chief baron's yard, and on the Blind-Quay, in the city of Dublin, for the term of 99 years.
21 Geo. 2. c. 4 (I)
9 April 1747
An Act to confirm and carry into execution certain articles of agreement entered into by and between Abraham Creichton, esquire, on behalf of himself and of Elizabeth Creichton, otherwise Rogerson, his wife, David Rogerson Creichton, John Creichton and Abraham Creichton, sons of the said Abraham Creichton and Elizabeth, his wife, all infants under the age of 21 years, and William Todd, esquire, on behalf of himself and Frances Joanna Todd otherwise Columbine, his wife, concerning such residue of the real and personal estate of Francis Harrison, esquire, deceased, as shall remain unsold and indisposed of, after the full execution of the trusts relating to the said real and personal estate, mentioned and contained in an act, made in the 7th year of his majesty's reign,[a] entitled, "An Act for the relief of the creditors of the bank lately kept by Samuel Burton and Daniel Falkner, and of the creditors of the bank lately kept by Benjamin Burton, Samuel Burton and Daniel Falkner, and of the creditors of the bank lately kept by Benjamin Burton and Samuel Burton, and of the creditors of the bank lately kept by Benjamin Burton and Francis Harrison," and in one other act, made in the 9th year of his majesty's reign,[b] entitled, "An Act for continuing and amending an act[a] for the relief of the creditors of the bank lately kept by Samuel Burton and Daniel Falkner, and of the creditors of the bank lately kept by Benjamin Burton, Samuel Burton and Daniel Falkner, and of the creditors of the bank lately kept by Benjamin Burton and Samuel Burton, and of the creditors of the bank lately kept by Benjamin Burton and Francis Harrison."
21 Geo. 2. c. 5 (I)
9 April 1747
An Act for sale of part of the estate, late of Colonel Robert Dixon, of Calverstown, in the county of Kildare, deceased, for payment of debts and legacies affecting the said estate.
21 Geo. 2. c. 6 (I)
9 April 1747
An Act for vesting part of the estate of John Bingham of Newbrook in the County Mayo, esquire, in trustees, for raising, by sale thereof, money to pay off the debts and encumbrances affecting the same.
21 Geo. 2. c. 7 (I)
9 April 1747
An Act for sale of so much of the estate of Lyndon Bell, of Streamstown, in the county Mayo, esquire, as will be sufficient to pay the debts, legacies and encumbrances affecting the same.
21 Geo. 2. c. 8 (I)
9 April 1747
An Act for establishing a fine acknowledged and a recovery suffered by John Walsh, esquire, and Edward Walsh, esquire, his son and heir apparent, in Hilary term, 1732.
  1. ^ a b 7 Geo. 2. c. 26 (I)
  2. ^ 9 Geo. 2. c. 27 (I)

23 Geo. 2 (1749)


The 12th session of the parliament of George II, which met from 10 October 1749 until 14 April 1750.

Public acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
23 Geo. 2. c. 1 (I)
23 December 1749
An Act for granting and continuing to his Majesty an additional duty on beer, ale, strong waters, wine, tobacco, hides, and other goods and merchandizes herein mentioned; and for prohibiting the importation of all gold and silver lace, except of the manufacture of Great Britain.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision (Ireland) Act 1879 (42 & 43 Vict. c. 24))
23 Geo. 2. c. 2 (I)
23 December 1749
An Act for payment of the principal sums of seventy thousand pounds and fifty eight thousand five hundred pounds in discharge of so much of the national debt; and for granting to his Majesty an additional duty on wine, silk, hops, china, earthen, japanned, or lacquered ware, and vinegar; and also a tax of four shillings in the pound on all salaries, profits of employments, fees, and pensions; to be applied to discharge the interest of the said principal sums, until the same shall be paid; and also to pay an interest of four pounds per centum per annum for the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand pounds, which will remain due after the payments aforesaid, and an interest of four pounds per centum per annum for such further sums, as may hereafter be borrowed pursuant to an act[a] passed in the nineteenth year of his present Majesty's reign, and towards the discharge of the said principal sum of two hundred and fifty thousand pounds.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision (Ireland) Act 1879 (42 & 43 Vict. c. 24))
23 Geo. 2. c. 3 (I)
14 April 1750
An Act for continuing and amending several laws heretofore made relating to his Majesty's revenue, and for the more effectual preventing of frauds in his Majesty's customs and excise.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision (Ireland) Act 1879 (42 & 43 Vict. c. 24))
23 Geo. 2. c. 4 (I)
14 April 1750
An Act for licensing hawkers and pedlars; and for the encouragement of English protestant schools.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision (Ireland) Act 1879 (42 & 43 Vict. c. 24))
23 Geo. 2. c. 5 (I)
14 April 1750
An Act for granting and continuing to his Majesty several duties upon coaches, berlins, chariots, calashes, chaises, and chairs, and upon cards and dice, and upon wrought and manufactured gold and silver plate, for the purposes herein mentioned.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision (Ireland) Act 1879 (42 & 43 Vict. c. 24))
23 Geo. 2. c. 6 (I)
14 April 1750
An Act for the further improvement and encouragement of the flaxen and hempen manufactures.
23 Geo. 2. c. 7 (I)
14 April 1750
An Act for allowing further time to persons in offices or employments to qualify themselves pursuant to an act, intituled, "An act to prevent the further growth of popery."[b]
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision (Ireland) Act 1879 (42 & 43 Vict. c. 24))
23 Geo. 2. c. 8 (I)
14 April 1750
An Act for continuing several temporary statutes.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision (Ireland) Act 1879 (42 & 43 Vict. c. 24))
23 Geo. 2. c. 9 (I)
14 April 1750
An Act for explaining and amending an act, intituled, "An act for the further encouragement of finding and working mines and minerals within this kingdom."[c]
23 Geo. 2. c. 10 (I)
14 April 1750
An Act for explaining and making more effectual an Act, intituled, "An Act for the more effectual preventing clandestine Marriages;"[d] and another Act passed in the twelfth Year of his late Majesty's Reign, intituled, "An Act to prevent Marriages by degraded Clergymen and Popish Priests, and for preventing Marriages consummated from being avoided by Pre-Contracts, and for the more effectual punishing of Bigamy."[e]
23 Geo. 2. c. 11 (I)
14 April 1750
An Act to provide for begging children, and for the better regulation of charity schools, and for taking up vagrant and offensive beggars in the city of Dublin and liberties thereof, and the liberties thereto adjoyning.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision (Ireland) Act 1879 (42 & 43 Vict. c. 24))
23 Geo. 2. c. 12 (I)
14 April 1750
An Act for amending continuing and making more effectual the several acts now in force in this kingdom for the more easy recovery of tythes, and other ecclesiastical dues of small value; and also for the more easy providing a maintenance for parish clerks.
23 Geo. 2. c. 13 (I)
14 April 1750
An Act for the better securing the Persons, who have served or hereafter shall serve in the Office of Sheriff in this Kingdom, against the Defaults and Neglects of their Sub-sheriffs and Attornies.
23 Geo. 2. c. 14 (I)
14 April 1750
An Act for amendment of the law, in relation to the appointing high and petty constables.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision (Ireland) Act 1879 (42 & 43 Vict. c. 24))
23 Geo. 2. c. 15 (I)
14 April 1750
An Act for continuing and amending an Act passed in the tenth Year of the Reign of His late Majesty King George the First, intituled, "An Act regulating Abuses committed in buying and selling of Cattle and Sheep in the several Markets in this Kingdom."[f]
23 Geo. 2. c. 16 (I)
14 April 1750
An Act for the more effectual amending and keeping in repair the several turnpike roads in this kingdom; and for better securing the creditors of the said roads.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision (Ireland) Act 1879 (42 & 43 Vict. c. 24))
23 Geo. 2. c. 17 (I)
14 April 1750
An Act for the relief of insolvent debtors.
(Repealed by Statute Law Revision (Ireland) Act 1879 (42 & 43 Vict. c. 24))
23 Geo. 2. c. 18 (I)
14 April 1750
An Act for regulating the hospital founded by Mary Mercer, spinster.
23 Geo. 2. c. 19 (I)
14 April 1750
An Act for dividing the parish of Saint Mary within the city and suburbs of Dublin into two distinct parishes.
  1. ^ 19 Geo. 2. c. 3 (I)
  2. ^ Popery Act 1703 (2 Anne. c. 6 (I))
  3. ^ Mining Leases Act 1723 (10 Geo. 1. c. 5 (I))
  4. ^ Marriage Act 1735 (9 Geo. 2. c. 11 (I))
  5. ^ Marriage Act 1725 (12 Geo. 1. c. 3 (I))
  6. ^ Sale of Livestock Act 1723 (10 Geo. 1. c. 10 (I))

Private acts

Short title, or popular nameCitationRoyal assent
Long title
23 Geo. 2. c. 1 (I)
14 April 1750
An Act for vesting part of the estate of William Steuart of the Castle of Baillyburrow in the Co. Cavan, esquire, in trustees, for raising, by sale thereof, the sum of £4000, charged upon the said estate for the portion of Rebecca Eccles otherwise Steuart, his sister, by the last will and testament of Charles Stuart, esquire, deceased, his father.
23 Geo. 2. c. 2 (I)
14 April 1750
An Act to enable Robert Warren and William Warren, esquires, to come to a partition or division of several lands, tenements, and hereditaments in the county of Cork and in the city of Cork.

See also





  1. ^ a b c Short title given by Short Titles Act (Northern Ireland) 1951 (c. 1 (N.I.)) United Kingdom
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p Short title given by the Statute Law Revision Act 2007 (No. 28) Republic of Ireland
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z aa ab ac ad ae af ag ah ai Short title given by Short Titles Act 1962 (No. 5) Republic of Ireland