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Lukuas was one of the leaders of Jewish rebels during the Kitos War, also known as the Second Jewish War, in the 2nd century AD. The narrative of the revolt under Lukuas is told by Eusebius of Caesarea, Michael Syrus, Bar Hebraeus and Cassius Dio, where he is also referred to by the Greek name 'Andreas'. Very little is known regarding his life and political career beyond these passing references. D.P. Curtin suggests that the name Lukuas is a Greek transliteration of the Hebrew word 'L'yaqish' meaning "the bird-catcher", a battle-moniker granted for his military contest with the Roman Eagle[1]. It is generally agreed that he attempted to assume the title of "King of the Jews" during his political career[2].

Kitos War

In 115 large scale Jewish revolts, known as the Kitos War, erupted across the eastern parts of Roman Empire. In Cyrenaica, the Jewish rebels were led by one Lukuas (or Andreas), who called himself "king" (according to Eusebius of Caesarea). His group destroyed many temples, including those to Hecate, Jupiter, Apollo, Artemis, and Isis, as well as the civil structures that were symbols of Rome, including the Caesareum, the basilica, and the public baths.

Lukuas then moved towards Alexandria, entered and set fire to the city. Alexandria had been abandoned by the Roman troops in Egypt under the leadership of governor Marcus Rutilius Lupus. The pagan temples and the tomb of Pompey were destroyed. Trajan sent new troops under the praefectus praetorio Quintus Marcius Turbo, but Egypt and Cyrenaica were pacified only in autumn 117.

In the aftermath, Lukuas fled to Roman Judea.[3] Marcius Turbo pursued him and sentenced to death the brothers Julian and Pappus, who had been key leaders in the rebellion. Lusius Quietus, the conqueror of the Jews of Mesopotamia, was now in command of the Roman army in Judea, and laid siege to Lydda, where the rebel Jews had gathered under the leadership of Julian and Pappus. The distress became so great that the patriarch Rabban Gamaliel II, who was shut up there and died soon afterwards, permitted fasting even on Ḥanukkah. Other rabbis condemned this measure.[4] Lydda was next taken and many of the Jews were executed; the "slain of Lydda" are often mentioned in words of reverential praise in the Talmud.[5] Pappus and Julian were among those executed by the Romans in the same year.[6]



  • Eusebius, History of the church 4.2.1-5