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Massed negative practice

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Massed negative practice is a proposed treatment for the tics of Tourette syndrome in which the individual with Tourette's "practices" tics continuously until a conditioned level of fatigue is reached. It is based upon the Hullian learning theory, which holds that tics are "maladaptive habits that are strengthened by repetition and can be replaced by the strengthening of more adaptive habits (i.e., not having tics)".[1] There is little evidence supporting its efficacy in the treatment of tics.[1][2][3]


  1. ^ a b Woods DW, Himle MB, Conelea CA. Behavior therapy: other interventions for tic disorders. Adv Neurol. 2006;99:234–40. PMID 16536371
  2. ^ Singer HS. "Tourette's syndrome: from behaviour to biology". Lancet Neurol. 2005 Mar;4(3):149–59. doi:10.1016/S1474-4422(05)01012-4 PMID 15721825
  3. ^ Andrén P, Jakubovski E, Murphy TL, et al. (July 2021). "European clinical guidelines for Tourette syndrome and other tic disorders-version 2.0. Part II: psychological interventions". Eur Child Adolesc Psychiatry. 31 (3): 403–423. doi:10.1007/s00787-021-01845-z. PMC 8314030. PMID 34313861.