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Maurice Dietrich

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Maurice (or Moritz, or Maurycy) Dietrich (1816–1887)[1] was pianist and composer in Congress Poland who had moved there from the Kingdom of Saxony.

Dietrich was born in Saxony.[1] He moved to Polish Łomża and then to Warsaw, where he died.[1]

His compositions are for piano, mainly dances and salon pieces, but include also some opera transcriptions. They were published by Franz Spiess's firm (later passed to Rudolph Friedlein) in Warsaw[2] from the first half of the 1840s on. Later works (from ca.1869) were printed by the André publishing house in Offenbach am Main.


  1. ^ a b c Józef M. Chomiński (1964). Słownik muzyków polskich. Polskie Wydawn. Muzyczne. p. 109.
  2. ^ Słownik muzyków polskich dawnych i nowoczesnych: kompozytorów, wirtuozów, śpiewaków, instrumencistów, lutnistów, organmistrzów, poetów lirycznych i miłośników sztuki muzycznej : zawierający krótki rys historyi muzyki w Polsce, opisanie obrazów cudownych i dawnych instrumentów, z muzyką i portretem autora. Wydawn. Artystyczne i Filmowe. 1874. p. 75.

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