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{{Redirect|Primary resource|original sources used in research|Primary source}}
[[Image:Rainforest Fatu Hiva.jpg|right|thumb|The rainforest in Fatu-Hiva,in Marquesas Islands is an example of an undisturbed natural resource. Forest provides timber for humans; food and shelter for flora and the fauna. The nutrient cycle between organisms form food chains and biodiversity of species.]]

[[Image:Carson Fall Mt Kinabalu.jpg|thumb|The Carson Fall in [[Mount Kinabalu]], [[Malaysia]] is an example of undisturbed natural resource. Waterfalls provide spring water for humans, animals and plants for survival and also habitat for marine organisms. The water current can be used to turn turbines for [[hydroelectric]] generation.]]
[[Image:Ocean waves.jpg|thumb|The [[ocean]] is an example of a natural resource. Ocean waves can be used to generate [[wave power]] which is a [[renewable energy]]. Ocean water is important for salt production and providing habitat for deep water fishes. There are biodiversity of marine species in the sea where nutrient cycles are common.]]
[[Image:Udachnaya pipe.JPG|thumb|A picture of the [[Udachnaya pipe]], an [[Open-pit mining|open-pit]] [[diamond]] mine in [[Siberia]]. An example of a non-renewable natural resource.]]

'''Natural resources''' occur naturally within [[Natural environment|environments]] that exist relatively undisturbed by mankind, in a [[nature|natural]] form. A natural [[resource]] is often characterized by amounts of [[biodiversity]] and [[geodiversity]] existent in various [[ecosystems]].

Natural resources are derived from the environment. Some of them are essential for our survival while most are used for satisfying our wants. Natural resources may be further classified in different ways.

Natural resources are materials and components (something that can be used) that can be found within the environment. Every man-made product is composed of natural resources (at its fundamental level). A natural resource may exist as a separate entity such as fresh water, and air, as well as a living organism such as a fish, or it may exist in an alternate form which must be processed to obtain the resource such as metal ores, oil, and most forms of energy.

There is much debate worldwide over natural resource allocations, this is partly due to increasing scarcity (depletion of resources) but also because the exportation of natural resources is the basis for many economies (particularly for developed nations such as Australia).

Some natural resources such as sunlight and air can be found everywhere, and are known as ubiquitous resources. However, most resources only occur in small sporadic areas, and are referred to as localized resources. There are very few resources that are considered inexhaustible (will not run out in foreseeable future) – these are solar radiation, geothermal energy, and air (though access to clean air may not be). The vast majority of resources are exhaustible, which means they have a finite quantity, and can be depleted if managed improperly.

There are various methods of categorizing natural resources, these include source of origin, stage of development, and by their renewability, these classifications are described below.
On the basis of origin, resources may be divided into:
* Biotic – Biotic resources are obtained from the [[biosphere]] (living and organic material), such as [[forests]] and [[animals]], and the materials that can be obtained from them. [[Fossil fuels]] such as [[coal]] and [[petroleum]] are also included in this category because they are formed from decayed organic matter.
* Abiotic – Abiotic resources are those that come from non-living, non-organic material. Examples of abiotic resources include [[wikt:land|land]], fresh [[water]], [[air]] and heavy metals including [[ores]] such as [[gold]], [[iron]], [[copper]], [[silver]], etc.

Considering their stage of development, natural resources may be referred to in the following ways:
* ''Potential Resources'' – Potential resources are those that exist in a region and may be used in the future. For example, [[petroleum]] may exist in many parts of India, having sedimentary rocks but until the time it is actually drilled out and put into use, it remains a potential resource.
* ''Actual Resources'' – Actual resources are those that have been surveyed, their quantity and quality determined and are being used in present times. The development of an actual resource, such as [[wood processing]] depends upon the technology available and the cost involved.
* ''Reserve Resources'' – The part of an actual resource which can be developed profitably in the future is called a reserve resource.
* ''Stock Resources'' – Stock resources are those that have been surveyed but cannot be used by organisms due to lack of technology. For example: [[hydrogen]].

Renewability is a very popular topic and many natural resources can be categorized as either renewable or non-renewable:
* [[Renewable resources]] are ones that can be replenished naturally. Some of these resources, like sunlight, air, wind, etc., are continuously available and their quantity is not noticeably affected by human consumption. Though many renewable resources do not have such a rapid recovery rate, these resources are susceptible to depletion by over-use. Resources from a human use perspective are classified as renewable only so long as the rate of replenishment/recovery exceeds that of the rate of consumption.
* [[Non-renewable resources]] are resources that form extremely slowly and those that do not naturally form in the environment. Minerals are the most common resource included in this category. By the human perspective, resources are non-renewable when their rate of consumption exceeds the rate of replenishment/recovery; a good example of this are fossil fuels, which are in this category because their rate of formation is extremely slow (potentially millions of years), meaning they are considered non-renewable. Some resources actually naturally deplete in amount without human interference, the most notable of these being radio-active elements such as uranium, which naturally decay into heavy metals. Of these, the metallic minerals can be re-used by recycling them,<ref>{{cite web |url=http://www.science.org.au/nova/newscientist/027ns_005.htm?id=mg19426051.200&print=true |title=Earth's natural wealth: an audit |publisher=Science.org.au |date= May 23, 2007}}</ref> but coal and petroleum cannot be [[recycled]].<ref>{{cite web |url=http://reason.com/archives/2010/04/27/peak-everything |title=Peak Everything? |publisher=Reason.com |date= April 27, 2010}}</ref>

== Extraction ==
Resource extraction involves any activity that withdraws resources from nature. This can range in scale from the [[traditional economy|traditional use]] of preindustrial societies, to global industry. Extractive industries are, along with agriculture, the basis of the [[primary sector]] of the economy. Extraction produces [[raw material]] which is then processed to [[add value]]. Examples of extractive industries are [[hunting]] and [[Animal trapping|trapping]], [[mining]], [[oil and gas drilling]], and [[forestry]]. Natural resources can add substantial's to a country's wealth,<ref>http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/16-002-x/2007003/10454-eng.htm</ref> however a sudden inflow of money caused by a resource boom can create social problems including inflation harming other industries ("[[Dutch disease]]") and corruption, leading to inequality and underdevelopment, this is known as the "[[resource curse]]".

[[Image:Windmills D1-D4 - Thornton Bank.jpg|thumb|left|Wind is a natural resource that can be used to generate electricity, as with these 5MW wind turbines in [[Thorntonbank Wind Farm]] {{convert|28|km|0|abbr=on}} off the coast of [[Belgium]]]]

In recent years, the depletion of natural resources has become a major focus of governments and organizations such as the United Nations (UN). This is evident in the UN's Agenda 21 Section Two, which outlines the necessary steps to be taken by countries to sustain their natural resources.<ref name="UN 2002">{{cite web |title=UN 2002 Earth Summit Agenda 21 The United Nations programme for action from Rio: Section Two- Conservation and Management of Resources for Development, United Nations, Rio |url=http://www.un.org/esa/dsd/agenda21/res_agenda21_09.shtml |publisher=Un.org |date=12 September 2011 |accessdate= }}</ref> The depletion of natural resources is considered to be a sustainable development issue.<ref name="Schilling">Schilling M and Chiang L 2011 The effect of natural resources on sustainable development policy: The approach of non- sustainable externalities. Energy Policy 39: 990-998</ref> The term sustainable development has many interpretations, most notably the Brundtland Commission's 'to ensure that it meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs',<ref>{{cite web |title=UN 1987 'Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development: Our Common Future' UN Documents: Gathering a body of global agreements |url=http://www.un-documents.net/ocf-02.htm |publisher=Un.org |date=12 September 2011 |accessdate= }}</ref> however in broad terms it is balancing the needs of the planet's people and species now and in the future.<ref name="UN 2002"/> In regards to natural resources, depletion is of concern for sustainable development as it has the ability to degrade current environments<ref>Salvati L and Marco Z 2008 Natural resource depletion and economic performance of local districts: suggestions from a whithin-country analysis Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology. 15(6): 518-523</ref> and potential to impact the needs of future generations.<ref name="Schilling"/>

{{quote box
|quote='''The conservation of natural resources is the fundamental problem. Unless we solve that problem, it will avail us little to solve all others.'''|source='''[[Theodore Roosevelt]]'''<ref>Theodore Roosevelt, Address to the Deep Waterway Convention
Memphis, TN, October 4, 1907</ref>
|width= 300px

Depletion of Natural Resources is associated with social inequity. Considering most biodiversity are located in developing countries,<ref name="cultural">UNESCO and UNEP 2002 Cultural Diversity and Biodiversity for Sustainable Development, World Summit on Sustainable Development, Johannesburg.</ref> depletion of this resource could result in losses of ecosystem services for these countries.<ref name="living planet">Nellemann C and Corcoran E 2010 Dead Planet, Living Planet- Biodiversity and Ecosystem Restoration for Sustainable Development: A Rapid Response Assessment. United Nations Environment Program, GRID-Arendal</ref> Some view this depletion as a major source of social unrest and conflicts in developing nations.<ref>Von Braun J cited in Inforesources Trends 2005 Depletion of Natural Resources- Implications for Development: An assessment by experts Berne, Switzerland</ref>

At present, with it being the year of the forest,<ref name="forest">{{cite web |title=UNEP 2011 International Year of Forests |url=http://www.un.org/en/events/iyof2011/ |date=12 September 2011 |publisher=Un.org |accessdate= }}</ref> there is particular concern for rainforest regions which hold most of the Earth's biodiversity.<ref name="forest"/> According to Nelson<ref name="Nelson">{{cite web |title=Nelson 2005 Chapter 3: Drivers of Ecosystem Change: Summary Chapter in Current State and Trends Assessment Millenium Ecosystem Assessment |url=http://www.maweb.org/documents/document.272.aspx.pdf |format=PDF |date= 12 September 2011 |accessdate= }}</ref> deforestation and degradation affect 8.5% of the world's forests with 30% of the Earth's surface already cropped. If we consider that 80% of people rely on medicines obtained from plants and ¾ of the world's prescription medicines have ingredients taken from plants,<ref name="living planet"/> loss of the world's rainforests could result in a loss of finding more potential life saving medicines.<ref>Clark H cited in
UNESCO and UNEP 2002 Cultural Diversity and Biodiversity for Sustainable Development, World Summit on Sustainable Development, Johannesburg</ref>

The depletion of natural resources is caused by 'direct drivers of change'<ref name="Nelson"/> such as [[Mining]], [[petroleum extraction]], [[fishing]] and forestry as well as 'indirect drivers of change' such as demography, economy, society, politics and technology.<ref name="Nelson"/> The current practice of [[Agriculture]] is another factor causing depletion of natural resources. For example the depletion of nutrients in the soil due to excessive use of nitrogen<ref name="Nelson"/> and desertification<ref name="UN 2002"/>
The depletion of natural resources is a continuing concern for society. This is seen in the cited quote given by [[Theodore Roosevelt]], a well-known conservationist and former United States president, was opposed to unregulated natural resource extraction.

{{see also|Environmental protection}}
In 1982 the UN developed the World Charter for Nature in which it recognised the need to protect nature from further depletion due to human activity. They state the measures needed to be taken at all societal levels, from international right down to individual, to protect nature. They outline the need for sustainable use of natural resources and suggest that the protection of resources should be incorporated into the law system at state and international level.<ref>{{cite web |title=UN 1982 General Assembly World Charter for Nature: 48th Plenary meeting |publisher=http://www.un.org/documents/ga/res/37/a37r007.htm |date=13 September 2011 |publisher=Un.org |accessdate= }}</ref> To look at the importance of protecting natural resources further. The World Ethic of Sustainability, developed by the IUCN, WWF and the UNEP in 1990<ref>Fein J. 2003 Learning to Care: Education and Compassion, Australian Journal of Environmental Education, 19:1-13.</ref> which set out eight values for sustainability, include the need to protect natural resources from depletion. Since these documents, there have been many measures taken to protect natural resources, some of these ways include Conservation biology and Habitat Conservation.

[[Conservation biology]] is the scientific study of the nature and status of Earth's biodiversity with the aim of protecting [[species]], their [[habitats]], and ecosystems from excessive rates of [[extinction]].<ref>M. E. Soulé and B. A. Wilcox. 1980. Conservation Biology: An Evolutionary-Ecological Perspective. Sinauer Associatess. Sunderland, Massachusetts.</ref><ref>M. E. Soule. (1986). What is conservation Biology? [[BioScience]], 35(11): 727-734 [http://www.michaelsoule.com/resource_files/85/85_resource_file1.pdf PDF]</ref> It is an interdisciplinary subject drawing on sciences, economics, and the practice of [[natural resource management]].<ref name="Soule86">{{cite book|last = Soule| first= Michael E. | title= Conservation Biology: The Science of Scarcity and Diversity| year = 1986 | publisher = Sinauer Associates| pages = 584 | isbn=0-87893-795-1, 9780878937950 (hc)}}</ref><ref name="Hunter96">Hunter, M. L. (1996). Fundamentals of Conservation Biology. Blackwell Science Inc., Cambridge, Massachusetts., ISBN 0-86542-371-7.</ref><ref name="Groom06">Groom, M.J., Meffe, G.K. and Carroll, C.R. (2006) Principles of Conservation Biology (3rd ed.). Sinauer Associates, Sunderland, MA. ISBN 0-87893-518-5</ref><ref name="Dyke08">{{cite book|last = van Dyke| first=Fred | title= Conservation Biology: Foundations, Concepts, Applications, 2nd ed.| year = 2008 | publisher = Springer Verlag| pages = 478 | isbn=978-1-4020-6890-4 (hc)}}</ref> The term ''conservation biology'' was introduced as the title of a conference held [[University of California at San Diego]] in La Jolla, California in 1978 organized by biologists Bruce Wilcox and Michael Soulé.

[[Habitat conservation]] is a [[land management]] practice that seeks to [[Conservation (ethic)|conserve]], protect and restore, [[habitat]] areas for wild [[plant]]s and [[animal]]s, especially [[conservation reliant species]], and prevent their [[extinction]], [[habitat fragmentation|fragmentation]] or reduction in [[Range (biology)|range]].<ref name="CDFG">{{cite web|url=http://www.dfg.ca.gov/habcon/|title=Habitat Conservation|last=Habitat Conservation Planning Branch|publisher=[[California Department of Fish & Game]]|accessdate=2009-04-07}}</ref>

[[Natural resource management]] is a discipline in the management of [[natural resources]] such as land, [[water]], [[soil]], [[plant]]s and [[animal]]s, with a particular focus on how management affects the [[quality of life]] for both present and future generations.

Management of natural resources involves identifying who has the right to use the resources and who does not for defining the boundaries of the resource.<ref name="Kommers and Mackie">{{cite web |title=Ostrom E cited in Kommers N and Mackie P 2005 Journalist guide to world resources 2005 World Resources Institute 1-30 |url=http://pdf.wri.org/worldresources_2005_journalist_guide.pdf |format=PDF |publisher=Pdf.wri.org | date= | accessdate= }}</ref> The resources are managed by the users according to the rules governing of when and how the resource is used depending on local condition.<ref name="Managing Ecosystem">{{cite web |title=UNDP,UNEP, The World Bank and World Resources Institute -- The Wealth of the Poor: Managing Ecosystems to Fight Poverty Institute 2005 Chapter 3 The board's role in governance, World Resources 2005 |url=http://www.sc.com.my/eng/html/cg/cg2011/pdf/chapter3.pdf |format=PDF |publisher=Sc.com.my |accessdate= }}</ref>

A successful management of natural resources should{{pov statement|date=June 2012}} engage the community because of the nature of the shared resources the individuals who are affected by the rules can participate in setting or changing them.<ref name="Kommers and Mackie"/> The users have the rights to device their own management institutions and plans under the recognition by the government. The right to resources includes land, water, fisheries and pastoral rights.<ref name="Managing Ecosystem"/> The users or parties accountable to the users have to actively monitor and ensure the utilisation of the resource compliance with the rules and to impose penalty on those peoples who violates the rules.<ref name="Kommers and Mackie"/> These conflicts are resolved in a quick and low cost manner by the local institution according to the seriousness and context of the offence.<ref name="Managing Ecosystem"/>. The global science-based platform to discuss natural resources management is the [[World Resources Forum]], based in Switzerland.

==See also==
*[[Environmental movement]]

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[[Category:Natural resources]]

Revision as of 19:25, 14 May 2013

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