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Order of battle for Guangdong Operation

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Below is the order of battle for the Canton Operation, October to December 1938 during the Second Sino-Japanese War.

Imperial Japanese Army


21st Army - Lt. Gen. Motoo Furusho [8]

  • 5th Division - Lt. Gen. Rikichi Ando [8]
    • 9th Infantry Brigade
      • 11th Infantry Regiment
      • 41st Infantry Regiment
    • 21st Infantry Brigade
      • 21st Infantry Regiment
      • 42nd Infantry Regiment
    • 5th Field Artillery Regiment
    • 5th Cavalry Regiment
    • 5th Engineer Regiment
    • 5th Transport Regiment
  • 18th Division - Lt. Gen. Seiichi Kunou [8]
    • 23rd Infantry Brigade
      • 55th Infantry Regiment
      • 56th Infantry Regiment
    • 35th Infantry Brigade
      • 114th Infantry Regiment
      • 124th Infantry Regiment
    • 22nd Cavalry Battalion
    • 18th Mountain Artillery Regiment
    • 12th Military Engineer Regiment
    • 12th Transport Regiment
  • 104th Division - Lt. Gen. Toshio Miyake [8]
    • 107th Infantry Brigade
    • 132nd Infantry Brigade
      • 137th Infantry Regiment
      • 161st Infantry Regiment
    • 104th Field Artillery Regiment
    • 104th Cavalry Regiment
    • 104th Engineer Regiment
    • 104th Transport Regiment

Forces directly under 21st Army:[1]

  • 3rd Independent Machinegun Battalion (独立機関銃第三大隊)
  • 6th Independent Machinegun Battalion (独立機関銃第六大隊)
  • 21st Independent Machinegun Battalion (独立機関銃第二十一大隊)
  • 11th Independent Light Armored Car Company (独立軽装甲車第十一中隊)
  • 51st Independent Light Armored Car Company (独立軽装甲車第五十一中隊)
  • 52nd Independent Light Armored Car Company (独立軽装甲車第五十二中隊)
  • 111th Mountain Artillery Regiment (山砲兵第百十一聯隊)
  • 10th Independent Mountain Artillery Regiment (独立山砲兵第十聯隊)
  • 1st Heavy Field Artillery Brigade (野戦重砲兵第一旅団)
  • 2nd Mortar Battalion (迫撃第二大隊)
  • 21st Mortar Battalion (迫撃第二十一大隊)
  • 11th Independent Heavy Siege Artillery Battalion (独立攻城重砲兵第十一大隊)
  • 1st Independent Heavy Mortar Battalion (独立臼砲第一大隊)
  • 2nd Independent Heavy Mortar Battalion (独立臼砲第二大隊)
  • 3rd Division's 6th and 7th Field Anti-Aircraft Batteries (第三師団第六、第七野戦高射砲隊)
  • 3rd Division's 8th and 9th Field Anti-Aircraft Batteries (第三師団第八、第九野戦高射砲隊)
  • 1st Division's 6th and 8th Field Anti-Aircraft Batteries (第一師団第六、第八野戦高射砲隊)
  • 5th Division's 2nd Field Anti-Aircraft Battery (第五師団第二野戦高射砲隊)
  • 20th Division's 2nd Field Anti-Aircraft Battery (第二十師団第二野戦高射砲隊)
  • 1st Independent Balloon Company (独立気球第一中隊)
  • 15th Independent Engineer Regiment (独立工兵十五聯隊)
  • 8th Signal Communication Unit (第八通信隊)
  • 6th Field Meteorological Unit (第六野戦気象隊)
  • 3rd Field Survey Unit (第三野戦測量隊)

4th Flight Group - Major Gen. Tomo Fujita [8][2] (Formed on September 19, 1938, under the 21st Army)

  • 64th Hiko Sentai - Major Tamiya Teranishi,[2][3] (Base: Ertaokou 8/38 – 11/38)
    • 1st Chutai - Captain Mitsugu Sawada
    • 2nd Chutai - Captain Tsuguroku Nakao
  • 27th Hiko Sentai - ? [2][3]
    • 1st Chutai - ?
      • Light bomber - ?
  • 31st Hiko Sentai - ? (Base: Canton 11/38 – ) [2][3]
    • Light bomber unit.
  • 1st Aviation Corps (reconnaissance aircraft)[2]
  • 94th Flight Group [2]
  • 97th Flight Group [2]
  • 3rd Flying Field Squadron [2]
  • 1st Field Operation Flying Field team.[2]


  • 21st Army formed on September 19, 1938, and attacks Guangzhou October 12, 1938. [2]

Tactical Organization of the 21st Army


21st Army[2]

  • Oikawa Detachment (及川支隊)
    • 9th Infantry Brigade (Detached from 5th Division)
      • 11th Infantry Regiment
    • 5th Engineer Regiment (Detached from 5th Division)
      • 1st Company
    • Forces under Oikawa Detachment:
      • 52nd Independent Light Armoured Car Company
      • 10th Independent Mountain Artillery Regiment (1 Battalion)
        • 1st Battalion
      • 15th Independent Engineer Regiment
  • 18th Division
    • 23rd Infantry Brigade
      • 55th Infantry Regiment
      • 56th Infantry Regiment
    • 35th Infantry Brigade
      • 114th Infantry Regiment
      • 124th Infantry Regiment (Detached except for 3rd Battalion)
        • 3rd Battalion
    • 22nd Cavalry Battalion
    • 18th Mountain Artillery Regiment
    • 12th Military Engineer Regiment
    • 12th Transport Regiment
    • Forces under 18th Division:
      • 3rd Independent Machinegun Battalion
      • 21st Independent Machinegun Battalion
      • 11th Independent Light Armoured Car Company
      • 51st Independent Light Armoured Car Company
      • 111th Mountain Artillery Regiment
      • 2nd Mortar Battalion
      • 2nd Independent Heavy Mortar Battalion
  • 104th Division
    • 107th Infantry Brigade (108th Infantry Regiment remained in Manchuria)
    • 132nd Infantry Brigade (161st Infantry Regiment remained in Manchuria)
      • 137th Infantry Regiment
    • 104th Field Artillery Regiment (2 Battalions remained in Manchuria)
    • 104th Cavalry Regiment (1 Battalion remained in Manchuria)
    • 104th Engineer Regiment
    • 104th Transport Regiment
    • Forces under 104th Division:
      • 124th Infantry Regiment (Detached from 18th Division, 2 Battalions)
        • 1st Battalion
        • 2nd Battalion
      • 6th Independent Machinegun Battalion
      • 5th Field Artillery Regiment (1 Battalion)
        • 2nd Battalion
      • 10th Independent Mountain Artillery Regiment (2 Battalions)
        • 2nd Battalion
        • 3rd Battalion
      • 21st Mortar Battalion (1 Company)
        • 1st Company
      • 11th Independent Heavy Siege Artillery Battalion
  • 5th Division
    • 9th Infantry Brigade
      • 41st Infantry Regiment
    • 21st Infantry Brigade
      • 21st Infantry Regiment
      • 42nd Infantry Regiment
    • 5th Field Artillery Regiment (2 Battalions)
      • 1st Battalion
      • 3rd Battalion
    • 5th Cavalry Regiment
    • 5th Engineer Regiment (Except for 1st Company)
    • 5th Transport Regiment
    • Forces under 5th Division:
      • 21st Mortar Battalion (3 Companies)
        • 2nd Company
        • 3rd Company
        • 4th Company
      • 1st Independent Heavy Mortar Battalion
      • 3rd Division's 8th Field Anti-Aircraft Battery
  • 21st Army Direct Control
    • 1st Heavy Field Artillery Brigade
    • 3rd Division's 6th, 7th and 9th Field Anti-Aircraft Batteries
    • 1st Independent Balloon Company

Imperial Japanese Navy


5th Fleet - Vice Admiral Kōichi Shiozawa (塩澤中将)[3]



Canton Area Defense October 1938 [1]

4th Route Army - Yu Han-mou [1]

  • 62nd Army - Chang Ta
    • 151st Division - Mo His-teh
    • 152nd Division - Chen Chang
  • 63rd Army - Chang Jui-kuei
    • 153rd Division - Chang Jui-kuei
    • 154th Division - Liang Shih-chi
    • 182nd Division - Li Zhen
  • 65th Army - Li Chen-chiu
    • 156th Division - Li Chiangi
    • 157th Division - Huang Tao
    • 158th Division - Tseng Yu-chiang
  • 9th Separate Brigade - Li Chen-liang
  • 20th Separate Brigade - Chen-liang
  • 2nd Separate Regiment - ?
  • Humen Fortress Command - Chen Tse
  • Chen Chongfan’s Artillery Brigade - Chen Chongfan
  • A Tank Battalion from Canton Tank Corps - ?
  • Anti-Aircraft Gun Battalion - ?
  • Tax Police Division - Sun Liren


  • River Defense Command - ?
    • Haimen Fortress
    • Pearl River flotilla
      • Shao-ho
      • Hai-chou
      • Hai-hu
      • Hai-ou

Airforce[1] Kwang tung Air Defense command - ? (3 x 75mm AA batteries, 20 lesser caliber AA batteries, 4 searchlights )

  • 41st AAA Regt.
    • 1 battery ? mm (Humen Fortress)
    • ?
  • 45th AAA Regt.
    • 2 76.2mm AA batteries (Canton)
    • ?
  • 3rd Searchlight detachment
    • 4 searchlights



[1] Hsu Long-hsuen and Chang Ming-kai, History of The Sino-Japanese War (1937–1945) 2nd Ed., 1971. Translated by Wen Ha-hsiung, Chung Wu Publishing; 33, 140th Lane, Tung-hwa Street, Taipei, Taiwan Republic of China.

[3] Sino-Japanese Air War 1937-45

[4] Madej, W. Victor Japanese Armed Forces Order of Battle, 1937-1945 [2 vols] Allentown, PA: 1981

March 1938

  • 2nd Carrier Division
    • RYUJO (CF Toshihiko Odawara)
    • SORYU
      • F 18 A5M & A4N1
      • DB 27 DA2
      • TB 12 B4Y1




  1. ^ NIDS SS89 1976, pp. 456–457
  2. ^ NIDS SS89 1976, pp. 228
  3. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p NIDS SS79 1975, pp. 56–57
  4. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m NIDS SS79 1975, pp. 62–63


  • 戦史叢書第079巻 中国方面海軍作戦<2>昭和十三年四月以降 [Senshi Sōsho Volume 79] (in Japanese). The National Institute for Defense Studies. 1975.
  • 戦史叢書第089巻 支那事変陸軍作戦<2>昭和十四年九月まで [Senshi Sōsho Volume 89] (in Japanese). The National Institute for Defense Studies. 1976.