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Recompression is the process of returning to a state of higher ambient pressure. Often associated with underwater diving and compressed air work, but also relevant to aeronautics and space flight:

  • In therapeutic recompression, a form of hyperbaric medicine, returning a diver or compressed air worker to pressure after an ascent from a dive or decompression from a pressurised workplace as treatment for manifestation of decompression illness.
  • In-water recompression as emergency treatment for decompression sickness,
  • In surface decompression, returning a diver to pressure within five minutes of surfacing when decompression is planned to be done by this method, or as a precautionary measure for omitted decompression to prevent decompression sickness from developing.
  • For omitted decompression, returning the diver to depth if there are no symptoms developing, to perform the omitted decompression procedure.