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Siege of Lleida (1149)

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In the spring of 1149, Count Ramon Berenguer IV of Barcelona laid siege to the Almoravid city of Lleida. The city was captured on 24 October 1149.[1] Count Ermengol VI of Urgell also took part in the conquest.[2] Although strategically significant, the capture of Lleida drew less attention than the siege of Tortosa the previous year, which involved international contingents as part of the Second Crusade. At least one later source does, however, does treat the 1149 siege as a crusade, attributing the victory "to the faith and worship of our Lord Jesus Christ".[3]

In January 1150, Ramon Berenguer IV and Ermengol granted a municipal charter to Lleida.[4] Ramon Berenguer took the title marquis of Lleida and, acting as sovereign, granted the city to Ermengol in fief.[5]


  1. ^ Jaspert 2001, p. 95.
  2. ^ Pascual Ramos 2000, p. 312.
  3. ^ Jaspert 2001, p. 96 and n. 53: ad fidem et cultum Domini nostri Iesu Christi.
  4. ^ Pascual Ramos 2000, p. 307.
  5. ^ Pascual Ramos 2000, p. 313.

Works cited

  • Jaspert, Nikolas (2001). "Capta est Dertosa clavis Christianorum: Tortosa and the Crusades" (PDF). In Jonathan Phillips; Martin Hoch (eds.). The Second Crusade: Scope and Consequences. Manchester University Press. pp. 90–100.
  • Pascual Ramos, Eduardo (2000). "Estudio comparativo de la carta de población de Tortosa (1149), carta de población de Lleida (1150) y la carta de franquicia de Mallorca (1230)". Espacio, Tiempo y Forma. 13: 305–323.

Further reading

  • Font i Rius, José María (1949). La reconquista de Lérida y su proyección en el orden jurídico. Lleida.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  • Lladonosa i Pujol, Josep (1961). La conquesta de Lleida. Barcelona.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: location missing publisher (link)
  • Tortosa Duráan, J. (1953). "La conquista de la ciudad de Lérida por Ramon Berenguer IV, conde de Barcelona". Ilerda. 17: 27–46.