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Symphony No. 2: Kleetüden

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The Symphony No. 2: Kleetüden; Variationen für Orchester nach Paul Klee (Variations for Orchestra after Paul Klee) by Jason Wright Wingate was completed in 2009 and consists of 27 movements, each depicting a painting or drawing by Paul Klee. In form, the movements are also variations on a musical theme based on the letters of the artist's name, each taking its title from the Klee work referenced.[1]

The Symphony's movements, with English translation of titles followed by tempo markings, are as follows:[1]

  1. Bewegung der Gewölbe ("Movement of the Vaulted Chambers") - Andante gotico
  2. Furcht vor Verdoppelung ("Fear of Becoming Double") - Vivace misurato
  3. Eros ("Eros") - Grave libidinoso
  4. Die Zwitschermaschine ("The Twittering Machine") - Allegro meccanico
  5. Gelehrter ("Scholar") - Lento con moto
  6. Flucht vor sich [erstes Stadium] ("Flight from Oneself [First State]") - Prestissimo
  7. Einsiedelei ("Hermitage") - Larghetto introspettivo
  8. Der Tod für die Idee ("Death for an Idea") - Vivace portentoso
  9. Zwillinge ("Twins") - Allegro compiaciuto
  10. Seltsamer Garten ("Strange Garden") - Largo germogliare
  11. Rechnender Greis ("Old Man Counting") - Andante calcolazione
  12. Fatales Fagott Solo ("Fatal Bassoon Solo") - Allegretto sinistro
  13. Uhrpflanzen ("Clock-plants") - Adagietto cronologico
  14. Fuge in Rot ("Fugue in Red") - Moderato rossastro
  15. Regen ("Rain") - Allegretto spruzzatina
  16. Paukenspieler ("Kettledrummer") - Grave morboso
  17. Ein Stückchen Eden ("A Fragment of Eden") - Andantino innocente
  18. Mit den beiden Verirrten ("With the Two Lost Ones") - Lento ansioso
  19. Leidende Frucht ("Suffering Fruit") - Lento antropomorfismo
  20. Ausgang der Menagerie ("Outing of the Menagerie") - Vivace zoologico
  21. Mädchen in Trauer ("Girl in Mourning") - Andante addolorato
  22. Schwarzer Fürst ("Black Prince") - Allegro bellicoso
  23. Gestirne über dem Tempel ("The Firmament Above the Temple") - Larghissimo contemplativo
  24. Katze und Vogel ("Cat and Bird") - Andantino desideroso
  25. Anatomie der Aphrodite ("Anatomy of Aphrodite") - Allegretto cubista
  26. Die Schlangengöttin und ihr Feind ("The Snake Goddess and Her Foe") - Con moto mitologico
  27. Ad Parnassum ("To Parnassus") - Allegro trascendente


  1. ^ a b "Jason Wingate - SYMPHONY No. 2 KLEETUDEN". Jwingate.org. 2008-11-26. Retrieved 2010-03-12.