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Outsinging her...


Although Australian singer Adam Lopez has an impressive vocal range for a male, how do we really know whether he really can outsing Minnie Riperton???

I mean is she here to defend herself? All we have is her recorded material and apparently at the time that she was recording there was not such a competition going on about who could sing the highest notes.

Also the supposed vocal profile of Minnie has been done with a rather narrow evidence of her most popular hits. I recently purchased around 6 Minnie Riperton cds from Amazon and after hearing them I could say that there are songs where Minnie goes higher than those stated on the article, not to mention some really nifty vocal acrobatics and tricks that actually add to the music and sound good. I recommend that people research all of her recorded material, not just the most popular hits that are easy to come across. It amazing that someone with such voice did not achieve more mainstream presence and it is a pity that she died that young.

As mentioned before, Adam Lopez technique is impressive but perhaps its use is and will be severely limited to talk shows and similar performances. I went to his site and heard his "popera" version of Nessum Dorma, first to note he did not integrate any of his supposedly stratospheric register into the actual song, he only did some vocalizations at the end and in trying to hear those vocalizations I had to strain myself and concentrate in order to hear them (volume 100%) and then when I actually heard them they were so very faint that most people would have missed them (actually I tried to get my brother to hear them, it took some time for him to spot the high notes, that faint they were). The other instance where I have heard Adam Lopez was in a recording of a Australian radio show, in this particular instance he sounded louder (the reasons for that are not clear to me) but he sounded so annoying like some plastic sneaker streaking along a vinyl floor. The musical significance of that and what may come out of it, still eludes me, but what I do know is that such acts and related "performances" cannot be held in par with Minnie's musical legacy or Mariah Carey's recording career and that comes from someone that has for a long time liked male singers crossing over to what is widely perceived as female territory in terms of vocal register. I may also note that I have never, ever, have had to strain to hear whistle register type singing from Minnie Riperton or Mariah Carey.

In conclusion we will never know for sure whether Adam Lopez can reach higher notes than Minnie (since she's no longer with us and from what is seen Mariah is not interested in falling in such contest) but in what we are sure is that he has not and will probably never outsing her.

rebel.crusader 11:10, 28 July 2005

Minnie's highest rumored note that I know of is C8 - and Adam can sing almost an octave higher than that. Adam's whistles are faint at the end of ND because it's the end of the song. It's fading. Did you listen to the other songs? It's not hard to hear them there. 06:01, 1 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

To rebel.crusader:

You Minnie fans are so easily threaten! Of course Adam Lopez do not have a big career as Minnie Riperton or Mariah Carey, for goodness sake, he's just about to release his début album, and for that matter, Mariah has much more commercial success than Minnie anyway.

We are only talking vocal range only, nothing else, the objective here is who can reach the highest note with human voice, in particular with whistle register, and that person is Adam Lopez, for the record. As for the comments about the Adam's highest notes being faint, OH PLEASE, it's not like Mariah's G7 is that much audible anyway!! Adam's notes are one octave above that and off the piano, how loud do you want the B8 to be??

As for Minnie not able to defend herself today because she's not no longer with us, gee, I just love this argument, what you are really saying is that she never fully unleashed her vocality or potential, now is that something you really want to say about this wonderful vocalist? I believe she has sung her highest notes, if not, close to highest

Go and ask any singers, they will tell you that they were able to sing higher in their younger days than later years, cos as one get order, the voice mature and get deeper slowly. Mariah would be a good example here, when was the last time you heard her doing a G7 live or on CD? It's been 14 years! get the point?! Another fact is most coloratura sopranos will played Queen of The Night in the early part of their career, then ventured out to other roles.

The thing is, Minnie's HIGHEST ever note might note be captured on records, no one knows really, but I would not think it will too far off from the highest recorded one. For example, Mado Robin's highest note on record was a C7 in head voice! And apparently she has vocalise up to a D7 sharp during warm ups.

Back to Minnie, I really doubted she can do a C8, if yes, please tell me which song and which part. I have read published statement claiming Minnie's 5.5 octave, but that really up for debate, and she does n;t even go as high or low as Mariah, and Mariah just barely claimed her 5 octave.

So, the fact is Adam Lopez's whistle register can go further than Minnie & Mariah, accept it and let it go!!

'Singing' & 'hitting a pitch' are completely different


I have listened to Adam Lopez singing in his whistle register and I have to be fair; they are quite strong. However, as the above person says (by the way, whoever said that should sign his name so we can know who said it), its about who can reach the highest note. By all rumours, it Lopez.

However we should remember that vocal range and vocal talent are two completely different things. Adam may hit C8 or above, but can he sing these notes? To hit something and sing it are two different things. What can he do with a C8 or above? Can he incorporate it in his music (and let it fit)? . Can he control it like Mariah Carey or Minnie Riperton can? Can he switch from chest voice to whistle register in a matter of seconds like Mariah? Can he use vibrato? C8 or above means nothing. Put those notes in a song and they will sound harsh, thin, out of place, squeaky etc. Thats not music, thats squealing on pitch.

I also have to ask this question. Can he hit G5 or above in chest register; is he a sopranista? Ive heard that he is a baritone. That would mean that his tessitura would probably be in the G2-G4 area. If he cannot belt like Patti Labelle or Mariah Carey in the 5th octave, then that 7 octaves should not be attributed to him. He only has 7 octaves if he can sing his lowest and highest notes and all the notes inbetween. If his singing range stops at about G4 (like most baritones) and then he jumps into his whistle register (like Ive heard him done), then he is missing all the notes from G4 to where the whistle octave starts (E6), which would be about 14 notes (nearly 2 octaves). Ive heard him sing, and Ive never heard him belt, he just switches from his deep chest register to whistle and the results do not make much musical sense; they are out of place and unexpected.

By the way, people keep saying that he sings up to "B8". Are you kidding me? Are you telling me he only needs 1 note to reach the 9th octave? Thats bull. Ive heard C8 and Im sticking to that. If he is singing B8, then his vocal chords would have to vibrate about 8000 times per second. If thats they case, he will definitely hurt himself trying to claim a 'crown'. A note like that would not be musical; a totally different thing from whistle singing and if those notes are put in a song, they will annoy the hell out of people, trust me.

And for the record, Mariah Carey's G#7s were loud, well controlled and pleasant to the ears. She did them in staccato, which meant that she had to pitch each note perfectly; and not once did she sounded strained or off pitch; thats expertise.

Im not gonna lie, I think that Adam can out-pitch Minnie or Mariah, but, by no means whatsoever, does he have the talent and control of that register like Carey or Riperton. He can hit lofty notes , they can sing comfortably in the whistle register and do things with it that will make your hair 'stand on end'. Listen to Carey's "O Holy Night" from Merry Christmas or "Fly like a bird' from The Emancipation of Mimi, or even "Seeing you this way" from Riperton and you will hear what Im talking about. When Lopez's whistle notes have that effect on people, then you may begin to compare his mere pitches to Carey's or Riperton's singing. Until then he can merely hit a pitch above them; which is no big accomplishment as he still has not mastered his craft as they have. Journalist 03:13, 8 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

^Yeah I also agree that hitting keys off the piano doesn't make sense unless you can blend them with the music. I watched Adam hitting the C#8 and he sounds straining and ridiculous to have that crown. I saw the audience like hurting their ears because of their facial expressions. Who knows maybe mariah or minnie can really hit keys off the piano during warm ups or vocalizing..

"Yeah I also agree that hitting keys off the piano doesn't make sense unless you can blend them with the music."

It makes perfect sense of the purpose of the exercise, to measure the highest note!

"I watched Adam hitting the C#8 and he sounds straining and ridiculous"

It pitched it well, otherwise that guy won't be able to tell the pitch by his gifted ears! It was ridiculously high, yes!!

"to have that crown. I saw the audience like hurting their ears because of their facial expressions."

This is merely an assumption based on your personal interpretation of people's facial expression, as you weren't there. I'd say people were in shock to hear such a high sound coming from a human voice, no one got hurt.

"Who knows maybe mariah or minnie can really hit keys off the piano during warm ups or vocalizing.."

I doubt it. Carey's highest note in recent years is C7, a whole octave above that? She wished!

The brilliant French coloratura soprano Natalie Dessay can vocalise up to C7 during warm ups, she sang A6 flat live many times in concerts and opera, and that's less than half octave between live/recording and warm ups/vocalise!!

I just visited Adam's official website and I listened to some of his songs. I have to admit: they were not half bad. However, I was disappointed with his vocal capabilities. The only thing he had control over was his whistle register. He does not have a good control over his chest voice; his talents there are mediocre. His whistle register notes were quite strong, but I reiterate; what musical sense does it make to sing in mid-range and then suddenly jump in the 7th octave? To this day, I havent heard him sing throughout his range. He jumps from the 3rd and 4th octave to whistle register. What about the notes inbetween? To be classed as a coloratura, he would have to be capable of executing runs, thrills and embellishments in the high altitudes using his head voice, otherwise, he is simply a baritone with a whistle register extension.
His voice shows that vocal talent and vocal range are two completely different things. However, I have to give him props, he was doing his thing and I cant deny that.
Journalist 20:07, 9 August 2005 (UTC)[reply]

"classed as a coloratura, he would have to be capable of executing runs, thrills and embellishments in the high altitudes using his head voice"

That is partially right, coloratura represents the ability and agility of "executing runs, thrills and embellishments", BUT it does NOT just apply to soprano, there are coloratura passages in mezzo and bass roles!

"he is simply a baritone with a whistle register extension."


That's what I have saying, singers like Minnie Riper ton & Mariah Carey are no coloratura sopranos, they are alto with a whistle register extension, some Carey fans had the nerves to call her a full dramatic coloratura sopranos, oh please, give me a break, when was the last time you saw her doing Lucia!!!

Adam Lopez NEVER called or stated himself as a coloratura, it is the fans who are making those mistakes, just like Carey's publicists claiming her 7 octave vocal range, as if!

'Singing' & 'hitting a pitch' are completely different"


You should tell rebel.crusader to get that in his/her head! This is the person who thinks just because Adam Lopez sings higher than Minnie & Mariah, therefore he "outsings" them! Please!! OF COURSE Minnie & Mariah are much better singer than Adam Lopez, he doesn't even have a record out yet for goodness sake!! There's no need to bring out musicality, craftsmanship, vocal techniques...etc, it's NOT even up for discussion.

I have never said he's a better singer than Minnie & Mariah, his web site has never stated that, nor does his biography in wiki, like I said, people are so easily threaten.

We are only talking vocal range only, nothing else, the objective here is who can reach the highest note with human voice, in particular with whistle register, and that person is Adam Lopez, for the record

You can hear the B8 from his web site, http://www.adamlopez.com.au/ the ending of Nessun Dorma.

"And for the record, Mariah Carey's G#7s were loud, well controlled and pleasant to the ears."

This is really a subject of opinion isn't it. Though, if you ask me, between Minnie & Mariah, even Minnie doesn't go as high as Mariah, her whistle register is more secured, full, round & strong, compares to Carey's airy one. Chante Moore has a airy whistle register too, Rachelle Ferrell's is much more solid.

"She did them in staccato, which meant that she had to pitch each note perfectly; "

Don't know if you can still call it staccato, since the notes were sung in whistle register and not head voice. As that is how a trained coloratura soprano would sing the staccato notes, in head voice with great control of her diaphragm, instead using the edge of vocal fold and "whistle out" the notes.

"and not once did she sounded strained or off pitch; thats expertise"

It's not like she did them many times, as I said, it's been 14 years, does she still have a her full 5 octave range today??! It's up to Mariah to prove that I guess.

So, the fact is Adam Lopez's whistle register can go further than Minnie & Mariah, accept it and let it go!!

"I doubt it. Carey's highest note in recent years is C7, a whole octave above that? She wished!

The brilliant French coloratura soprano Natalie Dessay can vocalise up to C7 during warm ups, she sang A6 flat live many times in concerts and opera, and that's less than half octave between live/recording and warm ups/vocalise!!"

"Mariah's high notes are not forceful! She sounds naturally high with her airy whistles! and the fact that she's woman and capable of reaching higher notes. I haven't heard mariah forcing a whistle note."

Believe in what you want, but any decent voice teachers would tell you Mariah do not have a healthy vocal production, her chest voice is damaged and strained. Of course the blinded-faith fans are not wise enough or willing to recognise that. It's evidentiary that her voice has decelerated over the years, all you have to do is listen to her first album and compare it to Emancipation of Mimi, the quality of the voice has changed. "Return of the voice"?! I think not, maybe return of a similar vocal style, but definitely not the voice itself.

"her G#7 sounds as natural and the way she produced them didn't strain her. And what if she forced her whistle to the limit? maybe she can hit higher than a D10!"


"Adam lopez is just a baritone and cannot be classified as a coloratura 'coz he's a male. haha. (lolz) maybe a baritone with coloratura extensions. Mariah can be classified as a coloratura (she's a female hehe =soprano is for women and adam must be a shemale first hahaa! if he really wants to be classified as a soprano. ) because she can sing (can sing phrase) with the whistle voice that is a 'real' gift. It's very unlikely for a male to be classified as a coloratura soprano. gosh. Adam's "forced" whistle can go further than minnie & mariah's "unforced whistle". that's true and let it go. !"

You writing make no sense. Here's the fact. coloratura represents the ability and agility of executing runs, thrills and embellishments, BUT it does NOT just apply to soprano, there are coloratura passages in mezzo and bass roles!

Adam Lopez NEVER called or stated himself as a coloratura, it is the fans who are making those mistakes, just like Carey's publicists claiming her 7 octave vocal range.He is simply a baritone with a whistle register extension.

Minnie Riperton & Mariah Carey are no coloratura sopranos, they are alto with a whistle register extension, some Carey fans had the nerves to call her a full dramatic coloratura sopranos, oh please, give me a break, when was the last time you saw her doing Lucia!!!

"My niece can whistle much higher and stronger than adam lopez... and so waht? Can he brake glassess with his whistles? I found out that there were lots of people can access the whistle (I'm one of them). Maybe if he can break glassess that could be much impressive. lolz"

Anyone can whistle, you just put your lips together and blow.......

Mariah carey has hit a C8 live and its actually posted here on wikipedia. Who honestly cares about the range if it isnt singing. This shouldnt be a who can sing the highest column...it should be a who can produce the highest pitch column. Oh and by the way-- mariah hit the c8 during her charmbracelet tour in paris so about 2 years ago during a riff with a keyboard. So technically she has hit way above a g7 in the past 14 years and it happens to be live.

Adam Lopez's range only counts if he can scale up to it. Oh i want him to impress. Instead of just hitting the note i want to hear him sing a whole chorus or spontaneously switch from chest voice to whistle then back again while singing words like Mariah. He my sing higher but Mariah and Minnie have more flexibility with their whistle register than Adam.

Mariah Carey can still hit the high notes today. Only that her voice drastically changes (not worse) so she has to change a bit in making her songs. — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 04:47, 7 November 2013 (UTC)[reply]