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disambiguation between Balta Bou Aouène and the antique Bilta (Biltensis)


First this entry has obvious mistakes (Harare province!)

Secondly, Balta in Jendouba governorate is populated since prehistoric times, and built on an antique city (whose name is not sure - the Tunisian Institut National du Patrimoine indicates this could be Civitas Viltensis or Biltensis) and many various antique ruins are found each of the small settlements.

But, to the best of the current research the antique Bilta, Belta ou Balta mentionned in antique writtings and as a Catholic titular see is a different place, located in greater region of Beja (but today in the governorate of Bizerte), currently called Henchir Bahaia. A plaque has been found nearby with the writtings Agricolae in spl(endida) (vel spl(endidissima)/re p(ublica) Bihensi Bilt[a](vel Belt[a]).

The antiquity map inserted actually correctly puts the town of Bilta in the upper right corner at the border between the Bizerte and El Fahs areas!

One key element is that this Henchir Bahaia is located near Henchir el Handa, the antique 'Anda (‘Avδα) as mentionned in ancien texts.

We also have medieval (9th century CE) geographer al-Bākri praises the grapes of Balṭa, in the gouvernorate of Bāǧa (No grapes or traces of their antique processing in Balta Bou Alouene but plenty in the west of Beja)

References (in French):

Biha Bilta https://journals.openedition.org/encyclopedieberbere/1755

for the Roman ruins in Balta Bou Aouene - Institut National du Patrimoine, 2012, p. 201, 204-205 https://www.inp2020.tn/inventaire/Touslessites.pdf

DrRachT (talk) 00:36, 18 January 2023 (UTC)[reply]