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Talk:Endangered species (disambiguation)

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we should start getting control of animals that are loosing thier population by fixing a few laws around, we should be able to control these very easly if we just try hard enough. to me it seems like it is a bigdeal to people yet we are not trying hard enough to control this endangerment twords animals that are going extinct, we need to try harder and maybe we can win this badle on controling extinct animals. any of those that would like to disagre so help me they must be crazy,if anyone seems to think that we are doing fine with our econimy the are teribly mistaken. we are loosing more animals than ever because of selfish hunters thinking that all the animals are thiers, now i'm not saying we should cancle all hunting together but we just need to come down a little bit. because some hunters dont reolize that if they hunt it all now they wont have any to hunt latter, so this is basicly going to help them if they just lay off an animal for a while then thier population can grow then the will actually have something to hunt. now there are just somethings that shouldnt be hunted for example, pandas shouldnt be hunted that is just not write and all these other animals that are so beautiful and it is just not right. well that is all i have to say and i hope we can start to get control on our over acssesive hunters, and other resons for extinction