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Not got time or the inclination to learn to wikicode at this time, so I'll just post as it stands, all references included and at the limit of knowledge as of December 2010, hopefully someone can sort this all out and post it on the page...


Approved name: G protein-coupled receptor 64 [1]

Approved symbol: GPR64 [1]

HGNC ID: HGNC:4516 [1]

Accession number: X81892 [1]

Description: GPR; Class B; LNB7TM family [3]

Other names: CTD-2245E12.1, FLJ00282, HE6, MGC104454, MGC138738, MGC138739, TM7LN2 [2]

Gene name: GPR64 [2]

Genetic information: Human 1017aa Xp22.13 [2] EGI: 10149 [1] Rat 1013aa Xq21 [2] MGI: 2446854 [1] Mouse 1009aa X F4 [2] RGD: 628618 [1]

Structural information: Two subunits; N-terminus large hydrophilic ectodomain with multiple glycosylation sites (~80 kDa with deglycosylation decreasing this to ~70kDa) and a smaller C-terminus hydrophobic endodomain (<40kDa), a conserved cystine rich GPS motif where the protein is thought to be cleaved lies between the two domains. In the ectodomain there is a signalling protein, followed by a variable region encoded for by at least 6 exons, then mucin-stalk-like STP sequence. The endodomain contains the 7TMDs and G protein-coupling. [4]

Other receptor homology: GPS motif and a STP-rich region in the ectodomain shared with other members of the LNB7TM family. [4] BLAST shows particular homology with GPR112 and GPR126.

Tissue distribution: Human Epididymus specific [5] (apical membranes of efferent ductule and proximal epididymal duct epithelia [4]) Mouse Epididymus, faint signals seen in brain and speen with extended exposure [4]

Agonists: None known

Physiological importance: Epididymal function and spermatogenesis through G-protein coupled receptor protein signaling pathway [5]

Assocciated pathologies: Male infertility [6]

Pharmacological importance: Potential male fertility treatment or male contraceptive pill


GPR g protein-coupled receptor HGNC human genome organisation gene nomenclature committee aa amino acid EGI entrez gene identification MGI mouse genome database identification RGD rat genome database identification GPS g protein-coupled receptor proteolysis site STP serine/threonine/proline TMD transmembrane domain BLAST basic local alignment search tool


1 www.genenames.org [homepage]. HGNC [updated 25/04/05, accessed 18/12/10]. Available from: http://www.genenames.org/data/hgnc_data.php?hgnc_id=4516

2 www.iuphar-db.org [homepage]. IUPHAR [updated 01/07/10, accessed 19/12/10]. Available from: http://www.iuphar-db.org/DATABASE/ObjectDisplayForward? familyId=17&objectId=187

3 Foord et al. IUPHAR. XLVI. G protein coupled receptor list. Pharmacol. Rev. 2005;57:279-288.

4 Obermann et al. HE6, a two-subunit heptahelical receptor associated with apical membranes of efferent and epididymal duct epithelia. Molecular Reproduction and Development. 2003;64:13-26

5 Osterhoff C, Ivell R, Kirchhoff C. Cloning of a human epididymis-specific mRNA, HE6, encoding a novel member of the seven transmembrane-domain receptor superfamily. DNA Cell Biol. 1997;16:379-389

6 Davies B, Baumann C, Kirchhoff C, Ivell R, Nubbemeyer R, Habenicht U F, Theuring F, Gottwald U. Targeted deletion of the epididymal receptor HE6 results in fluid dysregulation and male infertility. Mol Cell Biol. 2004;24:8642-8648 —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 20:59, 24 March 2011 (UTC)[reply]