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Ketuanan Melayu...my view

To me, ketuanan Melayu is the false notion of Malay greatness or Malay supremacy. Truth is there is nothing to associate the Malay race with greatness. By any widely accepted standards, it will be obvious to see that the Malay race does not quality to be called one of the great races of this world. Truth is that the Indians and Chinese have a culture far greater and accomplished much more than these jokers have. It should be Indian and Chinese supremacy in Malaysia. The only reason the Malays have power in Malaysia is because they have the biggest population, and the racist rhetoric of the Malay UMNO politicians always sway the Malay vote towards themselves. Anyway, back to the untrue notion of ketuanan Melayu. Lets see what Malays have accomplished. Has any Malay won the Nobel Prize - no. Has any Malay been nominated for the Nobel Prize - most probably not. By contrast, numerous Chinese and Indians have won the Nobel Prize and various other awards. The Chinese and Indian diaspora is widely recognized as two of the three most successful diasporas in history, the other being the Jewish diaspora. All over the world Indians and Chinese have become successful scientists, CEO's, filmakers, artists, writers, doctors, etc., etc. Name one Malay who is widely recognized around the world in his or her field. The only Malay whose name might be recognized out of this country is Mahathir, and he's part Indian. Is Malay culture recognized as a world renowned culture - no. Malay culture, if cultures were ranked, would be close to the bottom. What is their culture compared to the great Indian and Chinese cultures that are centuries old and really rich. The Indians and Chinese have a 5000 year old history during which China and India have played a very important part in world history. Nobody knew about Malays until the Indian kings of South India first came here. That is why the oldest archeological remains in Malaysia, in Lembah Bujang, are Hindu temples. The Malay sultanate itself was started by a Hindu - Parameswara. And even at the height of its power, the Malacca Sultanate was nothing more than a vassal of the Chinese emperor. Have the Malays achieved anything in sports - no. Have any Malay architect designed anything worthwhile - no. Have any Malay author won the Pulitzer Prize or the Booker prize - no. Have any Malay filmaker won an Oscar - no. Indians and Chinese have achieved all this. So there is no real ketuanan Melayu. It is a fiction concocted by racist, stupid politicians to keep the "kampung" Malays happy thinking that they have had a glorious past. They don't. Their history isn't worth mentioning. You would never find a mention of Malays or Tanah Melayu or Malaysia in most books of world history while entire chapters are devoted to the history of China and India. The discriminative laws and constitution of Malaysia is just a recognition of this fact. The Malay leaders, and every single Malay knows that on a level playing field, the Malays will never be able to compete with the Indians and Chinese. -- Wagner

I read with great sadness over the controversy arising from the statement made by with regards to the concept of malays as the 'masters of the land'.

It now appears to me that the problem began with the concept of 'Ketuanan Melayu'. This concept was introduced around the time when Malaysia was working hard to achieve independence from the British.

As we are all aware, the malays were marginalised in the economic sector and perhaps to a large extend the political side as well. The malay leaders of the time tried to boost the spirit of the malay community by introducing the concept of 'Ketuanan Melayu'.

So, the malay leaders at the time used the concept 'Ketuanan Melayu' as a rallying point not as a tool to rid or oppress the non-malays, but merely as a cry to prevent the malays from drifting towards oblivion in the era of Malaysia as a country.

I am a son of a Malaysian career-diplomat. I have had the privilege of traveling around the world all my life.

Based on the input I received from many others in my journey, racist concepts as Apartheid; KKK; and many more cannot be compared to 'Ketuanan Melayu'. While the other concepts ranging from ethnic cleansing to white supremacy are meant to dominate and wipe out the other races, 'Ketuanan Melayu' is only meant to help the malays to get to equal footing with the non-malays.

We can see today the barriers for non-malays in Malaysia are slowly coming down as the malays have steadily climbed up the ladders. Today, UTAR, I am happy to say is finally set up. Furthermore, there are no longer ethnic quotas in public universities. It might take a little bit more time but we are surely getting there.

While our system might not be perfect, and rightfully we should criticise where need be, there is no need to throw mud across the table and certainly there is no need to use inflammatory words. Hopefully we can all steer our beloved Malaysia to a better future.

Do I see hatred here?

I can't believe that wikipedia could rate such a racist and hatred filled comment as good. The important thing in living in Malaysia, a multiracial country is to be a Malaysian. Why should any of us still rely on histories of long gone ancestors? Isn't homeland defined as where the heart is? If your heart is still left in memories of another land, why not just go there and demonstrate where your loyalty lies?

That is what I think anyway... Wherever you plant your feet is where you support the sky you are underneath.

Institute meritocracy

first of all, wikipedia did not rate the discussion as good, but the article, so don't criticize them. they don't rate discussions. as to the discussions, i can see some hatred in it but the none of it was untrue. i think most Malaysians have done a good job maintaining peace and harmony, but i can see how and why some may be pushed to hatred because of all the discrimination that goes on. i mean come on, the discrimination towards non-Malays is so wide-ranging that i am sure some people will feel robbed. how do you think a chinese or indian student feels when he has worked his ass off to study for SPM and gets excellent results and then sees his Malay friends who didn't work as hard or get as good results fly off the the England, US, Ireland, Japan, etc. under JPA scholarship. how do you think a chinese or indian contractor feels when his superior contract bid loses out to an inferior bid by a Malay company. how do u think a Chinese or indian feels when his Malay neighbors get 'free money' through ASN, ASB, etc. what is going on in Malaysia is wrong. we should work towards creating a pure meritocracy, because history has shown that only meritocracies survive and prosper. it seems now that the chinese and indians don't even get fair representation in legal matters, as illustrated by the Moorthy case. things need to be changed before bad things start to happen.