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Writeup for Prince Samual's World


"Prince Samual's World

One of the main settings of the book, Samual has two large continents, along with an large archpedigo. The Northern Continent is apprently more civilzed than the barbaric south. Poltically it is divided up between the Kingdom of Haven, republics, various city states, and kingdoms. The Dutchy of Orleans was once a Republic before Haven conquered it with the Imperial Space Navy's help. Also, there is a poltically indepednent Universty, protected by the city-states under treaty. The Southern continent is mentioned to be ruled by various "despots" and may have conflicts on going there. A copper poor world.


Christanity is a major religion. The majority of Christians follow a denomination or sect similar to the Imperial-sponsored Chruch (located at New Rome). However, there appears to be conflicts between Bishops of Haven and Orleans. There are also a number of sects.

The status of women in Haven is lower of men: they can not own property or join the military. However, women are very protected by men, needing permission from their guardians to do something. Samual also has little or no opprtunies for women, although some women are allowed to persue higher education or join the Haven Secrect Police."

It's just a begining draft, anyone can edit, delete, add, fix inaccuracies as they see fit.--Eldarone 01:13, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Edited a little--Eldarone 17:27, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Actually it's spelled "Samual". There is a character called Samual in A Matter of Sovereignty. the first story in High Justice. The character is Tongan, so the name may be a dialect spelling of Samuel or a native name in its own right Djdaedalus 20:27, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]
Thanks for catching that Djdaedalus :) --Eldarone 21:38, 25 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Write up forMakassar


Second major setting of King David's Spaceship. A waterworld with two moons, many islands, huge icecaps, and one continent surrounded by shallow ocean. It has an highly eccentric orbit and axis tilit. Two large islands called Jessel Island and Bhara are above the continent, but are uninhabbitable due to a cold climate. Makassar, compared to Earth, is small and has a lower gravity. Native flora is poisonius by Humans, although some of the fauna, like ayuks, can be consumed by humans. There is also crops imported from Earth.

Before the Sucession Wars, the First Empire used Makassar as a park world. Unfornately, it was devasted during the wars, and civilzation collapsed. With a lack of technology and skilled professionals, the planet lacked a base to build a civilzation. occur.


A primative world, Malassar has many small states, with varying forms, on the coasts, with barbarian priates and plainsmen.

Cvilized areas of Makassar are Christian. The formerly dominant denomination, centralized at the Temple in Batav, follows most of the doctrines of the New Roman Church, with a few exceptions.

The barbarian Maris live mostly in the plainsland interior of the continent. They are organized into clans, headed by a chief. The religion of the Maris is Islam.

Agian, edit, change, fix as anyone sees fit. --Eldarone 19:02, 28 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

"Novels about slavery"


Not completely certain why this belongs in "Category:Novels about slavery". Slavery exists on one of the planets in the book (Makassar), but it's not a major theme of the book, or discussed at any length... AnonMoos (talk) 21:14, 2 July 2019 (UTC)[reply]