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Talk:Socialization (Marxism)

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Capitalism has advanced presently. It has developed new feature in production philosophy called socialization of productive forces (SOFF). It Capitalism drifted away from feudal mode production and started factory system. Under factory system the know-how related to production has kept secret within the factory. No employee can take away even if they leave the the job in factory. After IT revolution, there is big level of shift happening in production. The know-how related to production made public and there are communities are coming up to support production.Presently this freedom to keep the know-how of production legally by GPL.



"Socialization is different from nationalization" This is true, but it should also be noted that during the USSR (for example) the property In addition to being nationalized, it allowed the election of the direction and the remuneration of salaries was according to the volume of the production. Therefore, although it did not belong to them, the business organization was collective and state property did not fulfill a private function. This was partly due to the influence of the soviets and central planning.

I understand more Marx's idea of socialization not as simple Self-management. Marx refers to the fact that once you move from an earlier mode of production to the capitalist one, the capitalist owning labor power (i.e. capital), It no longer functions with an original individual character but is socialized as capitalist private property. If centralization continues, it is a very process of capitalism to arrive at socialism. But only if the workers expropriate the means of production with tye state will it be reached.

This is mainly because at some point the capacity of the socialization of surplus value will have to give a new form by improving the planning conditions. Or as Friedrich Engels says, "The productive forces of the state are not the solution. They are the mechanism of the solution." However, socialism is not what was seen in the USSR, it was the direction to take, according to the thought of Marx and Engels.

The problem is that If you think about it, that was the best time to achieve socialism/communism but it never happened. The problem we face today is the distribution of wealth, more and more capital is more concentrated in a few, and yet there is no revolution or evolution towards socialism. Socialism must be created, or as Shumpeter supposed, an intellectual class critical of the market economy will demand more and more social interventions. And once the fury of capital is eliminated, there will be socialism.

I think Piketty's proposal in this regard is good, fairer distribution through basic income financed with world tax + property sharing through shares. According to their own statistics, equality would be even greater than that achieved under Soviet socialism. This is mainly because it is a mathematical impossibility to eliminate the quintiles.

This is a reason why the class struggle and capitalism never end. Because what generates inequality is not preponderant to a class conflict, and today it is necessary to control the way in which economic law works. This was already assumed by Stalin (in economics problems of the socialism in the URSS) when he realized that despite all the years only the concentration of state power was increasing, with the difference that he liked it. (talk) 02:22, 2 February 2023 (UTC)[reply]