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Talk:T/G Virus

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Ok I really never found "Dead Aim" to be part of the Resident Evil canon so does this really need its onw article. Psi edit 18:10, 1 January 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Why wouldn't Dead-Aim be a part of canon? Unlike Gaiden, the events do not contradict established games in any significant way, and generally seem to dovetail or elaborate on existing trends. Gun Survivor 1 is considered canon, and Dead Aim, as a significantly more coherent and thematically accurate offering, also should.

Ofcourse it's canon, why wouldn't it be? Like stated above, events are completely isolated and don't tred on any established plot points. If you didn't like it, fine, but that doesn't mean we go and wipe out all 'Dead Aim' articles for the sake of your benefit. Gamer Junkie 07:58, 1 May 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Ok no need to be hostile. I didnt propose deletion of all such and such. -- Psi edit 01:33, 28 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Not wanting to come off as hostile, I simply cannot understand how one person could suggest scrapping or merging an entire article pertaining to a relevant title for no good reason other than he did not personally find the article to be canon to the Resident Evil universe. I'm sure there are probably a great many fans out there who would disagree with you. Remember that this is a collaborative effort, and we must think more about the Resident Evil community and fanbase than our personal opinions and beliefs. Gamer Junkie 02:18, 28 August 2006 (UTC)[reply]