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Talk:Western kukri

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Clarity in description required


As a non-expert, I think I can safely say that even after copy-editing it, this article is still very difficult to read. It only seems to cover one area of the snake (i.e. its scales) and the description goes into A LOT of depth and was/is unclear to an outsider. I have added numerous wiki-links, and re-arranged the sentences to try and make this a little more easily read, but unfortunately I cannot make the changed that this article REALLY need - which is 'How much depth to go into (what is necessary, what is superfluous?) and What else (other than its description) can we tell people about this snake?AnthonyW90 (talk) 18:10, 24 March 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Copy&Paste job


It would seem that the original poster simply copy and pasted the relevant article from an 1890s book Reptilia and Batrachia by George. A. Boulenger. The full text can be found at http://ia600502.us.archive.org/23/items/reptiliabatrachi00bouliala/reptiliabatrachi00bouliala.pdf on pages 318-9 - the text reads;

"388. Oligodon affinis.
Oligodon affinis, Günth. A. M. N. H.(3) ix, 1862, p 58; id. Rept. B. I. p. 209, pl. xix, fig. B; Theob. Cat. p. 149.
Nasal divided ; portion of rostral seen from above half as long as its distance from the frontal ; suture between the internasals as long as that between the praefrontals, or a little shorter ; frontal much longer than its distance from the end of the snout, as long as the parietals ; no loreal, the posterior nasal sometimes forming a suture with the prseocular ; prsoocular single ; two postoculars ; temporals 1+2, or 1 + 1 +2; upper labials 7, third and fourth entering the eye ; 4 lower labials in contact with the anterior chinshields ; posterior chin-shields about two thirds the length of the anterior. Scales in 17 rows. Ventrals 129-142 ; anal divided ; subcaudals 25-36. Brown above, with more or less distinct darker cross-lines ; head with dark symmetrical transverse markings, which are usually connected by a median longitudinal streak. Lower surface white (in spirit) with square black spots, both colours being distributed in nearly equal proportion.
Total length 13 inches tail 2.
Hab. Anaimalai Hills.

Since the entire book is freely available as a pdf at the above URL, I guess there isn't an issue surrounding Copyright? However, it does mean that this information is 120+ years out of date, and is written in the wrong, shorthand style. I have done what I can about the style, but I can't help much with the actual 'fact' or 'science' side of it I'm afraid.AnthonyW90 (talk) 18:10, 24 March 2013 (UTC)[reply]