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Talk:Workforce productivity/Archives/2016

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Dr. Proto's comment on this article

Dr. Proto has reviewed this Wikipedia page, and provided us with the following comments to improve its quality:

Positive Affect and Productivity

Recently, large companies like Google corporation, have made large investment in workers wellbeing. Evidence shows that better performing companies have happier employees. (eg McGregor 2015. Edmans, A. (2012)). Psychologists have argued that positive emotion influences the capacities of choice and innovative content, improves memory recall and improves performance (Erez and Isen 2002). Oswald, Proto and Sgroi (2015) run the largest laboratory experiment almost 800 subjects in total to assess a causal link from happiness and productivity. They found that happy subjects have more than 10% greater productivity in a simple paid piece-rate task.

Edmans, A. (2012). “The link between job satisfaction and firm value, with implications for corporate social responsibility”. Academy of Management Perspectives 26: 1-19. Erez, A. and A. M. Isen, (2002). “The influence of positive affect on the components of expectancy motivation”. Journal of Applied Psychology, 87, 1055–1067. McGregor, J. (2015) “Why great places to work can also make great investments” The Washington Post, March 11, 2015

Oswald, A., E. Proto and D. Sgroi “Happiness and Productivity”, Journal of Labor Economics, Vol. 33, No. 4 (October 2015).

We hope Wikipedians on this talk page can take advantage of these comments and improve the quality of the article accordingly.

Dr. Proto has published scholarly research which seems to be relevant to this Wikipedia article:

  • Reference : Proto, Eugenio & Sgroi, Daniel & Oswald, Andrew J., 2010. "Are Happiness and Productivity Lower among University Students with Newly-Divorced Parents? An Experimental Approach," IZA Discussion Papers 4755, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA).

ExpertIdeasBot (talk) 12:37, 7 June 2016 (UTC)