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Template:Brazil municipality/doc

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This template may be used to create a first cut article for a municipality in Brazil. It formats standard information about Brazil municipalities from standard sources to create the article text. See Draft:Engenheiro Beltrão for an example. After it has been saved, the article may be edited to add additional text such as history, available from other sources. You may also use the template to add the standard information to an existing stub-type article.

All parameters are required unless stated otherwise.


{{subst:Brazil municipality 
  | name           = <!-- name of the municipality, e.g. Engenheiro Beltrão -->
  | lowername      = <!-- name in lower case, no accents, spaces replaced by hyphens, e.g. engenheiro-beltrao -->
  | locatorname    = <!-- name of locator map if not the same as name of municipality, e.g., Parana Municip EngenheiroBeltrao.svg -->
  | statelong      = <!-- state of Brazil article name, e.g. Paraná (state) -->
  | stateshort     = <!-- state name without link, e.g. Paraná -->
  | stateabbr      = <!--- standard 2-digit state abbreviation, e.g. pr -->
  | geonamesid     = <!-- geonames identifier, e.g. 3464219. Search for municipality name in https://www.geonames.org/ -->
  | mindatid       = <!-- mindat identifier, e.g. 6318725, Search for town (not municipality) name in https://www.mindat.org/ -->
  | image_flag     = <!-- If known. Not required -->
  | image_seal     = <!-- If known. Not required -->
  | image_shield   = <!-- If known. Not required -->
  | utcoffset      = <!-- If known. Not required -->
<!-- Data from https://www.mindat.org/feature-mindatid.html -->
  | latd           = <!-- latitude decimal, e.g. -10.33917 -->
  | longd          = <!-- longitude decimal, e.g. -62.89528 -->
  | climatecode    = <!-- Köppen climate zone code -->
  | climate        = <!-- Köppen climate zone name. You may have to adjust to link to the related Wikipedia article. -->
<!-- Data from https://www.geonames.org/geonamesid/name.html -->
  | elevation      = <!-- ca Meters -->
<!-- Data from the Swedish wiki. You may have to search https://sv.wikipedia.org/ to locate the entry for the municipality
     The article name may be the municipality name or, e.g., name (kommun) -->
  |averagetemp = <!-- E.g. 27 from "Årsmedeltemperaturen i trakten är 27 °C." -->
  |averagerain = <!-- E.g. 2,024 from "Genomsnittlig årsnederbörd är 2 024 millimeter" -->
  |climatedata = <!-- leave blank. This is an array of 36 numbers in the {{klimatöversikt}} template. Paste in climate data after saving -->
<!--  Data from https://www.ibge.gov.br/en/cities-and-states/stateabbr/lowername.html 
      Note that Brazilian sources give numbers as, e.g. 12.345,67, where English usage is 12,345.67 -->
  |mayor =
  |demonym = 
  |area = <!-- km2 -->
  |areaasof = <!-- year for which area is given -->
  |lastpop = <!-- population in last year -->
  |lastpopyear = <!-- Last year with population estimate -->  
  |HDI = <!-- 2010 Human Development Index. Hover over the last point on the graph to get the 2010 value. -->
  |1991HDI = <!-- First point on the HDI graph -->
  |2000HDI = <!-- Middle point on the HDI graph -->
  |birthdata = <!-- Infant mortality: Death per live births  separated by colon, e.g. 10.5 : 6.6 -->
  |birthyear = <!-- Infant mortality: Death years separated by colon, e.g. 2010 : 2017 -->
  |revenuedata = <!-- Realized revenue: Revenue values  separated by colon, e.g. 1000260 : 2005666. Hover over points on the graph to get values.
                               Note that revenue data is  given in R$1000s, so change 22,456.50 to 22456500 -->
  |revenueyear = <!-- Revenue years  separated by colon, e.g. 2010 : 2017 -->
  |expenddata = <!-- Committed expenditure: values  separated by colon, e.g. 1000550 : 2003660. Hover over points on the graph to get values.
                               Note that expenditure data is  given in R$1000s, so change 22,456.50 to 22456500 -->
  |expendyear = <!-- Committed expenditure years  separated by colon, e.g. 2010 : 2017 -->
  |gdpcapdata = <!-- GPD/capita values separated by colon, e.g. 1000 : 2000. Hover over points on the graph to get values. -->
  |gdpcapyear = <!--  GPD/capita years separated by colon, e.g. 2010 : 2017 -->
<!-- Data from https://cidades.ibge.gov.br/brasil/stateabbr/lowername/panorama -->
  |2010pop = <!-- População no último censo [2010] -->
  |2010popdensity = <!-- Densidade demográfica [2010] -->
  |Catholic = <!-- População residente por religião. Hover over bar in chart to get number with this religion -->
  |Evangelical = <!-- Hover over bar in chart to get number with this religion -->
  |Animism = <!-- Hover over bar in chart to get number with this religion -->
  |avsal-minwage = <!-- Salário médio mensal dos trabalhadores formais --> 
  |employpct = <!-- População ocupada (%) -->
  |poorhouseholds = <!-- Percentual da população com rendimento nominal mensal per capita de até 1/2 salário mínimo (%) -->
  |2010school6-14 = <!--  Educação: Taxa de escolarização de 6 a 14 anos de idade -->
  |diarrheaper1000 = <!-- Saúde: Internações por diarreia -->
  |sanitationpct = <!-- Território e Ambiente: Esgotamento sanitário adequado (%) -->
  |treeroadpct = <!-- Arborização de vias públicas -->
  |goodroadpct = <!-- Urbanização de vias públicas -->