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Delmon (short for deletion monitor) is used to monitor articles that have been proposed or nominated for deletion. It shows at a glance:

  • Whether a particular page exists, and whether it is a redirect
    • Pages which do not exist, or are redirects, are indicated with a small marker ( or R respectively).
  • For pages that exist and are not redirects:
    • Whether the page is tagged for AfD, proposed deletion, or speedy deletion
    • Whether the page has been edited since being tagged for deletion
    • Whether the page has an expired prod and may be deleted

Example use


{{Delmon}} called repeatedly to monitor several pages at a glance:

■■R■■■R■■R Made up article 1AfDR Made up article 2overdue Made up article 3recreated/untaggedMade up article 4(ed)Made up article 5Made up article 6prev nom!



The template may be used with all parameters empty, useful for when article titles will be inserted later.

Typical: {{delmon | <article> | <timestamp of deletion tag> }}
Full: {{delmon | <article> | <timestamp of deletion tag> | nocheck | linkfor=<value> }}
Parameter Value Required? Notes
1 page title Optional Article to be tracked (If no argument is given, template will show nothing rather than giving an error)
2 timestamp of deletion tag Optional Copy from the substituted deletion tag, or insert with {{subst:CURRENTTIMESTAMP}}
(Allows recently tagged pages to be linked)
3 "nocheck" Optional Disables check of most recent page editor; must be third unnamed argument
linkfor Number of days for which deleted or redirected pages are linked Optional Default is 60 days


Output Meaning
Page does not exist (links to page if tagged less than [linkfor] days ago)
R Page is a redirect (links to page if tagged less than [linkfor] days ago)
[Page title] Page exists and is not a redirect
Tags for existing pages:
AfD Page has an AfD tag (links to latest AfD using {{LatestAfD}})
recreated/untagged No prod, AfD, or CSD tag is present on the page
prev nom! Page has been to AfD previously; prod cannot be used to delete it
(ed) Most recent page editor differs from that of the page where this template is deployed (links to article history) (disable with "nocheck")
overdue Page has been prod tagged for over seven days, and may be deleted

Logical flow


The template performs a branching series of conditional checks to determine page status, as shown in the adjacent flowchart:

  • If page does not exist:
    • A "" marker is shown
    • If timestamp is valid and less than [linkfor] days old, the marker is linked to the page
  • If page is a redirect:
    • An "R" marker is shown
    • If timestamp is valid and less than [linkfor] days old, the marker is linked to the page
  • If page exists and is not a redirect:
    • A link to the page is shown
    • If no prod or CSD template is present:
      • If the page is tagged with an AfD template, AfD is shown, linked to the latest AfD
      • Otherwise, recreated/untagged is shown
    • If the page is tagged with a prod or CSD template:
      • If page has been to AfD before, prev nom! is shown, indicating that proposed deletion is not allowed
      • Otherwise:
        • If the most recent editor differs from that of the page where this template is deployed, (ed) is shown ("nocheck" argument disables this)
        • If timestamp is valid and greater than 7 days old, or text indicating expired prod is present, overdue is shown