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This linkbox template creates a floating linkbox to a designated target.

The syntax for this template is:

{{lbox|var1|var2|image=Image|size=Size|border=yes|boxsize=Boxsize|break=yes|left=yes|margin=Margin|link=Target|alt=Alt text}}


  • var1 is the link target.
  • var2 is the link description.
    • The default link description is the link target.
  • image= The image to display.
  • size= An integer representing the width of the image in pixels.
    • The default image size is the lesser width of 32 pixels or 28 pixels times the image aspect ratio.
  • border= Whether to add a one-pixel border around the image.
    • The default is no border.
  • boxsize= An integer representing the width of the link box in pixels.
    • The default boxsize is the minimum width to accommodate the image and text.
  • left= Whether to float the link box to the left instead of to the right
    • The default is float right.
  • margin= The margin around the box. The margins can be customized using |margin=top right bottom left (e.g., |margin=0.25em 0 0.25em 0.25em) or removed using |margin=0.
    • The default margin is 0.5em.
  • link= The link target for the image.
    • The default image link is the image file.
  • alt= The alternate text for the image (for visually impaired readers.)
    • The default alternate text is "logo".



This template is designed to be placed in the See also section of articles.



{{lbox|South America|South<br/>America|image=South America.svg}} creates:

See also
