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For use with the lists by term of opinions by the Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, such as 2009 term United States Supreme Court opinions of Samuel Alito.

Start with {{SCOTUS-justice-listframe}}. Then use the below template for each separate opinion, without breaks in between. Place double end brackets after the last entry to close the frame template.


Ordinary use:
  | #=
  | case=
  | type=
  | volume=
  | page=
  | year=
  | wikisource=
  | issues=
  | joined=
  | summary=
All parameters
  | #=
  | case=
  | case1=
  | case-article=
  | case-display=
  | type=
  | volume=
  | page=
  | year=
  | wikisource=
  | issues=
  | joined=
  | otheropinion1type= || otheropinion1author= || otheropinion1link= 
  | otheropinion2type= || otheropinion2author= || otheropinion2link= 
  | otheropinion3type= || otheropinion3author= || otheropinion3link= 
  | otheropinion4type= || otheropinion4author= || otheropinion4link= 
  | otheropinion5type= || otheropinion5author= || otheropinion5link= 
  | summary=

# = Number the opinions within the list in order, with a leading zero for 1-9 (e.g., the first opinion gets a 01, the second a 02). The numbers will not appear in the table, but are necessary for the sorting feature to work properly.

case = The short form case name, when it is the same as the opinion's Wikipedia article. The short form is abbreviated from the full name of the parties (e.g., John Wayne Smith v. United States of America resolves to Smith v. United States). Use the name that appears in the list on the SCOTUS website.

case1 = Use when the case name should not be wikilinked, as in opinions relating to orders or in-chambers opinions where the case will probably not merit an article.

case-article and case-display = Use to pipe a different display name for a case other than the article title, such as for cases that have disambiguated article titles (e.g., James v. United States (2007)). Use case-article for the article title, and case-display for how the case name should be displayed in the article (e.g., |case-article=James v. United States (2007) |case-display=James v. United States will render James v. United States).

type = The type of opinion that was filed. The options are majority, plurality, concurrence, concurrencedissent, dissent, and other (used for in-chambers opinions and opinions respecting the denial of certiorari).

volume, page, and year = The elements of the case citation in the United States Reports. For as yet unpublished opinions only available as slip opinions, the volume number will be available, but not the page; leave it blank and the template will automatically insert this: ___ (as per SCOTUS citation custom) until the page number can be filled in later. For page numbers fewer than three digits, use the sort template, Template:Sort, and sort with leading zeros to ensure the citation sorts properly. For example, enter 1 as {{sort|001|1}}, or 25 as {{sort|025|25}}.

wikisource = The page name for the full text of the opinion on Wikisource.

issues = The general area of law and specific issues or constitutional provisions in case. These are not standardized, but should be stated simply and have some organization from general provision to specific issue, formatted using {{flatlist}} or {{hlist}}. Wikilink as appropriate. The issues for an opinion in Texas v. Johnson, for example, could read:

. Only list the issues addressed by the justice's opinion, even if they are different from or narrower than those addressed by the majority opinion in the case.

joined = The other justices who joined the opinion. List in order of seniority (Chief Justice first, followed by the sequence from longest on the bench to shortest), though separate out those who joined an opinion only in part at the end (e.g., "Scalia, Breyer, Ginsburg; Roberts, Kennedy (in part)"). For opinions joined by all eight other justices, simply state "unanimous".

otheropinion = Up to five other opinions filed in the same case. List the last name of the authoring justice (or Per Curiam if it was an unsigned opinion of the Court) in the otheropinion[N]author" parameter; the type of the opinion (majority, concurrence, dissent, concurrencedissent, other); and a link to the authoring justice's page for the term summarizing their opinion, or the list of per curiam opinions for the term (note: do not link here to the main article for the case, which displays in another column).

summary = A short description of the opinion's position and reasoning, with key quotes. This should not be longer than a small paragraph. Use the standalone articles on the cases for lengthier descriptions if necessary.