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The Sileraioi

The Sileraioi were a group of ruthless southern-Italian mercenaries of the 4th Century BC employed by tyrants such as Dionysus I. When their service was finished, they were either allotted land or, as some argue, took it by force, and the location of the city of Silerae is thought to be between Agrigento and Caltanissetta.[1] [2] No ancient authors mention the Sileraioi by name, but bronze drachms over-struck on other Sicilian coinage depicts a man-faced bull on the obverse with the name S-ILEPAIW-N(retrograd), and a nude warrior advancing on the reverse.

Attribution for a coin of the Sileraioi is as follows:

SICILY, The Sileraioi. ca 357-336 BC. Æ Litra. SILERAIWN retrograde, forepart of a man-headed bull right / Naked Leukaspis charging right with spear & shield.

Tetras, 357 - 339, Überprägung einer Bronze-Litra Dionysios' I. (vgl. Calciati II S. 86 N 41). S-ILEPAIW-N(retrograd). Androkephaler Stier nach rechts. Rs: Nackter Krieger mit Schild und Speer nach rechts stürmend, im Feld SIL-A. Campana, CNAI "; Calciati III S. 301 Em. 2/9. 6,86g. Fast vorzüglich/sehr schön.

  1. ^ Giacomo Manganaro - “Per una storia della Sicilia romana”. In: “Aufstieg und Niedergang der Römischen Welt”; Vol. I (1972, pp. 442-461 ANRW)
  2. ^ Eugenio Manni - “Su alcune recenti proposte di identificazione di centri antichi della Sicilia”. In: L'Italie préromaine et la Rome républicaine. I. Mélanges offerts à Jacques Heurgon. Rome : École Française de Rome, (1976. pp. 605-617. Publications de l'École française de Rome, 27)