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User:"Literary Pride"

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"Literary Pride" consists of Poetry, Prose and stories written by Brenda Black Strickland, published writer and author. Please share your advice and comments to enable me to create a more enjoyable atmosphere for visitors to this page


The Path of Life and Adventure �"

by Brenda Black Strickland

We can follow the footsteps of others, and go where they've already been.

or we can follow that overgrown path and see what's around the next bend.

That is called adventure, exploring so much that's unknown,

It can lead to a place of nature's bounty, that makes you feel right at home. 

You may wonder why no one has found it, or bothered to go there astray,,

Then as you drink in the tranquil beauty, you're glad it has stayed this way.

It may be off the beaten path, but you try to venture here each day

You find a simple peace for yourself in this little getaway.� �

Life can be a great adventure exploring the world we call home,

Many are the treasures found , when you take a little time to roam.

Don't stay fixed in the pattern ,of following others that you know, 

Choose your own destiny and follow the paths where ever they go.

You'll find life a little richer, collecting earth's beauty as� memories,

You �forged your own way to go, as you boldly followed your dreams".


The Shadow Within"

by Brenda Black Strickland

There's a dark shadow inside me that wreaks havoc with my fears. It targets my spirit when it's ugly head rears. There's been so much sadness and pain in my life, sometimes it seems all I can do is cry. Others don't know or see the pain lurking there, nor do they see sometimes I need spitirtual repairs. I often need a prayer, a hug or just a smile will do, when my heart is so heavy and my spirit so blue. I don't know all the reasons myself why it's there, Sometimes it seems it isn't worth it to care.

Bu there is a part of me, beating deep in my heart that says I will beat this, I just need a good start. Depression is deadly and sadness never goes away, but I will beat this with some help on my way. I need reassurance from people I love and many , many prayers to our father above.

Pray for me please, let me know that you're there. I just need your support, and need to know someone cares. The way is lonely, some days dark and dim, but others are better because your love brightens them.

Sadness of spirit, hopelessness too, are just some of the things that can make a spirit blue. But with blessed guidance and support of family and friends, I know I can overcome this and I will in the end.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"Hallowed Ground"

by Brenda Black Strickland

Teardrops fall on Hallowed ground,

as grieving loved ones gather round,

Rows of white markers by the score,

Now they must add, to these one more.

White markers show the name and date,

When each one walked through Heaven's gates,

There cross laid down, there soul at rest,

Another now has joined the best.

White markers in a field of green,

Symbols of their broken dreams,

Those who paid the final price,

They gave their life for you and I.

Let Freedom ring, their story told,

Tell of their courage, brave and bold,

As time goes by their numbers grow,

White markers stand in proud repose.

Take not your freedom for granted. It's a gift bought with Courage , Sweat and Blood. When there's food on your table, and shoes on your feet and you can lay down in your own home in your own bed and feel safe because you are an American, for your blessings, thank God up above. Many will be missing from their family. An empty space will never be filled. Their loved ones can only treasure their memories, and visit the Hallowed Ground with white markers in it's field. May God Bless You and May God Bless America.
