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User:Владислав Надточій/Oleksandr O.Romanovskyi

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Владислав Надточій/Oleksandr O.Romanovskyi
Alma materFaculty of Automation and Computer Engineering Kiev Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers

Oleksandr Oleksiiovych Romanovskyi(*16 July 1951, Kyiv) — Ukrainian scientist in the field of economics and management of the national economy, pedagogy and psychology of higher education, organization and implementation of international education in Ukraine, management and entrepreneurship in higher education, information technologies and automated systems of management and design, European integration of Ukrainian higher education. Doctor of Economics, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor. Academician of the Higher School Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (see: Academy of Science of Higher School of Ukraine - ansvu.org.ua) since 2007.



Born in Kyiv. In 1974, Oleksandr Romanovskyi graduated with honors from the Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering of the Kiev Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers (KICAE). In 1977 he graduated from postgraduate school of the Kyiv State Pedagogical Institute named after M. Gorky. He worked as an engineer at the Department of Electronic Digital Computing Machines of KICAE (1974-1977), Junior Researcher of the Research Sector of the Kyiv State Pedagogical Institute named after M. Gorky (1975-1977), head of the group, head of the Department of Software and Methodological Support of the Main Computational Center of the Ministry of Education of the USSR (1977-1980), Director of the Information and Computing Center, head of the Problem Research Laboratory of the Computational Center of the Kyiv State University named after T. Shevchenko (1980-1991), Director of the State Minor Implementing Research-Production and Educational-Methodical Enterprise "Informatics and Education" of the Kyiv State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages ​​(1991-1996). In 1996-1997 — co-founder and rector of the Wisconsin International University (USA) — Ukraine (WIUU). Since 1997 — co-founder and rector of the Ukrainian-American Humanitarian (Liberal Arts) Institute "Wisconsin International University (USA) — Ukraine" (UAHI WIUU), legal successor of WIUU. Since 2017 — co-founder and rector of the Ukrainian-American Concordia University (UACU), successor of UAHI WIUU.

Research activities


Areas of scientific research activity: applied mathematics (algebra of polynomial matrices), computational methods (inversion of polynomial matrices on computers); information technologies, automatic control systems and CAD; attraction of foreign investments into economy of Ukraine, economics and management of national economy, management and business (entrepreneurship); the sphere of education development: development of an automation system for operations of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine, district, city and regional departments for public education of Ukraine; improvement of entrepreneurship and management education in Ukraine; research on the phenomenon of academic (university) entrepreneurship; innovative activity in education. Priorities in the pedagogical field: creation of the first joint Ukrainian-American institution of higher education in Ukraine (WIUU); organization and implementation of international and business education in Ukraine; entrepreneurial activity of institutions of higher education in the world. The sphere of international cooperation: participation in the organization of an international Ukrainian-American-German seminar on ethics of higher education; a permanent joint Ukrainian-American-German seminar on international problems of leadership, entrepreneurship, economics, intensification of production and investment, as well as international cooperation in the field of education, science and culture, European integration of Ukraine’s higher education.

He is the author of more than 300 scientific, research and methodological works, including, inter alia, the following monographs, manuals and methodological tutorials:

  • New methods and forms of network planning in machinery engineering within the X Five-Year Plan (in co-authorship) (1977). [In Russian: Новые методы и формы сетевого планирования в машиностроении в X пятилетке.] Issues of the realization of matrix-polynomial expressions in computer-based systems with the pipelined mode of data processing: Preprint-79-76 of the Institute of Cybernetics of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR – (in co-authorship) (1979). [In Russian: Вопросы реализации матрично-полиномиальных выражений в вычислительных системах с конвейерным принципом обработки информации.] Organization of parallel computational processes in the calculation of the determinant and the conjugate of a parent square polynomial matrix (Candidate’s (Ph.D.) thesis in technical sciences, 1979). [In Russian: Организация параллельных вычислительных процессов при отыскании определителя и присоединенной матрицы для исходной квадратной полиномиальной матрицы.] Automation of the calculation of material consumption rates in machinery engineering manufacture (in co-authorship) (1988). [In Russian: Автоматизация расчета норм расхода материалов при производстве продукции в машиностроении: канд. дис. по техническим наукам.] Non-state higher education in economically developed countries of the world (from the experience of higher school in the USA, Great Britain, Germany, France, Italy, and Japan: Scientific publication) (in co-authorship) (1997). [In Ukrainian: Недержавна вища освіта в економічно розвинутих країнах світу (з досвіду вищої школи США, Великої Британії, Німеччини, Франції, Італії та Японії: Наукове видання).] The chronicle of higher education in the USA (through the example of state and non-state institutions operations) (1997). [In Ukrainian: Хроніка вищої освіти США (на прикладі діяльності державних і недержавних закладів).] ISBN 5-7763-2174-3 Higher education on the verge of millenniums. Book 1. Effective entrepreneurial education as the foundation for the economic development of a democratic society (2000). [In Ukrainian: Вища освіта на зламі тисячоліть. Кн. 1. Ефективна підприємницька освіта як фундамент економічного розвитку демократичного суспільства.] 966-7780-00-7 The art and secrets of entrepreneurial activity: practical tips for burgeoning entrepreneurs (in co-authorship) (2002). [In Ukrainian: Мистецтво і секрети підприємницької діяльності: практичні поради підприємцям початківцям.] ISBN 966-7780-08-2 The art and secrets of entrepreneurial activity: practical tips for burgeoning entrepreneurs (in co-authorship) (2002). [In Russian: Искусство и секреты предпринимательской деятельности: практические советы начинающим предпринимателям.] ISBN 966-7769-11-9 The theory and practice of foreign experience in entrepreneurial education of Ukraine (2002). [In Ukrainian: Теорія і практика зарубіжного досвіду в підприємницькій освіті України.] ISBN 966-7780-08-2 The theory and practice of entrepreneurial education in fully developed foreign states (Doctoral thesis in pedagogical sciences) (2003). [In Ukrainian: Теорія і практика підприємницької освіти в розвинутих зарубіжних країнах (докт. дис. з педагогічних наук).] Fundamentals of foreign economic activity (in co-authorship) (2003). [In Ukrainian: Основи зовнішньоекономічної діяльності.] ISBN 966-7780-01-5 Development of experimental curricula and educational professional programs to train Bachelors in Management of Foreign Economic Activity on the basis of selected subjects within Business Administration programs of the US universities and colleges: Methodological guidelines (in co-authorship) (2003). [In Ukrainian: Формування експериментальних навчальних планів і освітньо-професійних програм підготовки бакалаврів з менеджменту зовнішньоекономічної діяльності на основі використання вибраних курсів програм з управління бізнесом (Business Administration) університетів і коледжів США: Метод. рекомендації.] Development of experimental curricula and educational professional programs to train Masters in the field “Management” and the speciality “Foreign Economic Entrepreneurial Activity”: Methodological guidelines (in co-authorship) (2003). [In Ukrainian: Формування експериментальних навчальних планів і освітньо-професійних програм підготовки магістрів за напрямом «Підприємництво» і спеціальністю «Зовнішньоекономічна підприємницька діяльність»: Метод. рекомендації.] Development and implementation of a national educational program on entrepreneurial issues: Methodological guidelines (2003). [In Ukrainian: Розробка і впровадження національної освітньої програми з питань підприємництва: Метод. рекомендації.] Implementation of the experience of economically developed countries in entrepreneurial training (the analysis and utilization of educational programs and curricula in Entrepreneurship and Business Administration): Methodological guidelines (2003). [In Ukrainian: Впровадження досвіду економічно розвинених країн з підготовки підприємців (аналіз і використання навчальних програм і планів в галузі підприємництва і управління бізнесом): Метод. рекомендації.] The experience of higher education of the United States of America. Book I. Humanitarian and entrepreneurial training of Americans (in co-authorship) (2009). [In Ukrainian: Досвід вищої освіти Сполучених Штатів Америки ХХ-XXI століття. Книга І. Гуманітарна та підприємницька підготовка американців.] ISBN 978-966-382-216-7 The experience of higher education of the United States of America. Book II. Distinguishing features of higher education of the USA at the end of XX  — beginning of the XXI centuries (in co-authorship) (2010). [In Ukrainian: Досвід вищої освіти Сполучених Штатів Америки ХХ-XXI століття. Книга 2. Особливості вищої освіти США кінця ХХ — початку XXI століття.] ISBN 978-966-382-283-9 Patterns of implementation of innovations, entrepreneurship, and entrepreneurial education in the system of Ukraine’s national education (2010). [In Ukrainian: Шляхи впровадження інновацій, підприємництва та підприємницької освіти в системі національної освіти України.] ISBN 978-966-382-297-6 The phenomenon of entrepreneurship in the world’s universities (2012). [In Ukrainian: Феномен підприємництва в університетах світу.] ISBN 978-966-382-415-4 The innovative activity of research entrepreneurial universities of the USA (2012). [In Ukrainian: Інноваційна діяльність дослідницьких підприємницьких університетів США.] ISBN 978-966-8276-78-1 Theoretical and methodological backgrounds of innovative development in higher education (докт. дис. з економічних наук, 2014). [In Ukrainian: Теоретико-методологічні засади інноваційного розвитку сфери вищої освіти.] Introduction to innovatics of higher education (in co-authorship) (2015). [In Ukrainian: Вступ до інноватики вищої освіти.] ISBN 978-966-994-9 The experience of higher education of the United States of America. Book III. Distinguishing features of the innovative development in the higher education of the USA in the second half of the XX — beginning of ХХІ century (in co-authorship) (2018). [In Ukrainian: Досвід вищої освіти Сполучених Штатів Америки ХХ-ХХІ століття. Книга 3. Особливості інноваційного розвитку сфери вищої освіти США другої половини ХХ — початку ХХІ століття.] ISBN 978-966-931-165-8

Professor of Computer Science at the Wisconsin International University (USA), Professor of Beijing Institute of Banking and Finance (PRC), Professor Honoris Causa of the Crimean University for Humanities, Professor Honoris Causa of Petro Mohyla Black Sea National University. Vice President of the Higher School Academy of Sciences of Ukraine since 2017. Member of the NGO Union of Rectors of Higher Educational Institutions of Ukraine. Member of the Coordinating Council and Deputy Head on International Cooperation of the Association of Non-Stateowned Educational Institutions of Ukraine. Corresponding Member of the International Personnel Academy, Member of the Confederation of Non-State Higher Educational Institutions of Ukraine. Member of the Kyiv Bureau and Presidium Member of the German-Ukrainian Society of Economics and Science DUG-WW (Mainz, Berlin, Bonn, FRG), Member of the European Association for Market Economy Support (Berlin and Bonn, FRG). Since 2018, Member of the Board of the Association to Promote the Competitive Economy of Europe (VFW), Berlin, FRG. Member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine (ACC Ukraine) and the International Trade Club in Ukraine. Editor-in-Chief of the scientific journal “Education, Management, and Business: International Dimension”, Co-Editor-in-Chief of the Ukrainian-American scholarly research journal “Business, Economics, Sustainability, Leadership and Innovation” (BESLI), Deputy Chief Editor of the magazine “Education and Management”, member of Editorial Board of the journal “Economics and Management”.

Holder of the national award - State award of Ukraine - the honorary title of Ukraine, which is granted by the President of Ukraine - the “Honorary Educator of Ukraine” (2002). Chevalier of national awards - State awards of Ukraine, which are granted by the President of Ukraine - “The Order of Merit”, 3rd class (2005) and “The Order of Merit”, 2nd class (2018).


  • Akademiia nauk vyshchoi shkoly Ukrainy – The Higher School Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.  1992—2010. Reference book. [In Ukrainian: Академія наук вищої школи України. 1992—2010. Довідник.]

[[Category:1951 births]]