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User:とある白い猫/Humor and IRC logs

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User:Cool Cat/topbar



Turtle song parody

Any username mentioned here were chosen at random for no real reason.

Teenage Mutant Rouge Admins
Teenage Mutant Rouge Admins
Teenage Mutant Rouge Admins
Heroes in a nutshell
Admin power!
They're the world's most fearsome blocking team
They're heroes in a nutshell and they're quick
When the evil vandals attack
These Admin boys don't cut 'em no slack!
Teenage Mutant Rouge Admins
Teenage Mutant Rouge Admins
Jimbo taught them to be ninja teens
Brion leads, Gmaxwell does machines
Phroziac is cool but crude
User:Linuxbeak is a party dude
Teenage Mutant Rouge Admins
Teenage Mutant Rouge Admins
Teenage Mutant Rouge Admins
Heroes in a nutshell
Admin power!

IRC Logs


IRC logs I find amusing. This is a self M:Bash page basicaly, if you think the quotes here are amusing, check: m:User:Kate/Amusing IRC channel quotes

www553 vs. Cool_Cat

www553 is ~ed@ * fn
www553 using irc.igs.ca Together we stand, divided we fall.
www553 End of /WHOIS list.
Dns resolved to
[17:51:27] <www553> hello
[17:51:28] <www553> asl
[17:52:29] <www553> u r a new geenration girl
[17:53:27] <Cool_Cat> ...
[17:54:21] <www553> i am a janitor at an exclusive high school for girls since 27 years I have seen generation after generation of bitchs believe me ur genration is the bitchies ever
[17:54:53] <Cool_Cat> fun.
[17:54:59] <Cool_Cat> I am not a girl though
[17:55:17] <Cool_Cat> And I was in a high school over 30 years ago
[17:55:37] <www553> ooh u would be one of the good girls
[17:51:12] <Cool_Cat> -_-;

Geor vs. Linuxbeak


Special thanks to User:Linuxbeak for the log and User:NicholasT for the whois

Geor is n=none@cpc4-rdng7-4-1-cust45.winn.cable.ntl.com): dIRC
Geor is using irc.freenode.net :http://freenode.net/
cpc4-rdng7-4-1-cust45.winn.cable.ntl.com has address
Geor End of /WHOIS list.
[19:12:13] <Geor> Hahaha, you will never know who I am Linuxbeak
[19:12:22] <Geor> I will always defeat you because I am infinitely more clever
[19:13:29] <Geor> And you are just a cunt
[19:13:33] <Geor> lollollollollol
[19:13:35] <Linuxbeak> Hello. This is an automated proxy-checking message. Please wait while your messages are being validated...
[19:13:49] <Geor> Goodbye, linuxcunt
[19:14:02] <Linuxbeak> We apologize. The idiot filter has detected that you are in fact an idiot.
[19:14:08] <Linuxbeak> Message rejected

Cool_Cat vs. fatalis_

fatalis_ is i=unyanya@customer-192.143.livas.lv * Kawaii Elite ^.^
fatalis_ using irc.freenode.net http://freenode.net/
fatalis_ End of /WHOIS list.
Dns resolved customer-192.143.livas.lv to
[18:35:56] <fatalis_> learn what ban eavasion means you dumb fuck
[18:37:19] <Cool_Cat> Hello. This is an automated proxy-checking message. Please wait while your messages are being validated...
[18:37:39] <fatalis_> lol moron
[18:37:49] <Cool_Cat> We apologize. The idiot filter has detected that you are in fact an idiot.
[18:37:57] <Cool_Cat> Message rejected
[18:38:27] <fatalis_> I applaud, that was very witty
[18:38:53] <fatalis_> for a moron

World vs. Nick12345



Nick12345 is n=email@85.Red-213-96-200.pooles.rima-tde.net * nombre
Nick12345 using irc.freenode.net Tue Sep 6 18:26:16 2005
Nick12345 End of /WHOIS list.
Dns resolved 85.Red-213-96-200.pooles.rima-tde.net to
[21:07:08] * Joins: Nick12345 (n=email@85.Red-213-96-200.pooles.rima-tde.net)
[21:08:01] <Nick12345> how do i hack a bot so that i can erase wikipedia?
[21:08:15] <Soir> Nick12345: You don't. :)
[21:09:14] <Nick12345> Soir: i want to :))
[21:12:54] <Cool_Cat> Nick12345 wikipedia deletation bot has been deleted
[21:13:06] <Cool_Cat> it started erasing wikipedia by erasing itself