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User:A.R.Gene71/Issues relating to biofuels/Bibliography

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This is where you will compile the bibliography for your Wikipedia assignment. Add the name and/or notes about what each source covers, then use the "Cite" button to generate the citation for that source.

  • Example: Luke, Learie. 2007. Identity and secession in the Caribbean: Tobago versus Trinidad, 1889–1980.
    • This is a book published by a university press, so it should be a reliable source. It also covers the topic in some depth, so it's helpful in establishing notability.
  • Example: Galeano, Gloria; Bernal, Rodrigo (2013-11-08). "Sabinaria , a new genus of palms (Cryosophileae, Coryphoideae, Arecaceae) from the Colombia-Panama border". Phytotaxa.
    • This is a peer-reviewed scientific journal, so it should be a reliable source. It covers the topic in some depth, so it's helpful in establishing notability.
  • Example: Baker, William J.; Dransfield, John (2016). "Beyond Genera Palmarum: progress and prospects in palm systematics". Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society.
    • This is a peer-reviewed scientific journal, so it should be a reliable source for a specific fact. Since it only dedicates a few sentences to the topic, it can't be used to establish notability.
  • Locke, A., & Henley, G. 2014. A review of the literature on biofuels and food security at a local level.
    • This is a review article that published in overseas development institute (ODI), so, it can say that it is a reliable and valid source. Additionally, it cover majority concepts and measurements in terms of biofuels and food industry.Thus, it can infer new information regard this matter. And as it mentioned above it is review article, in other words it is secondary source.
  • Popp, J. 2009. Global responsibility of food, energy and environmental security. Studies in Agricultural Economics.
    • The article submitted in Studies in Agricultural Economics which is a reliable source. And regard the source and the article it can say that is a very holistic research in terms of economical impact that can be imply due to biofuel production and usage. So, this holistic source can bring and establish new notions.


  1. Locke, A., & Henley, G. (2014). A review of the literature on biofuels and food security at a local level. London: Overseas Development Institute (ODI).
  2. Popp, J. (2009). Global responsibility of food, energy and environmental security. Studies in Agricultural Economics, 110(1316-2016-102721), 5-22.