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Hi I am Arko Roy date of birth 18 July 1989 from Jamshedpur Jharkhand. My father is a mechanical engineer and mother is a home maker. I passed from D.B.M.S school Jamshedpur with a GPA of 7.6 majored in computer science and hi-tech. From my 10th grade I started my preparation for SAT (scholastic Aptitute Test) though it was expensive for me to write the exam numerous times but I never gave up! Coming from a hindi speaking background it's very difficult to have a high level of English proficiency. Nevertheless maine college did invite however the tution fee was too high for my father s income. My Dad gave me budget. I switched my plan an desired to be a Pilot. As my Dad too has a defence history. I took a educational loan with my land as a mortgage. Took me some while to complete the paper work. As to get a Pilot training loan is no joke. However coming from a small city people around me where very helpful.

I book my flight tickets in Emirates 25 May 2009 to JNB it was my first ever experience on a plane. The seat where very cozy and the food was good but I really love the air hostess with the red Hat. That moment I thought I want fly this jumbo jet with beautiful ladies on the back.

Flight training was rigorous as South African CAA conducts the toughest technical exams. But I passed all. I got my CPL with a present SAA captain Mr. Craig Pearce. Wonderful.

Journey to find a job begins after all husle and busle I met a French Congolese couple who lived in our colony. Proposed me to go Kinshasa DRC. It was a nightmare from time I landed in 767 to the time I took of in 777. I lost lot of things money,my health, my commercial pilot licence and Me.

However I did not give up. Even though I was suffering through depression and medical treatment.

Find a job in India was difficult. I started working in BPOs in Kolkata that was my first job and some wage.

My twin brother Arpan Roy who is computer science engineer from Bangalore asked me to come and stay with him so I feel better.

I love Bangalore. People are liked minded. Smart with high english fluency and cosmopolitan. I found a job with IBM India. Worked there for close 2 Year. Worked with HSBC India for 1 year. Meantime I kept giving interview as flight Steward with most of the Airlines.Even after pleading not single Airlines showed some mercy on my grief. I read bible. So I do understand how caring and sharing works. Nevertheless that Did not stop me again. I met bunch of IITian or you can say smart tech innovative driven guys who were into fashion and medicine. I joined Myntra.com a good start up company in Bangalore. Now it is the leading fashion e-commerce company in India with maximum market capitalism and acquisition s.

After quiting Mantra.com. I have started my own health-care care focus on generic diseases near Amazon Basin in Southamerica

Will provide free health check and medicine to most of the needy people. Will generate revenue from promotion of medical devices and campaign etc will talk more on it later.

This is the plan as of now I am 29 years. Some I do feel I am too old. But when I see my father jogging at 6AM. I think it's better to be a good kid and climb the Everest slowing through camping otherwise to will fall and perish.

I do not have a girlfriend I am single. However I have helped many to achieve their dream of touching the Sky.

What happens happens for good. It's Arc at the end of the day.

Take care. Believe in yourself everything is possible.
