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I probably would have went with my name but I wanted something to honor my heritage. So here goes. A, is a singular letter. It denotes being alone which is what I felt for many years of my life. I never want to forget the sting so I never subject another human being to the same feeling. Rose, comes from my mother, Tsistunagiska, which name means "Wild Rose". More on that is above on my user page. Needless to say, I strive to be the Rose. I want to catch your tears and the tears shed by others. I will remember the sacrifices made. I will spread love like the wild rose spreads upon the ground and that love will reconquer all that was lost. Wolf, comes from both my mothers people and my own experiences with these majestic animals. I was adopted by a pack of wolves once where I lived. They accepted me in a deeply personal moment. I will never forget my pack.