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User:Aaron Brenneman/Userpage items/Poems/3

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Geogre 14:09, 7 October 2005 (UTC)

What happened there? An explanation.
The comments get fatter, not thinner,
For they remind us all of Snowspinner.
He, upon a time, offered the moteity
Of a thing called "semi-policy"
And argued, both loud and long,
That an insult would sound a gong
And straight 'way summon the guards
To remove it hence, and leave in shards
The discussion once found there.
Many complained and thicken'd the air
With laments, ruth, and some things worse,
For the matter made some of them curse!
Their words disappear'd from view, }
Which made them their oaths renew, }
And all was yellow and blackest bile too. }
And some who questioned then and some who now }
Might be supposed to have a Holy Cow }
Upon the field still grazing to lough }
When she the prod on her soft flanks has stuck
And to be missed most sorely when struck.