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Once in a life time something is discovered that extends the boundary’s of  knowledge and changes the world forever.

Leonard Da Vinci Once said. “There are three kinds of people in the world Those who see Those who see when they are shown Those who don’t see even when they are shown” My name is Stanley Sutton, I am bilingual in Greek and English as my mother was Greek and am dyslexic in both, my daughter is also dyslexic. As a result of this I have carried out extensive research into this to try and help my daughter. I have found that the cause of dyslexia is a visual orientation problem. Greek was originally written in a right to left direction. The first Greeks, who adapted the Phoenician alphabet, were right to left scanners, thus developed the Greek alphabet from the Phoenician alphabet. From 1000b.c. to around 850b.c. reading and writing was taught in a right to left direction. As more and more of the population started to read and write four out of every five people complained that they could not read the text. To help these people to learn Greek, pallindromic letters were introduced into the Greek alphabet including ΑΔΗΘΙΛΜΞΟΠΤΥΦΧΨΩ. To accommodate left to right scanners boustrophedon was introduced alternating the direction of the text on each line, boustrophedon continued for over 300 years. Around 500b.c the majority of the population who had learnt to read and write were left to right scanners so the Greeks stopped writing in boustrophedon and reverted to text in a left to right format. Subsequent generations of right to left scanners would become dyslexic as a consequence of being asked to read left to right text. This is the biggest discovery of the 21st century it throws new light on a period of Greek history that is generally known as the dark ages. The period between 1000 BC. and 750 BC. was a period of learning, education, innovation and invention and shows that the Greeks of that time were more advanced than is recognised today. If you stop to consider for one moment that in the intervening 3000 years the best brains in the world have not been able to understand the process of learning to read and write, but is something the ancient Greek grasped immediately. The Greeks clearly understood that text is directional and understanding text is dependant on a persons orientation preference. The Etruscans, Latinos/ Romans and even the Phoenicians copied the Greeks by introducing Boustrophedon for written text as can be seen clearly in the historic evidence. The work that went into developing the Greek alphabet was staggering and ground breaking. As they tried to alter the alphabet they found that some letters where not visually acceptable so in 750BC they dropped all the these letters and introduced four new characters that form the last four letters of the Greek alphabet Φ Χ Ψ Ω, theses are all pallindromic. This breakthrough formed the current Greek alphabet. The letters then became visually correct for reading and spelling purposes in both a right to left and left to right direction (boustrophedon).- but it was only in capital letters as lower case letters were not introduced until around 750-800 AD. Regards stanley