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Abhi (Abhih) is a word in Sanskrit,Pali,Bengali, and Hindi.

Abhijit, also spelled Abhijeet, is a male name common in the Indian subcontinent.

Abhijit is the Sanskrit name for Vega, the brightest star in the northern constellation of Lyra.

The meaning of Abhijit is "victorious" or "conqueror" in the Sanskrit language.

Abhijit is the 28th nakshatra or asterism in Indian astrology system.

Abhijit is the Sanskrit name for Vega, the brightest star in the northern constellation of Lyra.

Its longitude starts from 06° 40' to 10° 53' 40 in sidereal Capricorn

i.e. from the last quarter of Uttara Ashādhā to first 1/15 th part of Shravana.

Hence, the abhijit nakshatra is not a regular nakshatra with four padas or quarters,

it serves as an intercalary asterism most of the times.

It is not mentioned as frequently as other asterisms in mythology.

Moon is said to have 27 (not 28) wives with whom he stays for one day in a sidereal lunar month.

Each of the 27 asterisms is feminine, only abhijit is masculine. Abhijit Nakshatra is an auspicious time in the Hindu Calendar.



The first reference to the word"Abhi" is found in the ancient Hindu sacred text Rigvedabook 1, hymn 164. [1]After that, the word"Abhi" frequently appears in ancient Sanskrit texts.



Although the word frequently appearsin the Vedas,Upnishadand Geeta, the meaning of the word "Abhi" is not clear. Butit is generally agreed that "Abhi" means to, towards, into,higher, about, new.

     Although the meaning of the Sanskritword is not clear, the meaning of the Hindi word "abhi," iftranslated to English, would be (ab + hi) "just now" or"now itself" (ab meaning now).However, it is believed that theword "Abhi" on its own in Sanskrit (for example, in ancient poetry)means the first ray of sunlight. "Abhi" is also a common Indian namefor boys and men. Although a name less common in girls, it is often used as anickname, short for "Abhilasha."  Confusion results from thefact that the name also has a current meaning in Hindi ("now").According to Swami Vivekananda the meaning of the word "Abhih" mentioned in theVedantas is "fearless." While pronouncing "Abhih," thesecond "h" is silent  



1.     ↑http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abhidhamma

2.     ↑http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Complete_Works_of_Swami_Vivekananda/Volume_3 /Lectures_from_Colombo_to_Almora/Vedanta_in_its_Application_to_Indian_Life

3.     ↑http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/The_Complete_Works_of_Swami_Vivekananda/Volume_3 /Lectures_from_Colombo_to_Almora/BhaktiSwami Vivekananda mentioning meaning of the word "Abhih" in his lecture


Comprehensive commentary on the origin and meaning of the word "Abhi," with references, by Shikaripura Harihareswara 
