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Articles considering for Wikipedia project:

  1. Criminology- I have always been interested in the who idea of criminology and how it works. I have always wanted to research what makes people do certain criminal acts. Criminology
  2. Military Sociology- this topic seems very interesting and I had no idea that sociology is used in the military. I love watching the History channel and learning about certain wars and what tactics were used on how to get the upper hand on the enemy. Military sociology
  3. Economic Sociology- I am currently a business major so I figured this would be a good topic to research and better my knowledge on how the economy works through the study of sociology. Economic sociology
  4. Sociology of the Family- thankfully I was raised in a very decent and respectful household but some of my friends have not been as fortunate. My parents have both been sober for over 25 years now and have always been there for me and provided me with everything I could ever want. I have been in other households in my lifetime and have seen some things happen that really made me wonder how a parent could bring themselves to do something like that. I would love to find out what causes certain people to do certain things. Sociology of the family