these troops deserve great honor and support
[edit]welcome, I have been part of wikipedia since April,21,2008. I am new as you can see or tell. I was born on october, 26, 1993 and my favorite hobby is magic. I am really into magic, i go to most magic conventions and meet most of the magicians. i got involved in magic from my dad because he was the youngest person ever to be a part of the society of american magicians. he was 12 when he joined, and was best of freinds with al folosso and sly dini. news- i just recentlly entered a poem contest and this is it.note:you have to read it with a tune otherwise you wont understand why it doesn't rime.
so many seasons always changing, global warming is always ranging. summer, autom, winter, and spring, I wonder in curiousity what these seasons might bring. I ponder and ponder, can,t find a solution, so many changes, could it be the pollution? let bygones be bygones, though there may be a way. i guess we will suffer, day by day. the end let me know what you think of my poem.