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JuKa methodology[edit]

In terms of methodology, JuKa has a traditional system to create a Neoteric warrior by the rules, that raise the probability to more safety than just free fight style. JuKa includes many methods such as striking, grappling and grounding skills with highly efficient in applications perfection.


JuKa Ranks[edit]

Table1: JuKa Belts Kyu (級) Ranks

Japanese Pronunciation Belt 帯 Title称号
10th級 / 十級 Jikkyū / Jukkyū white ---------------
9th級 / 九級 Kyūkyū gray Hokai 法階
8th級 / 八級 Hakkyū / Hachikyu red Hokai 法階
7th級 / 七級 Nanakyū orang Hokai 法階
6th級 / 六級 Rokkyū yellow Hokai 法階
5th級 / 五級 Gokyū green Hokai 法階
4th級 / 四級 Yonkyū light blue Hokai 法階
3rd級 / 三級 Sankyū blue Kohai 後輩
2nd級 / 二級 Nikyū purple Kohai 後輩
1st級 / 一級 Ikkyū brown Kohai 後輩

Table2: JuKa Belts Dan (段) Ranks

Japanese Pronunciation Degree Belt 帯


初段 Shodan 1st Dan black black Senpai


弐段/二段 Nidan 2nd Dan black black Sensei 先生
参段/三段 Sandan 3rd Dan black black Sensei 先生
四段 Yondan 4th Dan black black Shihan 師範
五段 Godan 5th Dan red&black black Hanshi 範士
六段 Rokudan 6th Dan red&black black Kanchō 寛朝
七段 Shichidan 7th Dan red&black black Kaichō 開帳
八段 Hachidan 8th Dan red&white black Sōke 宗家
九段 Kudan 9th Dan red&white black Sōsai 総裁
十段 Jūdan 10th Dan red black Kōtei 皇帝

Mugen Bushido methodology[edit]

Cooping with the progress of free style of combat Mugen Bushido is the meaning of full fighting contact, this completing the strongest performance in one fight.


Mugen Bushido Ranks[edit]

Table1: Mugen Bushido Belts Kyu (級) Ranks

Japanese Pronunciation Belt 帯 Title称号
10th級 / 十級 Jikkyū / Jukkyū white ---------------
9th級 / 九級 Kyūkyū orang Hokai 法階
8th級 / 八級 Hakkyū / Hachikyu blue Hokai 法階
7th級 / 七級 Nanakyū blue | Hokai 法階
6th級 / 六級 Rokkyū yellow Hokai 法階
5th級 / 五級 Gokyū yellow | Hokai 法階
4th級 / 四級 Yonkyū green Hokai 法階
3rd級 / 三級 Sankyū green | Hokai 法階
2nd級 / 二級 Nikyū browen Kohai 後輩
1st級 / 一級 Ikkyū browen | Kohai 後輩

Table2: Mugen Bushido Belts Dan (段) Ranks

Japanese Pronunciation Degree Belt 帯/Dan


初段 Shodan 1st Dan black | Senpai


弐段/二段 Nidan 2nd Dan black || Senpai 先輩
参段/三段 Sandan 3rd Dan black ||| Sensei 先生
四段 Yondan 4th Dan black |||| Sensei 先生
五段 Godan 5th Dan black ||||| Shihan 師範
六段 Rokudan 6th Dan black |||||| Shihan 師範
七段 Shichidan 7th Dan black ||||||| Shihan 師範
八段 Hachidan 8th Dan black |||||||| Hanshi 範士
九段 Kudan 9th Dan black ||||||||| Hanshi 範士
十段 Jūdan 10th Dan black |||||||||| Hanshi 範士