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User:Akbugday/Climate change in algeria/Glacier Ivy Peer Review

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User:Akbugday/Climate change in algeria::Link to the current version of the article (if it exists):Climate change in Algeria

Evaluate the drafted changes


(Compose a detailed peer review here, considering each of the key aspects listed above if it is relevant. Consider the guiding questions, and check out the examples of what feedback looks like.)

  • Overall the article is really strong and does a good job clearly providing information about the topic.
  • Consider updating the lead of the original article so it reflects all of the new information provided in the article.
  • In the Greenhouse Gas Emissions section, I would replace the word negligible with minimal (in the sentence: “Algeria's contribution to global warming is negligible”). Otherwise this section seems good.
  • In the mitigation and adaptation section, the second sentence (“these actions underscore…”) seems a bit biased and does not seem necessary. Consider deleting this sentence.
  • Agriculture section: providing more information about the places mentioned in the section (Algiers and Bordj Bou Arreridj) would be helpful for the reader - such as where they are located
  • Water resources: making it more clear or providing more information about why water supplies have been cut off could be useful. Is it because of droughts or dam problems?
  • Precipitation: The first sentence (Algeria, situated in a region…) could be phrased in a way that is easier to read. Also, the statistics in the second paragraph are a little hard to follow, maybe consider reducing the number of statistics to just the most important ones.
  • Sea Level Rise: This section looks really good! Lots of information, clear, concise.
  • Ecosystems: Overall good. I got a little confused when reading the sentence “Although Algeria has 4/5 of the Sahara desert landscape, it has dominantly woodland ecosystem functions”.
  • Weather: This section should be moved earlier in the article. Maybe after the geography section at the top. Lots of the information in the section would have been useful if it had come earlier in the article (including, difference in weather between northern and southern region). Also consider adding fahrenheit conversions for the temperatures.