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User:Alessandro Varalda

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This user is associated with Uppsala University, in Sweden.

Alessandro Varalda
Occupation: PhD Student

Department: Department of Information Technology
University: Uppsala University
Project: Uppsala University Wikipedia project

About me

Alessandro Varalda was born in Vercelli (Italy) in December 1996.

He received the B.Sc. degree in Electronic Engineering (September 2018) and the M.Sc. degree in Mechatronics Engineering (July 2021) from Politecnico di Torino (Turin, Italy).

In July 2020, he moved to Pisa (Italy) in order to work at the Biorobotic Institute of Scuola Superiore Sant Anna on his master thesis “Definition of a high-level firmware for the optimization of Mia Hand grasp and energy consume”.

From September 2021 to August 2023, he worked as a Research Assistant at Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna, under the Artificial Hands Area. Here, he conducted formal research for an EU project entitle “Wireless Brain-Connect interface to machines: B-CRATOS” and for an industrial project funded by the Swisse company INPECO SA. His research concerned about: power consumption optimization for upper-limb prosthetics, e-skin design for prosthetics hand with bio- inspired sensor integration and embedded firmware for industrial automation.

Since September 2023, he is enrolled as a PhD student at the Division of Systems and Control, Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, Sweden.

His current research, titled “Closing the loop in real-time cyber-neural systems”, aims to exploit the application of fundamental topics of control theory, with a particular interest toward discrete-time fractional order system, to the field of neuroscience. His ultimate goal is to define a new robust framework intended to treat neurological diseases such as Epilepsy.

Research area

Automatic Control; Neuroengineering;