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Muzaffer Corlu

The award-winning classical guitarist, Muzaffer Corlu, has performed at music festivals and concerts worldwide, has been the Former Vice Chair of Music and Performing Arts at Yildiz Technical University in Istanbul and is a successful recording artist, competition judge and music radio presenter. Currently he is a PhD researcher at IPEM, University of Ghent.

Muzaffer Corlu was born in Munich Germany and after experimenting with various instruments had his first guitar lesson with Krikor Turutyan and later studied under Prof. Humberto Quesquen at the Musikschule Krefeld in Germany. There, he was introduced to the complete works of Francisco Tárrega, considered to have laid the foundations for 20th century classical guitar, and Heitor Villa-Lobos who has become the best-known and most significant Latin American composer of all time. He also studied Master Classes with Prof. Michael Koch in Lienz, Austria.

Muzaffer Corlu’s first and most famous recording was with the Scarlatti Guitar Duo which he formed in 1999 and included the works of Belevi, Sor, Vivaldi, Carulli and Scarlatti. He also founded and plays with Turkey’s first professional guitar orchestra, Collegium Cithara. In 2003 he was awarded ‘The Artist of the Year - Classical Guitar” by the Mujdat Gezen Art Foundation. He has given recitals as a soloist for State Philharmonic Concerts and numerous recitals.

Along with his musical achievements, Muzaffer Corlu holds an MA degree in Communication, an MBA in International Business and a BSc in Psychology. He has had many articles published and given talks on subjects such as “Spanish Romanticism, Flamenco and Classical Guitar”, “Afro-Cuban Music Tradition” and “Upon John Williams”. He has also studied and given lectures on ‘Music Performance Anxiety’ and ‘Stage Fright.’ At a number of International Cognitive Neurology Congresses as well as TEDx talks he has addressed keynotes on the “Potentials of Dyslectics in Communication Design Education”, “The Mozart Effect’’, and the “Brain and Music”.

Currently he is a researcher at The Institute of Psychoacoustics and Electronic Music, University of Ghent.