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Hello! My name is Alexandra Ley. I'm a volunteer writer and editor based in Washington, D.C. and originally from New England. I'm a proud alumna of Miss Porter's School and Barnard College of Columbia University, and received my M.A. in Theatre History & Criticism from The Catholic University of America in 2018. For money, I work in arts administration, and for love, I am the Literary Manager of the theatrical arm of Solas Nua.

I am an avid bibliophile who watches too much television and drinks too much Dunkin Donuts coffee. In general, I'm very interested in American history, theatre (particularly musical theatre history), Irish culture, wine, and Dungeons & Dragons. In my free time, I like to read, play bar trivia, obsess over television shows, practice yoga, root for the New York Mets, and see plays. I look forward to contributing to the Wikipedia community!