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From: Sri Tapan Kumar Bhattacharya (Nominee of Late Amal Kumar Bhattacharyya) 24 Thakur Para Road, P.O. Bhatpara , Dist. North 24 Parganas West Bengal, Pin. 743123 Mo.919477487864

Sh. P.K. Sharma, General Manager, UCO BANK, General Administration & Customer Service Department, 1B, Russel Street, Kolkata – 700071 Sub.Complainsts against the then Branch Manager of Mamudpur, Mr.Swapan

                  Kumar Bhattacharyya for forgery, underhand deal & illegal payment to 
                  the unauthorized Person ignoring the actual nominee after destroying the 
                  nomination paper from the deceased’s file --request enquiry and pay my legal 
                  claims ( Branch Code No. 1610)
        Ref:1. My application to the Branch Manager,UCO Bank, Mamudpur dt.29.09.2014

2. Reply of Branch Manager, Mamudpur dt.21.10.2014

3. Signed Copy of Nomination in my favor submitted in Prescribed Bank’s

                  Format by Late Amal Kumar Bhattacharyya on 04.09.2008.

4. FD Nos. Ky- 23876, 23975. 23976, 23977 / 07 /08 ,35462,35463 – Total

                   amounting INR 1043605.00( Subsequently those Nos.were Changed 
                   accordingly to feed into the computer for digitalization by the BM, UCO 
                   Bank, Mamudpur).
               5. Late Amal Kumar Bhattacharyya , SB, A/c. No. 1998


 With due honor, I give below the following facts for your kind intervention to enquire how the legal nominee is deprived & denied due to the conspiracy of Branch Manager ,Mamudpur on underhand deal and destroying the Nomination Form, from the(Bank)

deceased File:

        a)  My cousin Brother Late Amal Kunar Bhattacharyya of 38 B, Mahamohopadhya  
             Lane , P.O. Bhatpara , Dist,. North 24 Parganas , West Bengal, Pin. 743123,  
             suddenly expired on 22.06.2010 at the age of 75 years (SB, A/c. No. 1998).

b) It is understood that Mr. Ashim Kumar Bhattacharyya who has drawn the payment of all the FDs on production of a succession certificate, who has no

    connection with the deceased, rather there was extreme enmity and partition Suit is  
     still pending. 
     In this circumstances having best relations with me , Late Amal Kumar     
     Bhattacharyya nominated me in his FDs as in Ref. in 4 and one Xerox copy under 
     his signature on the prescribed Bank’s Format handed over to me for future   
     claims by me  to avoid any discrepancies.

c) Unfortunately, I came to know that 6 Fixed Deposits have already been cashed by Mr. Ashim Kr. Bhattacharyya by got up with the Branch Manager Mr. Swapan Kumar Bhattacharyya who destroyed the Nomination Form from the Bank’s File & knowingly, accepted a succession certificate which was prepared hiding the truth where another 3 elders brothers. Of Mr. Ashim Bhattacharyya were kept in dark.

d) On 29.09.2014 I have applied to the BM, Mamudpur that I being the nominee of the deseed A/c. holder, to release the amount after observing all the formalities as per Bank’s Rule.

e) I am very sorry to inform you that the BM, Mamudpur replied vide letter No. nil dt.21.10.2014 that payment has already made.to Mr. Ashim KumarBhattacharjee On 11.04.2013 of INR 1118226.66 (Appox.)

            In this circumstances , I would request you to pay my dues and enquire how the 
       then BM,  Mamudpur paid to a unauthorized person by destroying my nomination  
       form .
           If no action is taken I will have no alternate than to seek legal help.
           Trust, this will find your favorable consideration.

Dated 09.11.2014 Yours faithfully,

                                                                ( TAPAN KUMAR BHATTACHARYYA)

Enclosed Xerox copy of;

                i) My application
               ii) Nomination Form submitted on 04.09.2008 duly signed by Late Amal
                                                                                                            Kr. Bhattacharyya
              iii) Reply of Branch Manager UCO Bank , Mamudpur  dt.21.10.2014

Copy to

1) Shri M.S. Soy                                    For information & necessary action pl.
   C/o Reserve Bank of India
   15, Nethaji Subhas Road
   Kolkata-700 001
2) All concerned of  UCO BANK MANAGEMENT---For necessary action pl.
3) To
    The Branch Manager,
    UCO Bank, Mamudpur
    Dist. North 24 Pgs.(mamudp@ucobank.co.in)

Fraud,forgery & cheating

From: Smt. Puspa Ghosh, D/o Late Kanai Lal Ghosh Vill.Panpur P.O. Narayanpur, Dist. 24 Parganas (North) West Bengal; Pin 743126 Mo.9804664474


The Principal Controller Of Defence Accounts (Prnsions) Office Of the PCDA (Pensions) Draupadi Ghat Allahabad-211014

                      Sub. Sanction of  Family Pension in r/o Smt. PUSPA GHOSH
                               Unmarried daughter of Late Kanai Lal Ghosh, Ex. LD/    
                               Typist  (MES 8458649) ,of ESD (M ), Kankinara 24Pgs.(North), 

Ref. 1. ESD (M) , Kankinara Letter No.1905/PG/57/E1(NI) Pension Dated 24.07.2014 addressed to CGDA Copy forwarded to

                               PCDA(P) and to me

2 O/O PCDA(P) letter No. NO.GI/C/ENG/CGDA/XII Dated

     04/07/2014 addressed to The commandant and Copy to me

3. O/O The P.C.D.A (P),Allahabad Letter No. GI/ C/ ENG/

    KLGHOSH/ XII Dated 11.07.2014 (Copy forwarded to The  
    Commandant, ESD(M),  Kankinara.)

Respected Sir,

  With due honor this is to inform you that it is under stood as per above Ref.1 dated 24.07 2014 that ESD(M) , Kankinara  has already submitted all my F.P. claims to PCDA(P) vide their office letter No.1905/PG/48/E1(NI)Pension dt.13.05.2014  for your necessary action pl.
  It is clearly mentioned in the above Ref..2 addressed to the commandant ESD(M) and copied to me that Dy. CDA has approved my family pension as final , necessary PPO will be issued to me after receiving claims from my father’s HOO
  As per Ref.3 again it is stated that you have confirmed that my case is considered and informed ESD(M) to expedite to submit my F.P. claims.
  On 12.08.2012 My elder brother visited ESD(M) to expedite the matter and contacted with the man concerned Mr. Dilip Babu who told that they have already forwarded all the F.P. Claims as per above Ref.1 and they have nothing to do and it is pending to PCDA(P) 

for appropriate action at their end.

  Your good self may kindly  please look into the matter so that it is not delayed due to the communication gap between ESD(M) and PCDA(P) and my F.P. is sanction at the earliest as it is pending since August 2012.
   Thanking you,

Dated 13.08.2014 Yours faithfully,


Copy for information and necessary action if any 1. To

   The Commandant,
   ESD (M), Kankinara,
   P.O. ESD (M)
  24 Pgs. (North), West Bengal

2) The Director (PP),

   Department of Pension & Pensioners Welfare,
   Min. Of Personnel, Public Grievance & Pension,
   Room No.320, Lok Nayak Bhavan Market,
   New Delhi-110003

3) To

   The Hon’ble PM of India

4. CGDA , New Delhi

Heading text


From :Sri Alik Bhattacharjee 44, Bindubasini Road ,

            P.O. Bhatpara, Dist. 24 Pgs.(North), 
            Pin. 743123,    West Bengal 

E.mail : alik_in_kolkata@yahoo.co.in To The Additional Director, East Zone , CGHS, H-Block, Vikas Marg, Laxmi Nagar, New Delhi

                      Sub.: Non co-operation, harassment, inhuman behavior, vindictive attitude
                               & negative motivation to the senior citizen CGHS patient by Dr. B. 
                               Paul of kolkata, Shyambazar Wellness Centre (W.C. No.5), request

Enquiry & restraint of: Ref.: Beneficiary Id.438072, Date of incident: 11/07/2014, Serial No.20

                               Token No.222866


With due honor I would request your kind intervention to enquire & investigate under

which circumstances, I being a Senior citizen patient, why under which circumstances I have been harassed, misbehaved & non co operated by Dr. B. Paul of Kolkata WC No.5

I lay before you the following facts for your kind perusal please:

1.On 11.07.2014 in my turn at serial No.20, I have reported Dr. B. Paul to refer some Tests as advised by the Urologist of R.G.KAR Medical College & Hospital

2. As usual, Dr. Paul handed over me a computerized print out copy referring those tests from any CGHS authorized diagnostic Centre.

3. In the said computerized copy most of the letters/words were indistincts, invisible, broken, incomplete, hazy, improper and not in a position to read out.

4. Being confused ,after 5 minutes, again, I have entered at Dr. Paul’s chamber, indirectly to draw attention of Dr. Paul ,wanted to know whether a separate list for Blood Test is to be provided to me or not, Dr. Paul replied that “every thing is written on the sheet”.

5. I was on empty stomach since 10.07.2014 night, so as to perform those tests from my nearest Maa Durga Diagnostic Centre, P-62, C.I.T. Scheme NoVII-M , kolkata-700054

6.At about 10 AM on 11.07.2014 I have reported to the concerned sister to collect my Blood as I was on empty stomach, on humanitarian ground the said sister collected my Blood but refused to accept the said referred computerized paper which was handed over by Dr. Paul as it was indistinct/incomplete/invisible/improper/hazy/broken letters etc.

7. The In charge of Maa Durga Diagnostic Centre refused to carry out any test until and unless the said referred letter as mentioned on the computerized copy is hand written by the Dr. of CGHS ,WC Shyambazar and has given me one hour time to get it done from Dr. Paul as it was not acceptable.

8. Having no alternate, in this old age and sick health at about at 10.25 AM I came back to WC-05, Shyambazar and requested Dr. B. Paul to write all those tests by hand and informed him in detailed the difficulties faced by me, he became angered, shouted rudely and told”I have done my duties and I am the last person to write it, you can go to else where “and refused, it is not understood Dr. Paul being a learned, respected, responsible man .and creamy lair of the society how he can behave such nastily and rudely with an old sick patient. .

9. Then, I have reported the incident to CMO Dr. Susmita Das who realized the matter and requested Dr. Paul to write by hand and instructed me to get it done from Dr. Paul

10. When ,I came to Dr. Paul, he was very much annoyed,excited, shouted, rudely told me that I am only doing it for the request of CMO otherwise I was the last person to do it he just behaved with me that I am his enemy as if I am harassing him.

11. Then, at about11 AM, I have reported to the said Diagnostic Centre to complete the referred tests.

Please look into the matter seriously and please ensure that in future no one has to suffer, harassed, heckled, due to the laps on the part of dignified management staffs.

Thanking you,

                                                                            Yours faithfully,

Dated 12.07.2014 Alik Kumar Bhattacharjee Ex. Junior Works Manager, Rifle Factory ,Ishapore §